Richard Kabzems
Richard Kabzems
BC Ministry Forests, Lands, Natural Resource Operations and Rural Development
在 gov.bc.ca 的电子邮件经过验证
Decomposition of broadleaf and needle litter in forests of British Columbia: influences of litter type, forest type, and litter mixtures
CE Prescott, LM Zabek, CL Staley, R Kabzems
Canadian Journal of Forest Research 30 (11), 1742-1750, 2000
Effects of soil compaction and forest floor removal on soil microbial properties and N transformations in a boreal forest long-term soil productivity study
X Tan, SX Chang, R Kabzems
Forest Ecology and Management 217 (2-3), 158-170, 2005
Soil compaction and forest floor removal reduced microbial biomass and enzyme activities in a boreal aspen forest soil
X Tan, SX Chang, R Kabzems
Biology and Fertility of Soils 44, 471-479, 2008
Effects of organic matter removal, soil compaction, and vegetation control on 5-year seedling performance: a regional comparison of Long-Term Soil Productivity sites
RL Fleming, RF Powers, NW Foster, JM Kranabetter, DA Scott, ...
Canadian Journal of Forest Research 36 (3), 529-550, 2006
Effects of organic matter removal, soil compaction and vegetation control on 10th year biomass and foliar nutrition: LTSP continent-wide comparisons
F Ponder Jr, RL Fleming, S Berch, MD Busse, JD Elioff, PW Hazlett, ...
Forest Ecology and Management 278, 35-54, 2012
Site index, site quality, and foliar nutrients of trembling aspen: relationships and predictions
HYH Chen, K Klinka, RD Kabzems
Canadian Journal of Forest Research 28 (12), 1743-1755, 1998
Effects of tree harvesting, forest floor removal, and compaction on soil microbial biomass, microbial respiration, and N availability in a boreal aspen forest in British Columbia
L Mariani, SX Chang, R Kabzems
Soil Biology and Biochemistry 38 (7), 1734-1744, 2006
Implications of selected approaches for regenerating and managing western boreal mixedwoods
PG Comeau, R Kabzems, J McClarnon, JL Heineman
The Forestry Chronicle 81 (4), 559-574, 2005
Effects of fertilization on decomposition rate of Populus tremuloides foliar litter in a boreal forest
CE Prescott, R Kabzems, LM Zabek
Canadian Journal of Forest Research 29 (3), 393-397, 1999
Soil properties, aspen, and white spruce responses 5 years after organic matter removal and compaction treatments
R Kabzems, S Haeussler
Canadian Journal of Forest Research 35 (8), 2045-2055, 2005
Structure and dynamics of trembling aspen white spruce mixed stands near Fort Nelson, BC
R Kabzems, O García
Canadian Journal of Forest Research 34 (2), 384-395, 2004
Height growth and site index models for trembling aspen (Populus tremuloides Michx.) in northern British Columbia
HYH Chen, K Klinka, RD Kabzems
Forest Ecology and Management 102 (2-3), 157-165, 1998
Corrigendum to: Growth of white spruce underplanted beneath spaced and unspaced aspen stands in northeastern BC—10 year results
PG Comeau, CN Filipescu, R Kabzems, C DeLong
Forest ecology and management 257 (7), 1629-1636, 2009
Aspen plant community response to organic matter removal and soil compaction
S Haeussler, R Kabzems
Canadian Journal of Forest Research 35 (8), 2030-2044, 2005
Initial quantitative characterization of soil nutrient regimes. II. Relationships among soils, vegetation, and site index
RD Kabzems, K Klinka
Canadian journal of forest research 17 (12), 1565-1571, 1987
Regeneration, Growth and Development of Picea glauca under Populus spp
R Kabzems, JD Lousier
Canopy in the Boreal White and Black Spruce Zone. Canada British-Columbia …, 1992
Managed mixtures of aspen and white spruce 21 to 25 years after establishment
R Kabzems, M Bokalo, PG Comeau, DA MacIsaac
Forests 7 (1), 5, 2015
Initial quantitative characterization of soil nutrient regimes. I. Soil properties
RD Kabzems, K Klinka
Canadian journal of forest research 17 (12), 1557-1564, 1987
Growing trembling aspen and white spruce intimate mixtures: Early results (13—17 years) and future projections
R Kabzems, AL Nemec, C Farnden
Journal of Ecosystems and Management, 2007
Aspen development on similar soils in Minnesota and British Columbia after compaction and forest floor removal
DM Stone, R Kabzems
The Forestry Chronicle 78 (6), 886-891, 2002
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