Alessandro Bragagni
Alessandro Bragagni
Institute of Marine Sciences (ISMAR) - Italian National Research Council (CNR)
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Ultra-high pressure and ultra-reduced minerals in ophiolites may form by lightning strikes
C Ballhaus, R Wirth, ROC Fonseca, H Blanchard, W Pröll, A Bragagni, ...
Geochemical Perspectives Letters 5, 42-46, 2017
Platinum-group elements fractionation by selective complexing, the Os, Ir, Ru, Rh-arsenide-sulfide systems above 1020° C
HM Helmy, A Bragagni
Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta 216, 169-183, 2017
Recycling of crystal mush-derived melts and short magma residence times revealed by U-series disequilibria at Stromboli volcano
A Bragagni, R Avanzinelli, H Freymuth, L Francalanci
Earth and Planetary Science Letters 404, 206-219, 2014
Mineralogical control of selenium, tellurium and highly siderophile elements in the Earth’s mantle: Evidence from mineral separates of ultra-depleted mantle residues
S König, M Lissner, JP Lorand, A Bragagni, A Luguet
Chemical Geology 396, 16-24, 2015
A carbon-rich lithospheric mantle as a source for the large CO2 emissions of Etna volcano (Italy)
A Bragagni, F Mastroianni, C Münker, S Conticelli, R Avanzinelli
Geology 50 (4), 486-490, 2022
Determination of In and Sn mass fractions in sixteen geological reference materials by isotope dilution MC‐ICP‐MS
M Kirchenbaur, A Heuser, A Bragagni, F Wombacher
Geostandards and Geoanalytical Research 42 (3), 361-377, 2018
Reply to Comment on “Ultra-high pressure and ultra-reduced minerals in ophiolites may form by lightning strikes” by Griffin et al. 2018: No evidence for transition zone …
C Ballhaus, ROC Fonseca, A Bragagni
Geochemical Perspectives Letters 7, 3-4, 2018
Fractionation of Rhenium from Osmium during noble metal alloy formation in association with sulfides: Implications for the interpretation of model ages in alloy-bearing …
ROC Fonseca, K Brückel, A Bragagni, FP Leitzke, IM Speelmanns, ...
Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta 216, 184-200, 2017
Determination of Cu, Zn, Ga, Ag, Cd, In, Sn and Tl in geological reference materials and chondrites by isotope dilution ICP‐MS
N Braukmüller, F Wombacher, A Bragagni, C Münker
Geostandards and Geoanalytical Research 44 (4), 733-752, 2020
The geological record of base metal sulfides in the cratonic mantle: A microscale 187Os/188Os study of peridotite xenoliths from Somerset Island, Rae Craton (Canada)
A Bragagni, A Luguet, ROC Fonseca, DG Pearson, JP Lorand, GM Nowell, ...
Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta 216, 264-285, 2017
Tracing highly siderophile elements through subduction: Insights from high-pressure serpentinites and ‘hybrid’rocks from Alpine Corsica
RJ Crossley, KA Evans, NJ Evans, A Bragagni, BJ McDonald, SM Reddy, ...
Journal of Petrology 61 (2), egaa030, 2020
Reply 2 to comment on “Ultra-high pressure and ultra-reduced minerals in ophiolites may form by lightning strikes”
C Ballhaus, H Blanchard, ROC Fonseca, A Bragagni
Geochemical Perspectives Letter 8, 8-10, 2018
Upper mantle control on the W isotope record of shallow level plume and intraplate volcanic settings
MW Jansen, J Tusch, C Münker, A Bragagni, R Avanzinelli, F Mastroianni, ...
Earth and Planetary Science Letters 585, 117507, 2022
Mass-independent Sn isotope fractionation and radiogenic 115Sn in chondrites and terrestrial rocks
A Bragagni, F Wombacher, M Kirchenbaur, N Braukmüller, C Münker
Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta 344, 40-58, 2023
Re-Os and HSE in individual base metal sulfide grains: Evaluating micro-analytical procedures using a sulfide reference material
A Bragagni, D Van Acken, ROC Fonseca, IM Speelmanns, AN Wainwright, ...
Chemical geology 493, 426-440, 2018
Time-space variations in the East African Rift magmatism: the role of different mantle domains
A Bragagni, E Braschi, A Orlando, L Guarnieri, G Corti, S Tommasini
Italian Journal of Geosciences 142, 83-101, 2023
Re-Os geochronology of base metal sulfides from cratonic mantle xenoliths
A Bragagni
Universitäts-und Landesbibliothek Bonn, 2016
The trace element distribution in peat soils affected by natural burning events: A proxy of the original composition and metals mobility assessment
C Natali, M Ferrari, A Bragagni, G Bianchini, GM Salani, R Avanzinelli, ...
Science of the Total Environment 905, 167826, 2023
Ruthenium Isotope Composition of Terrestrial Impact Rocks A New Tool for Deducing Genetic Signatures of Meteoritic Projectiles
M Fischer-Gödde, J Tusch, S Goderis, A Bragagni, T Mohr-Westheide, ...
54th Lunar and Planetary Science Conference 2806, 2313, 2023
Linking mantle melting and eruption rates at Stromboli volcano: a U-series perspective
R Avanzinelli, A Bragagni, L Francalanci, H Freymuth, T Elliott
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