Cornelia Brantner
Cornelia Brantner
Professor, Department of Geography, Media and Communication, Karlstad University
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Effects of visual framing on emotional responses and evaluations of news stories about the Gaza conflict 2009
C Brantner, K Lobinger, I Wetzstein
Journalism & Mass Communication Quarterly 88 (3), 523-540, 2011
In the eye of the beholder: Subjective views on the authenticity of selfies
K Lobinger, C Brantner
International Journal of Communication 9, 1848-1860, 2015
Memes against sexism? A multi-method analysis of the feminist protest hashtag #distractinglysexy and its resonance in the mainstream news media
C Brantner, K Lobinger, M Stehling
Convergence 26 (3), 674-696, 2020
Likable, funny or ridiculous? A Q-sort study on audience perceptions of visual portrayals of politicians
K Lobinger, C Brantner
Visual Communication 14 (1), 15-40, 2015
Space and place matters: A tool for the analysis of geolocated and mapped protests
JR Rodríguez-Amat, C Brantner
New Media & Society 18 (6), 1027-1046, 2016
Picture-sorting techniques: Card sorting and Q-sort as alternative and complementary approaches in visual social research
K Lobinger, C Brantner
The SAGE handbook of visual research methods 2, 309-321, 2020
Imagining big data: Illustrations of “big data” in US news articles, 2010–2016
C Pentzold, C Brantner, L Foelsche
New Media & Society 21 (1), 139-167, 2019
Fractured Paradigm? Theorien, Konzepte und Methoden der visuellen Framingforschung: Ergebnisse einer systematischen Literaturschau
S Geise, K Lobinger, C Brantner
Visual Framing. Perspektiven und Herausforderungen der Visuellen …, 2013
New “danger zone” in Europe: Representations of place in social media–supported protests
C Brantner, J Rodriguez-Amat
International Journal of Communication 10, 299-320, 2016
Just another day on Twitter: a complete 24 hours of Twitter data
J Pfeffer, D Matter, K Jaidka, O Varol, A Mashhadi, J Lasser, ...
Proceedings of the international AAAI conference on web and social media 17 …, 2023
Campaign comics: The use of comic books for strategic political communication
C Brantner, K Lobinger
International Journal of Communication 8, 27, 2014
Europeanisation of national public spheres: Empirical evidence from Austria
C Brantner, A Dietrich, F Saurwein
First European Communication Conference, Amsterdam, 7, 2005
Fractured Paradigm? Theories, concepts and methodology of visual framing research: a systematic review
C Brantner, S Geise, K Lobinger
Annual Conference of the International Communication Association (ICA …, 2013
Masking the offense? An ethical view on humor in advertising
K Förster, C Brantner
Journal of Media Ethics 31 (3), 146-161, 2016
Europäisierung der österreichischen Öffentlichkeit: Mediale Aufmerksamkeit für EU-Politik und der veröffentlichte Diskurs über die EU-Erweiterung
F Saurwein, C Brantner, A Dietrich
Forschungsbericht im Rahmen des Forschungsprogramms" new orientations for …, 2006
Structures of the public sphere: Contested spaces as assembled interfaces
C Brantner, JR Rodríguez-Amat, Y Belinskaya
Media and communication 9 (3), 16-27, 2021
‘The life of a new generation’: Content, values and mainstream media perception of transcultural ethnic media–An Austrian case
C Brantner, P Herczeg
Communications-The European Journal of Communication Research 38 (2), 211-235, 2013
Content analysis of Twitter: Big data, big studies
C Brantner, J Pfeffer
The Routledge handbook of developments in digital journalism studies, 79-92, 2018
How visible is communication studies? Press coverage of the discipline in three German-language quality newspapers
C Brantner, B Huber
SCM: Studies in Communication | Media 2 (2), 247-264, 2013
Different ways of seeing political depictions: A qualitative–quantitative analysis using Q methodology
K Lobinger, C Brantner
Communications 41 (1), 47-69, 2016
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