Thomas Li-Ping Tang, Ph.D.
Thomas Li-Ping Tang, Ph.D.
Professor of Management, Middle Tennessee State University
在 mtsu.edu 的电子邮件经过验证
The meaning of money revisited
TLP Tang
Journal of organizational behavior, 197-202, 1992
An examination of organizational trust antecedents
JA Gilbert, TLP Tang
Public personnel management 27 (3), 321-338, 1998
Income, money ethic, pay satisfaction, commitment, and unethical behavior: Is the love of money the root of evil for Hong Kong employees?
TLP Tang, RK Chiu
Journal of business ethics 46, 13-30, 2003
Job satisfaction and organizational citizenship behavior (OCB) Does team commitment make a difference in self‐directed teams?
DA Foote, T Li‐Ping Tang
Management Decision 46 (6), 933-947, 2008
Distributive and procedural justice as related to satisfaction and commitment.
TLP Tang, LJ Sarsfield-Baldwin
Does moral leadership enhance employee creativity? Employee identification with the leader and leader-member exchange (LMX) as two mediators: Discovery from China’s emergent market
Q Gu, TLP Tang, W Jiang
Monetary Wisdom, 277-294, 2024
Intelligence vs. wisdom: The love of money, Machiavellianism, and unethical behavior across college major and gender
TLP Tang, YJ Chen
Journal of business ethics 82, 1-26, 2008
Retaining and motivating employees: Compensation preferences in Hong Kong and China
RK Chiu, VWM Luk, TLP Tang
Personnel review 31 (4), 402-431, 2002
Does attitude toward money moderate the relationship between intrinsic job satisfaction and voluntary turnover?
T Li-Ping Tang, JK Kim, D Shin-Hsiung Tang
Human relations 53 (2), 213-245, 2000
The development of a short money ethic scale: Attitudes toward money and pay satisfaction revisited
TLP Tang
Personality and individual differences 19 (6), 809-816, 1995
The meaning of money: Extension and exploration of the money ethic scale in a sample of university students in Taiwan
TLP Tang
Journal of organizational behavior, 93-99, 1993
Antecedents of organizational citizenship behavior revisited: Public personnel in the United States and in the Middle East
TLP Tang, AHS Ibrahim
Public Personnel Management 27 (4), 529-550, 1998
Bad apples in bad (business) barrels: The love of money, Machiavellianism, risk tolerance, and unethical behavior
T Li‐Ping Tang, YJ Chen, T Sutarso
Management Decision 46 (2), 243-263, 2008
Attitudes toward money as related to intrinsic and extrinsic job satisfaction, stress and work-related attitudes
TLP Tang, PR Gilbert
Personality and Individual Differences 19 (3), 327-332, 1995
Does the love of money moderate the relationship between public service motivation and job satisfaction? The case of Chinese professionals in the public sector
BC Liu, TLP Tang
Public Administration Review 71 (5), 718-727, 2011
Students’ perceptions of teaching technologies, application of technologies, and academic performance
TLP Tang, MJ Austin
Computers & education 53 (4), 1241-1255, 2009
Income and quality of life: Does the love of money make a difference?
TLP Tang
Journal of Business Ethics 72 (4), 375-393, 2007
The love of money, satisfaction, and the protestant work ethic: Money profiles among univesity professors in the USA and Spain
R Luna-Arocas, TLP Tang
Journal of business Ethics 50, 329-354, 2004
Attitude toward and propensity to engage in unethical behavior: Measurement invariance across major among university students
YJ Chen, TLP Tang
Journal of Business Ethics 69, 77-93, 2006
The effects of hardiness, police stress, and life stress on police officers' illness and absenteeism
TLP Tang, ML Hammontree
Public Personnel Management 21 (4), 493-510, 1992
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