Joni Lämsä
Joni Lämsä
Postdoctoral researcher, University of Oulu
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Understanding teaching professionals' digital competence: What do PIAAC and TALIS reveal about technology-related skills, attitudes, and knowledge?
R Hämäläinen, K Nissinen, J Mannonen, J Lämsä, K Leino, M Taajamo
Computers in human behavior 117, 106672, 2021
PISA 18: ensituloksia. Suomi parhaiden joukossa
K Leino, AK Ahonen, N Hienonen, J Hiltunen, M Lintuvuori, S Lähteinen, ...
Opetus-ja kulttuuriministeriön julkaisuja, 2019
Games for enhancing basic reading and maths skills: A systematic review of educational game design in supporting learning by people with learning disabilities
J Lämsä, R Hämäläinen, M Aro, R Koskimaa, SM Äyrämö
British Journal of Educational Technology 49 (4), 596-607, 2018
Primetime learning: collaborative and technology-enhanced studying with genuine teacher presence
P Koskinen, J Lämsä, J Maunuksela, R Hämäläinen, J Viiri
International journal of STEM education 5 (1), 1-13, 2018
What do we do when we analyse the temporal aspects of computer-supported collaborative learning? A systematic literature review
J Lämsä, R Hämäläinen, P Koskinen, J Viiri, E Lampi
Educational Research Review 33, 100387, 2021
Visualising the temporal aspects of collaborative inquiry-based learning processes in technology-enhanced physics learning
J Lämsä, R Hämäläinen, P Koskinen, J Viiri
International Journal of science education 40 (14), 1697-1717, 2018
The potential of temporal analysis: Combining log data and lag sequential analysis to investigate temporal differences between scaffolded and non-scaffolded group inquiry-based …
J Lämsä, R Hämäläinen, P Koskinen, J Viiri, J Mannonen
Computers & Education 143, 103674, 2020
Deep networks for collaboration analytics: Promoting automatic analysis of face-to-face interaction in the context of inquiry-based learning
J Lämsä, P Uribe, A Jiménez, D Caballero, R Hämäläinen, R Araya
Journal of Learning Analytics 8 (1), 2021
Temporal perspective on the gender-related differences in online learning behaviour
H Wang, A Tlili, J Lämsä, Z Cai, X Zhong, R Huang
Behaviour & Information Technology 42 (6), 671-685, 2023
Teacher trainees' experiences of the components of ICT competencies and key factors in ICT competence development in work-based vocational teacher training in Finland
J Vilppola, J Lämsä, K Vähäsantanen, R Hämäläinen
International Journal for Research in Vocational Education and Training …, 2022
It’s not only what you say, but how you say it: Investigating the potential of prosodic analysis as a method to study teacher’s talk
R Hämäläinen, B De Wever, T Waaramaa, AM Laukkanen, J Lämsä
Frontline Learning Research 6 (3), 2018
Automatic content analysis of computer-supported collaborative inquiry-based learning using deep networks and attention mechanisms
P Uribe, A Jiménez, R Araya, J Lämsä, R Hämäläinen, J Viiri
Methodologies and Intelligent Systems for Technology Enhanced Learning, 10th …, 2020
Hydro-mechanical modelling of MX-80 bentonite: one dimensional study
AA Abed, M Laitinen, J Lämsä, T Harjupatana, WT Sołowski, M Kataja
E3S web of conferences 9, 18005, 2016
Automatic content analysis in collaborative inquiry-based learning
C Espinoza, J Lämsä, R Araya, R Hämäläinen, A Jimenez, R Gormaz, ...
European Science Education Research Association Conference, 2019
The Focus and Timing of Gaze Matters: Investigating Collaborative Knowledge Construction in a Simulation-Based Environment by Combined Video and Eye Tracking
J Lämsä, J Kotkajuuri, A Lehtinen, P Koskinen, T Mäntylä, J Kilpeläinen, ...
Frontiers in Education 7 (942224), 2022
Lifelong learner needs for human-centered self-regulated learning analytics
A Nguyen, J Lämsä, A Dwiarie, S Järvelä
Information and Learning Sciences 125 (1/2), 68-108, 2024
Capturing cognitive load management during authentic virtual reality flight training with behavioural and physiological indicators
J Lämsä, J Mannonen, A Tuhkala, V Heilala, A Helovuo, I Tynkkynen, ...
Journal of computer assisted learning 39 (5), 1553-1563, 2023
Developing the temporal analysis for computer-supported collaborative learning in the context of scaffolded inquiry
J Lämsä
JYU dissertations, 2020
Ruotiminen: Toimintamalli harjoitustehtävien läpikäyntiin
P Koskinen, J Lämsä
Yliopistopedagogiikka 26 (2), 2019
Personalized support features learners expect from self-regulated learning analytics
A Dwiarie, A Nguyen, J Lämsä, S Järvelä
IEEE International Conference on Advanced Learning Technologies, 2023
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