Adam Faroqi
Adam Faroqi
在 uinsgd.ac.id 的电子邮件经过验证
Perancangan Alat Pendeteksi Kadar polusi Udara Mengunakan Sensor Gas MQ-7 dengan Teknologi Wireless HC-05
A Faroqi, DK Halim, MS WS, EP Hadisantoso
Jurnal Istek 10 (2), 2017
Implementation of automation system for humidity monitoring and irrigation system
L Kamelia, MA Ramdhani, A Faroqi, V Rifadiapriyana
IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering 288, 012092, 2018
Aplikasi multimedia interaktif pembelajaran membaca, menulis, berhitung (Calistung)
A Faroqi, B Maula
Jurnal Istek 8 (2), 2014
Review of microscopic model for traffic flow
R Mardiati, N Ismail, A Faroqi
ARPN Journal of Engineering and Applied sciences 9 (10), 1794-1800, 2014
Perancangan sistem kontrol otomatis lampu menggunakan metode pengenalan suara berbasis arduino
A Faroqi, MS WS, R Nugraha
TELKA-Jurnal Telekomunikasi, Elektronika, Komputasi dan Kontrol 2 (2), 106-117, 2016
Design of arduino uno based duck egg hatching machine with sensor DHT22 and PIR sensor
A Faroqi, MR Efendi, DT Ismail, W Darmalaksana
2020 6th International Conference on Wireless and Telematics (ICWT), 1-4, 2020
On The Design of Array Microstrip Antenna with S-Band Frequency for Radar Communication
A Faroqi, F Zaelani, R Kariadinata, MA Ramdhani
IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering 288 (1), 012006, 2018
The Implementation of Alert System for LAN Network Monitoring Using the Dude Based Email
EAZ Hamidi, LS Dzudin, A Faroqi, MA Ramdhani
IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering 288 (1), 012054, 2018
Automatic water clarity monitoring and filtration system using light dependent resistor based on arduino uno
A Faroqi, MA Ramdhani, L Kamelia, C Hidayat, A Rofiq
2018 4th International Conference on Wireless and Telematics (ICWT), 1-4, 2018
Pembuatan Game Slider Puzzle Menggunakan Metode Steepest Ascent Hill Climbing Berbasis Android
W Uriawan, A Faroqi, R Fathonah
Jurnal Istek 9 (1), 2015
Rancang Bangun Media Pembelajaran Mengenal Anggota Tubuh Manusia Menggunakan Teknologi Augmented Reality Untuk TK/Paud Berbasis Android
A Latifah, REG Rahayu, A Faroqi
Jurnal Algoritma 17 (2), 378-385, 2020
Automatic door control system using SMS Gateway base on Arduino Uno and ultrasonic sensor
A Faroqi, A Fitriadi, NU Adiningsih, MA Ramdhani
International Journal of Engineering & Technology (UEA) 7 (3.4), 122-126, 2018
Portal Mui Online: Optimalisasi Dakwah Islam Melalui Internet (Studi Kasus MUI Kecamatan Ujungberung)
A Faroqi, N Ismail
Jurnal Istek 7 (1), 2013
Design of a cage temperature monitoring system and microcontroller base on automatic chicken feeder
A Faroqi, AN Utama, MA Ramdhani, E Mulyana
2020 6th International Conference on Wireless and Telematics (ICWT), 1-5, 2020
Dc motor speed controller design using pulse width modulation
A Faroqi, MA Ramdhani, F Frasetyio, A Fadhil
IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering 434 (1), 012205, 2018
Pelatihan Instalasi Listrik Dan Sound System Untuk Menumbuhkan Jiwa Entrepreneurship Santri Di Pondok Pesantren Roudlotul'Ulum Bandung Barat
L Kamelia, N Ismail, A Faroqi, R Mardiati
Al-Khidmat 1 (2), 25-34, 2018
†œRancang Bangun Media Pembelajaran Mengenal Anggota Tubuh Manusia Menggunakan Teknologi Augmented Reality Untuk TK/Paud Berbasis Android, †J
A Latifah, EG Rahayu, A Faroqi
Paud Berbasis Android, †Jurnal Algoritma 17 (2), 378â, 0
DDS-based 13.56 MHz sine wave generator for wireless charging system
AM Ridwan, A Faroqi, H Nusantara, A Munir
2018 International Conference on Applied Electromagnetics, Signal Processing …, 2018
Perancangan Sistem Kontrol Otomatis Lampu Menggunakan Metode Pengenalan Suara Berbasis Arduino. TELKA-Telekomunikasi, Elektronika, Komputasi Dan Kontrol, 2 (2), 106–117
A Faroqi, MS WS, R Nugraha
Sistem Pendukung Keputusan Untuk Menyeleksi Calon Siswa Menggunakan Metode Analytic Hierarchy Process (AHP)
A Faroqi, A Wahana, I Muktar
JURNAL ISTEK 6 (1-2), 2012
文章 1–20