Antoine Nebout
Antoine Nebout
其他姓名Nebout-Javal Antoine, Nebout A
Paris Saclay Applied Economics, INRAE, University Paris Saclay
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Cross-sectional survey: risk-averse French general practitioners are more favorable toward influenza vaccination
S Massin, B Ventelou, A Nebout, P Verger, C Pulcini
Vaccine 33 (5), 610-614, 2015
Physician uncertainty aversion impacts medical decision making for older patients with acute myeloid leukemia: results of a national survey
P Bories, S Lamy, C Simand, S Bertoli, C Delpierre, S Malak, L Fornecker, ...
haematologica 103 (12), 2040, 2018
Cross-sectional survey: risk-averse French GPs use more rapid-antigen diagnostic tests in tonsillitis in children
A Michel-Lepage, B Ventelou, A Nebout, P Verger, C Pulcini
BMJ open 3 (10), e003540, 2013
Predicting medical practices using various risk attitude measures
S Massin, A Nebout, B Ventelou
The European Journal of Health Economics 19, 843-860, 2018
Comparing GPs’ risk attitudes for their own health and for their patients’: a troubling discrepancy?
A Nebout, M Cavillon, B Ventelou
BMC Health Services Research 18, 1-10, 2018
When Allais meets Ulysses: Dynamic axioms and the common ratio effect
A Nebout, D Dubois
Journal of Risk and Uncertainty 48 (1), 19-49, 2014
Paying none, some or all? between-subject random incentives and preferences towards risk and time
N Berlin, E Kemel, V Lenglin, A Nebout
Between-subject random incentives and preferences towards risk and time …, 2024
Probability weighting in recursive evaluation of two-stage prospects
M Abdellaoui, O l’Haridon, A Nebout-Javal
SABE-IAREP International Congress in Behavioural Economics and Economic …, 2014
Sequential decision making without independence: a new conceptual approach
A Nebout
Theory and decision 77 (1), 85-110, 2014
Mastery is associated with weight status, food intake, snacking, and eating disorder symptoms in the NutriNet-Santé cohort study
UA Gisch, M Robert, N Berlin, A Nebout, F Etilé, S Teyssier, VA Andreeva, ...
Frontiers in nutrition 9, 871669, 2022
Household food waste and the opportunity cost of time
E Paroissien, TKM Beatty, A Nebout
Ecological Economics 216, 108012, 2024
What you eat is what you are: risk attitudes, time preferences, and diet quality
A Nebout, N Berlin, F Vieux, S Péneau, N Darmon, E Kemel, E Paroissien
SSRN Electronic Journal, 2023
The impact of physician’s characteristics on decision-making in head and neck oncology: Results of a national survey
E Chabrillac, S Lamy, P Grosclaude, F Cros, B Vairel, J Sarini, S Vergez, ...
Oral Oncology 129, 105895, 2022
To test or not to test? Risk attitudes and prescribing by French GPs
E Kemel, A Nebout, B Ventelou
Physician practice variation in head and neck cancer therapy: Results of a national survey
F Cros, S Lamy, P Grosclaude, A Nebout, E Chabrillac, S Vergez, ...
Oral Oncology 117, 105293, 2021
Hunger Games II: Does Hunger Affects Risk Preferences?.
L Ashton, E Kemel, A Nebout-Javal
< bound method Organization. get_name_with_acronym of< Organization: INRAE …, 2018
Rapport d’étude Risque Conso Tâche 3: Distorsion entre la perception des consommateurs et l’évaluation des risques
A Haentjens, S Rémond, F Mariotti, JM Membré, A Nebout-Javal, D Zalko
< bound method Organization. get_name_with_acronym of< Organization: INRAE …, 2023
Rapport d’étude Risque Conso Tâche 1: Perception des risques par les consommateurs dans les plats préparés
A Haentjens, A Champion, C Gallen, C Bansard, T Charpentier, ...
INRAE, 2022
Social choice under risk
A Nebout-Javal, S Teyssier
Foundations of Utility and Risk Conference 2018-FUR 2018, 2018
Behavioral characteristics and physicians’ practice variations Exemple of two French surveys on GP and hematologists
A Nebout-Javal
4th Hospinnomics Annual Workshop “From Science to Policy-Making: Addressing …, 2017
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