Nicolás Ferreiro
Nicolás Ferreiro
在 conicet.gov.ar 的电子邮件经过验证
Effects of macrophyte heterogeneity and food availability on structural parameters of the macroinvertebrate community in a Pampean stream
N Ferreiro, C Feijoó, A Giorgi, L Leggieri
Hydrobiologia 664, 199-211, 2011
Effects of macrophyte architecture and leaf shape complexity on structural parameters of the epiphytic algal community in a Pampean stream
N Ferreiro, A Giorgi, C Feijoó
Aquatic Ecology 47, 389-401, 2013
Phosphate uptake in a macrophyte-rich Pampean stream
C Feijoó, A Giorgi, N Ferreiro
Limnologica 41 (4), 285-289, 2011
High nutrient retention in chronically nutrient-rich lowland streams
VJ García, P Gantes, L Giménez, C Hegoburu, N Ferreiro, F Sabater, ...
Freshwater Science 36 (1), 26-40, 2017
Macroinvertebrates select complex macrophytes independently of their body size and fish predation risk in a Pampean stream
N Ferreiro, C Feijoó, A Giorgi, J Rosso
Hydrobiologia 740, 191-205, 2014
Stoichiometric homeostasis in the food web of a chronically nutrient-rich stream
C Feijoó, L Leggieri, C Ocón, I Muñoz, A Rodrigues Capitulo, A Giorgi, ...
Freshwater Science 33 (3), 820-831, 2014
Effects of onion residue, bovine manure compost and compost tea on soils and on the agroecological production of onions
L Orden, N Ferreiro, P Satti, LM Navas-Gracia, L Chico-Santamarta, ...
Agriculture 11 (10), 962, 2021
Seasonal weather effects on hydrology drive the metabolism of non-forest lowland streams
L Leggieri, C Feijoó, A Giorgi, N Ferreiro, V Acuña
Hydrobiologia 716, 47-58, 2013
Biological legacies promote succession and soil development on tephra from the Puyehue‐Cordon Caulle eruption (2011)
N Ferreiro, P Satti, MJ Mazzarino
Austral Ecology 43 (4), 435-446, 2018
Diel variation of nutrient retention is associated with metabolism for ammonium but not phosphorus in a lowland stream
E Martí, C Feijoó, C Vilches, N Ferreiro, P Gantes, C Ranieri, ...
Freshwater Science 39 (2), 268-280, 2020
Composts promote short‐term rehabilitation in a Patagonian roadside affected by tephra deposition
N Ferreiro, P Satti, M Gonzalez‐Polo, MJ Mazzarino
Restoration Ecology 28 (1), 73-81, 2020
Phosphorus enrichment affects immobilization but not litter decomposition or exoenzymatic activities in a Pampean stream
NA Ferreiro, A Giorgi, L Leggieri, C Feijoó, C Vilches
International review of hydrobiology 96 (3), 209-220, 2011
La erupción del Complejo Volcánico Puyehue-Cordón Caulle (2011) y sus efectos sobre los suelos de Patagonia Norte
N Ferreiro, M Gonzalez Polo, PS Satti, MJ Mazzarino
Asociación Argentina de la Ciencia del Suelo, 2023
Stoichiometric homeostasis in the food web of a chronically nutrient-rich stream. Freshw Sci 33: 820–831
C Feijoó, L Leggieri, C Ocón, I Muñoz, A Rodrigues Capítulo, A Giorgi, ...
Lupinus polyphyllus Lindl. and Rumex acetosella L. effects on nutrient accumulation and microbial activity on tephra from the Puyehue–Cordón Caulle eruption …
N Ferreiro, P Satti, E Castán, L Alvarez Soria, MJ Mazzarino
Austral Ecology 45 (7), 968-976, 2020
Evidence on night movements of macroinvertebrates to macrophytes in a pampean stream
NA Ferreiro
Scientific Research Publishing, 2014
Influencia de la heterogeneidad ambiental de los lechos de macrófitas en los organismos acompañantes en un arroyo pampeano
NA Ferreiro
Universidad de Buenos Aires. Facultad de Ciencias Exactas y Naturales, 2012
Environmental Factors Influencing Habitat Use of Solitary and Paired Torrent Ducks (Merganetta armata) In Northwestern Patagonia, Argentina
G Cerón, N Ferreiro
The Wilson Journal of Ornithology 129 (3), 545-553, 2017
Rehabilitación de sitios afectados por la construcción de caminos y deposición de ceniza volcánica en el camino “de los Siete Lagos” utilizando enmiendas orgánicas. IV Congreso …
N Ferreiro, P Satti, M MJ
Respuesta de la biomasa y la composición C: N: P del primer nivel trófico de un arroyo Pampeano a la mayor sequía de los últimos 20 años: Un estudio de caso
LR Leggieri, NA Ferreiro
Ecología austral 25 (3), 172-181, 2015
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