Yield and Quality of Cabbage (Brassica oleracea L. Var.capitata) under Organic Growing Media Using Vermicompost and Earthworm Pontoscolex corethrurus Inoculation IM N.Nurhidayati, Usman Ali Agriculture and Agricultural Science Procedia 11 (2016), 5-13, 2016 | 104 | 2016 |
Utilization of maize cob biochar and rice husk charcoal as soil amendment for improving acid soil fertility and productivity N Nurhidayati, M Mariati Journal of Degraded and Mining Lands Management 2 (1), 223, 2014 | 40 | 2014 |
Chemical Composition of Vermicompost Made from Organic Wastes through the Vermicomposting and Composting with the Addition of Fish Meal and Egg Shells Flour IM Nurhidayati, Usman Ali Journal of Pure and Applied Chemical Research 6 (2), 127-136, 2017 | 39* | 2017 |
Combined Effect of Vermicompost and Earthworm Pontoscolex Corethrurus Inoculation on The Yield and Quality of Broccoli (Brassica Oleracea L.) Using Organic Growing Media IM Nurhidayati, Masyhuri Machfudz Journal of Basic and Applied Research International 22 (4), 148-156, 2017 | 31 | 2017 |
Effectiveness of vermicompost with additives of various botanical pesticides in controlling Plutella xylostella and their effects on the yield of cabbage (Brassica oleracea L … RNSH Nurhidayati, Masyhuri Machfudz, Abdul Basit Asian Journal of Agriculture and Biology 8 (3), 223-232, 2020 | 25* | 2020 |
Improvement of Physical and Biological Quality of Soil in a Sugarcane Plantation through the Management of Organic Matter Input KH N. Nurhidayati, E. Arisoesilaningsih, D. Suprayogo Journal of Agricultural Science and Technology A 5 (5A), 316-324, 2015 | 14 | 2015 |
Earthworm population density in sugarcane cropping system applied with various quality of organic matter N Nurhidayati, E Arisoesilaningsih, D Suprayogo, K Hairiah Journal of Tropical Life Science 2 (3), 103-109, 2012 | 13 | 2012 |
Yield and Nutritional Quality of Green Leafy Lettuce (Lactuca sativa L) under Soilless Culture System Using Various Composition of Growing Media and Vermicompost Rates AB Nurhidayati, Masyhuri Machfudz Caraka Tani-Journal of Sustainable Agriculture 36 (2), 201-2012, 2021 | 12 | 2021 |
Direct and Residual Effect of Various Vermicompost on Yield and Quality of Broccoli IM N. Nurhidayati, Masyhuri Machfudz JOURNAL OF APPLIED SCIENCES RESEARCH 13 (8), 30-37, 2017 | 10* | 2017 |
Pemanfaatan Limbah Ternak Kelinci untuk Pembuatan Pupuk Organik Padat dan Cair AB Nurhidayati Indonesian Journal of Community Engagement 6 (4), 57-63, 2020 | 8* | 2020 |
VERMICOMPOST AND RICE HUSK BIOCHAR INTERACTION AMELIORATES NUTRIENT UPTAKE AND YIELD OF GREEN LETTUCE UNDER SOILLESS CULTURE N Nurhidayati, AS Ansari, A Sholihah, PN Chiangmai Journal of Horticultural Research 30 (2), 55-66, 2022 | 7 | 2022 |
Kaji Banding Pertumbuhan dan Kadar Hara N, P dan K Tanaman Jagung (Zea mays L). pada Tiga Macam Pupuk Organik Berbeda Kualitas NN M Rizky Romadhoni, Anis Sholihah JURNAL FOLIUM 1 (2), 54-65, 2018 | 7* | 2018 |
Particulate organic matter as a soil quality indicator of sugarcane plantations in East Java N Nurhidayati, E Arisoesialaningsih, D Suprayogo, K Hairiah AGRIVITA, Journal of Agricultural Science 34 (2), 175-186, 2012 | 7 | 2012 |
Peran Vermikompos terhadap Morfofisiologi Kangkung Hidroganik N A. R. Darmawan Putra, Siti Asmaniyah Mardiyani Agrotechnology Research Journal 4 (2), 70-76, 2020 | 6* | 2020 |
Effect of Residue Management and N and S Fertilisation on Cane and Sugar Yield of Plant and Ratoon Cane AB Nurhidayati Pertanika Journal of Tropical Agricultural Science 41 (1), 365-378, 2018 | 6 | 2018 |
Effect of salinity on agronomic characteristics of three rice varieties (Oryza sativa L.) at tillering stage FA Soares, PN Chiangmai, C Laosutthipong, P Duangkaew, S Chotnipat, ... RSU International Research Conference 2021 on Science and Technology 1 (2021 …, 2021 | 5 | 2021 |
Pengaruh Aplikasi Vermikompos terhadap Pertumbuhan, Kandungan Hara serta Hasil Tanaman Selada Hijau (Lactuca sativa L.) pada Budidaya Tanpa Tanah NUSR Nurhidayati, Masyhuri Machfudz Jurnal Hortikultura 30 (2), 115-124, 2020 | 5 | 2020 |
Pertumbuhan, Hasil dan Kualitas Hasil Panen Tanaman Tomat yang ditanam Secara Hidroganik Menggunakan Vermikompos NUSR Nurhidayati, Djuhari KONGRES KE III APTS-IPI DAN SEMINAR NASIONAL 2021, UNIVERSITAS MUHAMMADIYAH …, 2021 | 4* | 2021 |
Efek Pemberian Kombinasi Vermikompos Berbahan Aditif Biochar Dan Pupuk Anorganik Terhadap Pertumbuhan Dan Kadar Hara N, P Dan K Tanaman Brokoli (Brassica oleraceae L.) Pada … T Nur Ahda, R Anis, Nurhidayati Folium 2 (1), 42-54, 2018 | 4 | 2018 |
Respon Dua Varietas Tanaman Kentang (Solanum tuerosum L.) Terhadap Aplikasi Pupuk Majemuk NPK Q Dian Nitami, Sugiarto, Nurhidayati Folium 4 (2), 75-82, 2020 | 3* | 2020 |