Biochar-and phosphate-induced immobilization of heavy metals in contaminated soil and water: implication on simultaneous remediation of contaminated soil and groundwater Y Liang, X Cao, L Zhao, E Arellano Environmental Science and Pollution Research 21, 4665-4674, 2014 | 138 | 2014 |
Landscape dynamics and their effect on the functional connectivity of a Mediterranean landscape in Chile A Hernández, M Miranda, EC Arellano, S Saura, C Ovalle Ecological Indicators 48, 198-206, 2015 | 94 | 2015 |
Fertilizantes de entrega controlada: potencial para mejorar la productividad de la reforestación R Rose, DL Haase, E Arellano BOSQUE (valdivia) 25 (2), 89-100, 2004 | 74 | 2004 |
Landscape trajectories and their effect on fragmentation for a Mediterranean semi-arid ecosystem in Central Chile A Hernández, MD Miranda, EC Arellano, C Dobbs Journal of Arid Environments 127, 74-81, 2016 | 60 | 2016 |
Climate and species stress resistance modulate the higher survival of large seedlings in forest restorations worldwide E Andivia, P Villar‐Salvador, JA Oliet, J Puertolas, RK Dumroese, V Ivetić, ... Ecological Applications 31 (6), e02394, 2021 | 45 | 2021 |
Soil physicochemical factors as environmental filters for spontaneous plant colonization of abandoned tailing dumps R Ginocchio, P León-Lobos, EC Arellano, V Anic, JF Ovalle, AJM Baker Environmental Science and Pollution Research 24, 13484-13496, 2017 | 44 | 2017 |
Understanding the effect of three decades of land use change on soil quality and biomass productivity in a Mediterranean landscape in Chile Á Hernández, EC Arellano, D Morales-Moraga, MD Miranda Catena 140, 195-204, 2016 | 40 | 2016 |
Trade-offs between drought survival and rooting strategy of two South American Mediterranean tree species: implications for dryland forests restoration JF Ovalle, EC Arellano, R Ginocchio Forests 6 (10), 3733-3747, 2015 | 33 | 2015 |
Training future generations to deliver evidence‐based conservation and ecosystem management H Downey, T Amano, M Cadotte, CN Cook, SJ Cooke, NR Haddaway, ... Ecological Solutions and Evidence 2 (1), e12032, 2021 | 30 | 2021 |
Using facilitation microsites as a restoration tool for conversion of degraded grasslands to Nothofagus forests in Southern Patagonia P Valenzuela, EC Arellano, JA Burger, P Becerra Ecological Engineering 95, 580-587, 2016 | 26 | 2016 |
CHLSOC: the Chilean Soil Organic Carbon database, a multi-institutional collaborative effort M Pfeiffer, J Padarian, R Osorio, N Bustamante, GF Olmedo, M Guevara, ... Earth System Science Data 12 (1), 457-468, 2020 | 19 | 2020 |
Restoration and conservation of priority areas of Caatinga’s semi-arid forest remnants can support connectivity within an agricultural landscape AA Salazar, EC Arellano, A Muñoz-Sáez, MD Miranda, F Oliveira da Silva, ... Land 10 (6), 550, 2021 | 17 | 2021 |
Baseline of Carbon Stocks in Pinus radiata and Eucalyptus spp. Plantations of Chile GF Olmedo, M Guevara, H Gilabert, CR Montes, EC Arellano, ... Forests 11 (10), 1063, 2020 | 17 | 2020 |
Use of alternative containers for promoting deep rooting of native forest species used for dryland restoration: The case of Acacia caven LM De La Fuente, JF Ovalle Ortega, E Arellano, R Ginocchio Cea | 17 | 2017 |
Linking nursery nutritional status and water availability post-planting under intense summer drought: the case of a South American Mediterranean tree species JF Ovalle, EC Arellano, JA Oliet, P Becerra, R Ginocchio iForest-Biogeosciences and Forestry 9 (5), 758, 2016 | 17 | 2016 |
Effect of large and small herbivores on seed and seedling survival of Beilschmiedia miersii in central Chile N Morales, PI Becerra Osses, E Arellano, H Gilabert | 17 | 2015 |
El cuidado de los humedales y su rol en el secuestro de carbono E Arellano, F Meza, M Miranda, A Camaño Agronomía y forestal, 2013 | 15 | 2013 |
Soil conditions and sheltering techniques improve active restoration of degraded Nothofagus pumilio forest in Southern Patagonia P Valenzuela, EC Arellano, J Burger, JA Oliet, MF Perez Forest ecology and management 424, 28-38, 2018 | 14 | 2018 |
Fertilizer location modifies root zone salinity, root morphology, and water‐stress resistance of tree seedlings according to the watering regime in a dryland reforestation JF Ovalle, EC Arellano, R Ginocchio, P Becerra Journal of Plant Nutrition and Soil Science 179 (2), 223-233, 2016 | 14 | 2016 |
Desafíos de las políticas públicas de gestión de residuos orgánicos en Chile para fomentar su reutilización en sistemas degradados E Arellano, R Ginocchio Cea Centro de Políticas Públicas UC, 2013 | 11 | 2013 |