Ceramic TiC/a: C protective nanocomposite coatings: Structure and composition versus mechanical properties and tribology N Oláh, Z Fogarassy, A Sulyok, J Szívós, T Csanádi, K Balázsi Ceramics International 42 (10), 12215-12220, 2016 | 37 | 2016 |
The structural and mechanical characterization of TiC and TiC/Ti thin films grown by DC magnetron sputtering Z Fogarassy, N Oláh, I Cora, ZE Horváth, T Csanádi, A Sulyok, K Balázsi Journal of the European Ceramic Society 38 (7), 2886-2892, 2018 | 23 | 2018 |
Sputtered nanocrystalline ceramic TiC/amorphous C thin films as potential materials for medical applications N Oláh, Z Fogarassy, M Furkó, C Balázsi, K Balázsi Ceramics International 41 (4), 5863-5871, 2015 | 23 | 2015 |
TiC crystallite formation and the role of interfacial energies on the composition during the deposition process of TiC/a: C thin films N Oláh, Z Fogarassy, A Sulyok, M Veres, G Kaptay, K Balázsi Surface and Coatings Technology 302, 410-419, 2016 | 19 | 2016 |
Examination of nanocrystalline TiC/amorphous C deposited thin films N Oláh, M Veres, A Sulyok, M Menyhárd, J Gubicza, K Balázsi Journal of the European Ceramic Society 34 (14), 3421-3425, 2014 | 14 | 2014 |
Mechanical properties of pulsed laser deposited nanocrystalline SiC films D Craciun, G Socol, DV Cristea, M Stoicanescu, N Oláh, K Balazs, ... Applied surface science 336, 391-395, 2015 | 12 | 2015 |
Mechanical characterization and corrosion behavior of protective TiC/amorphous C nanocomposite coating as surface thin film N Oláh, M Furkó, Z May, A Sulyok, K Balázsi Resolution and Discovery 2 (1), 13-22, 2017 | 3 | 2017 |
Structural investigation, corrosion properties and adhesion behavior of magnetron‐sputtered nanocomposite TiC/a: C thin film coatings N Oláh, Z Fogarassy, A Sulyok, E Sáfrán, M Furkó, T Csanádi, K Balázsi European microscopy congress 2016: proceedings, 1014-1015, 2016 | 2 | 2016 |
Vízből történő nehézfém eltávolítás szén nanocsövekkel és mezopórusos amorf szilícium-dioxiddal N Oláh, D Carta, Z Kónya ANYAGOK VILÁGA 12 (1), 41-57, 2015 | 1 | 2015 |
Fabrication of BCN nanosheets on Rh (111) from benzene–borazine mixtures L Óvári, G Vári, M Farkas, G Halasi, N Oláh, C Vass, AP Farkas, A Berkó, ... Surface Science 751, 122633, 2025 | | 2025 |
Titán-karbid/amorf szén nanokompozit bevonat előállítása és jellemzése N Oláh szte, 2019 | | 2019 |
STRUCTURAL CHARACTERIZATION OF TiC-BASED THIN FILMS BY TEM AND HREM N Oláh, M Veres, A Sulyok, Z Fogarassy, G Kaptay, K Balázsi Akadémiai Kiadó, 2015 | | 2015 |
Nickel-based nanocrystals dispersed on SBA-16 gels: Synthesis and structural characterization D Carta, D Loche, MF Casula, N Oláh, D Olasz, A Corrias Journal of non-crystalline solids 401, 134-138, 2014 | | 2014 |
Sputtered nanocrystalline TiC/amorphous C thin films for medical applications N Oláh, L Illés, A Sulyok, M Menyhárd, C Balázsi, M Furkó, K Balázsi International workshop on Coatings & Surfaces for Biomedical Engineering (IWCSB), 2014 | | 2014 |
Sputtered nanocrystalline TiC/amorphous C thin films as potential materials for medical applications N Oláh, Z Fogarassy, A Sulyok, O Tapasztó, C Balázsi, M Furkó, K Balázsi HSM Annual Meeting 29, 0 | | |
Thin Film Physics Department I CORA, Z CZIGÁNY, Z FOGARASSY, V KOVÁCSNÉ-KIS, J LÁBÁR, ... Institute of Technical Physics and Materials Science, 85, 0 | | |
Porlaszott nanokristályos TiC/amorf C vékonyrétegek orvosi alkalmazásokra. N Oláh, L Illés, A Sulyok, M Menyhárd, C Balázsi, M Furkó, K Balázsi | | |