Dr. Rose Mini Agoes Salim
Dr. Rose Mini Agoes Salim
在 ui.ac.id 的电子邮件经过验证
Perceived parenting styles, thinking styles, and gender on the career decision self-efficacy of adolescents: how & why?
DDB Situmorang, RMA Salim
Heliyon 7 (3), 2021
Effectiveness of picture story books reading to increase kindness in children aged 5-6 years
G Retnowati, RMA Salim, AY Saleh
Lingua Cultura 12 (1), 89-95, 2018
Parental support, career exploration, and career decision-making self-efficacy in Junior High School students
AM Chasanah, RMA Salim
ANIMA Indonesian Psychological Journal 34 (4), 211-221, 2019
Peran pelibatan diri siswa sebagai mediator dalam hubungan antara iklim kelas dengan sikap kreatif siswa SD Sekolah Alam
R Rahmi, RMA Salim
Jurnal Psikologi Undip 16 (1), 77-87, 2017
Parenting style, proactive personality, and career decision self-efficacy among senior high school students
M Preston, RMA Salim
Humanitas 16 (2), 116, 2019
Parenting style and empathy in children: The mediating role of family communication patterns
SH Abdullah, RMA Salim
HUMANITAS: Indonesian Psychological Journal 17 (1), 34-45, 2020
Perilaku eksplorasi karier, dukungan sosial, dan keyakinan dalam pengambilan keputusan karier SMP
L Rossallina, RA Salim
Persona: Jurnal Psikologi Indonesia 8 (2), 224-239, 2019
The role of career decision self-efficacy as a mediator of peer support on students’ career adaptability
RMA Salim, MR Istiasih, NA Rumalutur, DDB Situmorang
Heliyon 9 (4), 2023
Dukungan orang tua, efikasi diri pengambilan keputusan karier, dan planned happenstance pada siswa Sekolah Menengah Pertama
DS Amini, RMA Salim
Jurnal Psikologi Ulayat 7 (1), 87-98, 2020
The enhanced career decision-making self-efficacy by emotional intelligence depended on proactive personality
KKH Darmayanti, RMA Salim
Electronic Journal of Research in Education Psychology 18 (50), 121-142, 2020
Career decision-making attribution and self-efficacy: the moderating role of emotional intelligence
RMA Salim, S Safitri
Jurnal Psikologi 19 (1), 1-14, 2020
Parenting styles effect on career exploration behavior in adolescence: Considering parents and adolescent gender
RMA Salim, M Preston
Humaniora 10 (3), 249-254, 2019
Perbedaan gender pada kesadaran metakognitif dalam strategi membaca bacaan akademik
W Ardianingsih, RMA Salim
Jurnal Psikologi Teori Dan Terapan 10 (1), 74-84, 2019
The current existence of ChatGPT in education: a double-edged sword?
DDB Situmorang, RMA Salim, I Ifdil, LO Liza, MA Rusandi, IR Hayati, ...
Journal of Public Health 45 (4), e799-e800, 2023
Teacher efficacy and teacher social perception in creative teaching for elementary school teachers
Y Fadhilah, RMA Salim, S Safitri
Jurnal Ilmiah sekolah dasar 6 (2), 212-219, 2022
Peran mediasi perilaku eksplorasi karier dalam pengaruh dukungan teman terhadap adaptabilitas karier mahasiswa
RN Afifah, RMA Salim
Journal of Psychological Science and Profession 4 (3), 197, 2021
Pengaruh planned happenstance terhadap career decision Self-efficacy dengan career exploration behavior sebagai mediator
T Annisa, RMA Salim
Jurnal Ilmiah Psikologi Mind Set 11 (02), 149-160, 2020
The relation of child’s empathy and parents’ prejudice: The mediating role of parenting style
AR Pontania, RMA Salim
Humaniora 10 (2), 105-112, 2019
Perceived parenting styles, thinking styles, and gender on the career decision self-efficacy of adolescents: how & why?. Heliyon, 7 (3), e06430
DDB Situmorang, RMA Salim
Kontribusi planned happenstance skills terhadap perilaku eksplorasi karier siswa sekolah menengah kejuruan: Peran mediasi career decision self-efficacy
S Ramdhan, RMA Salim
Jurnal Kajian Bimbingan dan Konseling 5 (1), 13, 2024
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