Geoffroy Séré
Geoffroy Séré
Université de Lorraine, INRAE, LSE, F-54000 Nancy, France
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Early pedogenic evolution of constructed Technosols
G Séré, C Schwartz, S Ouvrard, JC Renat, F Watteau, G Villemin, JL Morel
Journal of Soils and Sediments 10, 1246-1254, 2010
Soil construction: a step for ecological reclamation of derelict lands
G Séré, C Schwartz, S Ouvrard, C Sauvage, JC Renat, JL Morel
Journal of soils and sediments 8, 130-136, 2008
Modelling pedogenesis of Technosols
S Leguédois, G Séré, A Auclerc, J Cortet, H Huot, S Ouvrard, F Watteau, ...
Geoderma 262, 199-212, 2016
Modelling agronomic properties of Technosols constructed with urban wastes
S Rokia, G Séré, C Schwartz, M Deeb, F Fournier, T Nehls, O Damas, ...
Waste Management 34 (11), 2155-2162, 2014
Towards an operational methodology to optimize ecosystem services provided by urban soils
B Anne, S Geoffroy, J Cherel, G Warot, S Marie, CJ Noël, MJ Louis, ...
Landscape and urban planning 176, 1-9, 2018
Using constructed soils for green infrastructure-challenges and limitations
M Deeb, PM Groffman, M Blouin, SP Egendorf, A Vergnes, V Vasenev, ...
Soil 6 (2), 413-434, 2020
Physical properties of structural soils containing waste materials to achieve urban greening
D Yilmaz, P Cannavo, G Séré, L Vidal-Beaudet, M Legret, O Damas, ...
Journal of soils and sediments 18, 442-455, 2018
Predictability of the evolution of the soil structure using water flow modeling for a constructed technosol
G Séré, S Ouvrard, V Magnenet, B Pey, JL Morel, C Schwartz
Vadose Zone Journal 11 (1), 2012
Ecosystem services provided by heavy metal-contaminated soils in China
K Ding, Q Wu, H Wei, W Yang, G Séré, S Wang, G Echevarria, Y Tang, ...
Journal of soils and sediments 18, 380-390, 2018
Green roof aging: Quantifying the impact of substrate evolution on hydraulic performances at the lab-scale
R Bouzouidja, G Séré, R Claverie, S Ouvrard, L Nuttens, D Lacroix
Journal of Hydrology 564, 416-423, 2018
Storage of carbon in constructed technosols: in situ monitoring over a decade
F Rees, R Dagois, D Derrien, JL Fiorelli, F Watteau, JL Morel, C Schwartz, ...
Geoderma 337, 641-648, 2019
Green roof ageing or Isolatic Technosol’s pedogenesis?
R Bouzouidja, G Rousseau, V Galzin, R Claverie, D Lacroix, G Séré
Journal of soils and sediments 18, 418-425, 2018
Biogeochemical dynamics of nutrients and rare earth elements (REEs) during natural succession from biocrusts to pioneer plants in REE mine tailings in southern China
MN Guo, X Zhong, WS Liu, GB Wang, YQ Chao, H Huot, RL Qiu, JL Morel, ...
Science of the Total Environment 828, 154361, 2022
Early colonization of constructed Technosols by macro-invertebrates
M Hedde, J Nahmani, G Séré, A Auclerc, J Cortet
Journal of soils and sediments 19, 3193-3203, 2019
Lysimeter monitoring as assessment of the potential for revegetation to manage former iron industry settling ponds
H Huot, G Séré, P Charbonnier, MO Simonnot, JL Morel
Science of the Total Environment 526, 29-40, 2015
Fonctionnement et évolution pédogénétique de Technosols issus d’un procédé de construction de sol
G Séré
Mémoire de Thèse de doctorat en Sciences Agronomiques, INPL, 227, 2007
Fostering the use of soil invertebrate traits to restore ecosystem functioning
A Auclerc, L Beaumelle, S Barantal, M Chauvat, J Cortet, T De Almeida, ...
Geoderma 424, 116019, 2022
A meta‐analysis of carbon content and stocks in Technosols and identification of the main governing factors
V Allory, G Séré, S Ouvrard
European Journal of Soil Science 73 (1), e13141, 2022
Micropedology to reveal pedogenetic processes in Technosols
F Watteau, H Huot, G Séré, JC Begin, F Rees, C Schwartz, JL Morel
Spanish Journal of Soil Science: SJSS 8 (2), 148-163, 2018
How lysimetric monitoring of Technosols can contribute to understand the temporal dynamics of the soil porosity
M Tifafi, R Bouzouidja, S Leguédois, S Ouvrard, G Séré
Geoderma 296, 60-68, 2017
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