陈娜 Na Chen
陈娜 Na Chen
在 buct.edu.cn 的电子邮件经过验证
Providing Aging Adults Social Robots’ Companionship in Home‐Based Elder Care
N Chen, J Song, B Li
Journal of healthcare engineering 2019 (1), 2726837, 2019
The acceptance and adoption of smartphone use among Chinese college students
D Pan, N Chen, PLP Rau
Cross-Cultural Design. Methods, Practice, and Case Studies: 5th …, 2013
Effects of trust on group buying websites in China
N Chen, PLP Rau
Proceedings of the 10th asia pacific conference on Computer human …, 2012
Acceptance of social robots by aging users: towards a pleasure-oriented view
N Chen
Cross-Cultural Design. Methods, Tools, and Users: 10th International …, 2018
Cooperation with friends or new encounters: Tie strength and shared leadership behaviors
N Chen, PLP Rau
Social Behavior and Personality: an international journal 45 (4), 573-582, 2017
Drivers’ visual interaction performance of on-board computer under different heat conditions: Based on ELM and entropy weight
H Yang, Y Zhao, Y Zhao, N Chen
Sustainable Cities and Society 81, 103835, 2022
The effects of motivation and noise on situation awareness: a study based on SAGAT and EEG
Y Liu, N Chen, PLP Rau
International Journal of Industrial Ergonomics 97, 103491, 2023
Development and validation of a robot social presence measurement dimension scale
N Chen, X Liu, Y Zhai, X Hu
Scientific Reports 13 (1), 2911, 2023
How Thai and Chinese Young Adults Manage Time?
N Chen, PLP Rau, P Suriyalaksh
Psychology 8 (05), 717, 2017
Reciprocal norms moderate the influence of guanxi on feelings and behavior of closeness
N Chen, PLP Rau
Social Behavior and Personality: an international journal 44 (7), 1099-1114, 2016
The Effects of Robots’ Altruistic Behaviours and Reciprocity on Human-robot Trust
N Chen, Y Zhai, X Liu
International Journal of Social Robotics 14 (8), 1913-1931, 2022
The Influence of Robots’ Fairness on Humans’ Reward-Punishment Behaviors and Trust in Human-Robot Cooperative Teams
J Cao, N Chen
Human Factors 66 (4), 1103-1117, 2024
How does driver fatigue monitor system design affect carsharing drivers? An approach to the quantification of driver mental stress and visual attention
H Yang, N Hu, R Jia, X Zhang, X Xie, X Liu, N Chen
Travel behaviour and society 35, 100755, 2024
The influence of Chinese-Western Bilingualism on Rationality in Decision Making Behavior
N Chen, PPL Rau, NT Yao
Proceedings of the Human Factors and Ergonomics Society Annual Meeting 58 (1 …, 2014
Research on the Influencing Factors of Autonomous Driving Acceptance
Y Zu, N Chen
International Conference on Human-Computer Interaction, 512-530, 2023
Research on the influence and mechanism of human–vehicle moral matching on trust in autonomous vehicles
N Chen, Y Zu, J Song
Frontiers in Psychology 14, 1071872, 2023
Study on acceptance of social robots by aging adults living alone
N Chen, X Liu, Y Sun
HCI International 2020–Late Breaking Papers: Universal Access and Inclusive …, 2020
Group participation influence on members’ gifting behaviors in a social game
N Chen, PLP Rau
Cross-Cultural Design: 8th International Conference, CCD 2016, Held as Part …, 2016
Comparison of Trust on Group Buying Websites between American and Chinese Young Adults
N Chen, PLP Rau, D Kolz
Cross-Cultural Design. Cultural Differences in Everyday Life: 5th …, 2013
The Study of Customer Service Experience for Franchised Restaurant in Beijing, Tokyo, and Seoul
P Choe, PL Rau, N Chen, G Jeon
Industrial Engineering and Management, 2011
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