Simulating the regional impacts of urbanization and anthropogenic heat release on climate across China JM Feng, YL Wang, ZG Ma, YH Liu Journal of Climate 25 (20), 7187-7203, 2012 | 199 | 2012 |
Dynamical downscaling simulation and future projection of precipitation over China J Bao, J Feng, Y Wang Journal of Geophysical Research: Atmospheres 120 (16), 8227-8243, 2015 | 112 | 2015 |
Long-term simulation of large-scale urbanization effect on the East Asian monsoon JM Feng, YL Wang, ZG Ma Climatic Change 129, 511-523, 2015 | 44 | 2015 |
CMIP5/AMIP GCM simulations of East Asian summer monsoon J Feng, T Wei, W Dong, Q Wu, Y Wang Advances in Atmospheric Sciences 31, 836-850, 2014 | 42 | 2014 |
Projection of drought hazards in China during twenty-first century Y Liang, Y Wang, X Yan, W Liu, S Jin, M Han Theoretical and Applied Climatology 133, 331-341, 2018 | 35 | 2018 |
Numerical simulation of the impact of land cover change on regional climate in China YL Wang, JM Feng, H Gao Theoretical and applied climatology 115, 141-152, 2014 | 27 | 2014 |
西南地区植被变化与气温及降水关系的初步分析 张永恒, 范广洲, 李腊平, 周定文, 王永立, 黄先伦 高原山地气象研究, 2009 | 21 | 2009 |
Simulation of extreme climate events over China with different regional climate models F Jin-Ming, W Yong-Li, F Cong-Bin Atmospheric and oceanic science letters 4 (1), 47-56, 2011 | 20 | 2011 |
我国东部地区 NDVI 与气温, 降水的关系研究 王永立, 范广洲, 周定文, 华维, 黄先伦 热带气象学报 25 (6), 725-732, 2009 | 16 | 2009 |
青藏高原植被变化对区域气候影响研究进展 范广洲, 华维, 黄先伦, 王永立, 刘雅勤, 李学敏, 李洪权 高原山地气象研究 28 (1), 72-80, 2008 | 16 | 2008 |
青藏高原植被变化与地表热源及中国降水关系的初步分析 华维, 范广洲, 周定文, 倪长健, 李学敏, 王永立, 刘雅勤, 黄先伦 中国科学: D 辑 38 (6), 732-740, 2008 | 14 | 2008 |
Decline in the species richness contribution of Echinodermata to the macrobenthos in the shelf seas of China S Jin, Y Wang, J Xia, N Xiao, J Zhang, Z Xiong Physics and Chemistry of the Earth, Parts A/B/C 87, 43-49, 2015 | 12 | 2015 |
Interannual variability of the wintertime northern branch high ridge in the subtropical westerlies and its relationship with winter climate in China G Fan, Y Zhang, B Wang, W Hua, Y Wang Journal of Meteorological Research 29 (5), 703-719, 2015 | 10 | 2015 |
我国夏季降水与青藏高原春季 NDVI 的关系 范广洲, 周定文, 黄荣辉, 华维, 王永立 应用气象学报 20 (4), 492-496, 2009 | 10 | 2009 |
Sensitivity of the weather research and forecasting model to radiation schemes in China Y Wang, J Feng, Z Zheng, S Jin Journal of Tropical Meteorology 25 (2), 201-210, 2019 | 5 | 2019 |
东亚夏季风系统与青藏高原冬季植被的关系 黄先伦, 范广洲, 周定文, 华维, 王永立 气象科学 30 (3), 358-365, 2010 | 5 | 2010 |
我国春季降水与青藏高原东南部冬季归一化植被指数变化的关系 周定文, 范广洲, 华维, 李学敏, 刘雅勤, 王永立 大气科学 33 (3), 649-656, 2009 | 5 | 2009 |
The Common Principal Component Analyses of Multi-RCMs F Jin-Ming, W Yong-Li, F Cong-Bin1 Atmospheric and Oceanic Science Letters 6 (1), 14-20, 2013 | 2 | 2013 |
区域气候模式 RegCM3 对中国夏季降水的模拟 (英文) 刘雅勤, 范广洲, 周定文, 华维, 李学敏, 黄先伦, 张永恒, 王永立 成都信息工程学院学报 23 (4), 442-447, 2008 | | 2008 |