Maria Santacà
Maria Santacà
Post-doc, Department of Behavioural & Cognitive Biology, University of Vienna
在 univie.ac.at 的电子邮件经过验证
Can reptiles perceive visual illusions? Delboeuf illusion in red-footed tortoise (Chelonoidis carbonaria) and bearded dragon (Pogona vitticeps).
M Santacà, ME Miletto Petrazzini, C Agrillo, A Wilkinson
Journal of Comparative Psychology 133 (4), 419, 2019
Guppies, Poecilia reticulata, perceive a reversed Delboeuf illusion
T Lucon-Xiccato, M Santacà, ME Miletto Petrazzini, C Agrillo, M Dadda
Animal Cognition 22, 291-303, 2019
Everything is subjective under water surface, too: Visual illusions in fish
C Agrillo, M Santacà, A Pecunioso, ME Miletto Petrazzini
Animal cognition 23, 251-264, 2020
Sensory differences mediate species variation in detour task performance
M Santacà, M Busatta, T Lucon-Xiccato, A Bisazza
Animal behaviour 155, 153-162, 2019
Preliminary study to investigate the Delboeuf illusion in ring-tailed lemurs (Lemur catta): Methodological challenges
M Santacà, B Regaiolli, ME MILETTO PETRAZZINI, C Spiezio, C Agrillo
Animal Behavior and Cognition, 2017
The effect of experience and olfactory cue in an inhibitory control task in guppies, Poecilia reticulata
M Santacà, M Busatta, BB Savaşçı, T Lucon-Xiccato, A Bisazza
Animal Behaviour 151, 1-7, 2019
Stimulus characteristics, learning bias and visual discrimination in zebrafish (Danio rerio)
M Santacà, M Dadda, MEM Petrazzini, A Bisazza
Behavioural Processes 192, 104499, 2021
Perception of the Müller–Lyer illusion in guppies
M Santacà, C Agrillo
Current Zoology 66 (2), 205-213, 2020
The role of visual and olfactory cues in social decisions of guppies and zebrafish
M Santacà, M Dadda, A Bisazza
Animal Behaviour 180, 209-217, 2021
The challenge of illusory perception of animals: the impact of methodological variability in cross-species investigation
M Santacà, C Agrillo, ME Miletto Petrazzini
Animals 11 (6), 1618, 2021
The ontogeny of continuous quantity discrimination in zebrafish larvae (Danio rerio)
M Santacà, C Agrillo, ME Miletto Petrazzini, A Bisazza
Animal Cognition 23, 731-739, 2020
Size discrimination in adult zebrafish (Danio rerio): Normative data and individual variation
M Santacà, T Caja, ME Miletto Petrazzini, C Agrillo, A Bisazza
Scientific Reports 10 (1), 1164, 2020
Automated operant conditioning devices for fish. Do they work?
E Gatto, M Santacà, I Verza, M Dadda, A Bisazza
Animals 11 (5), 1397, 2021
Exploring the Müller-Lyer illusion in a nonavian reptile (Pogona vitticeps).
M Santacà, ME Miletto Petrazzini, C Agrillo, A Wilkinson
Journal of Comparative Psychology 134 (4), 391, 2020
The Delboeuf illusion's bias in food choice of teleost fishes: an interspecific study
M Santacà, T Lucon-Xiccato, C Agrillo
Animal Behaviour 164, 105-112, 2020
Zebrafish excel in number discrimination under an operant conditioning paradigm
A Bisazza, M Santacà
Animal Cognition 25 (4), 917-933, 2022
Two halves are less than the whole: Evidence of a length bisection bias in fish (Poecilia reticulata)
M Santacà, C Agrillo
Plos one 15 (5), e0233157, 2020
Female reproductive fluid attracts more and better sperm: implications for within-ejaculate cryptic female choice
S Cattelan, A Devigili, M Santacà, C Gasparini
Biology Letters 19 (6), 20230063, 2023
Learning and visual discrimination in newly hatched zebrafish
M Santacà, M Dadda, L Dalla Valle, C Fontana, G Gjinaj, A Bisazza
iscience 25 (5), 2022
Guppies (Poecilia reticulata) are deceived by visual illusions during obstacle negotiation
M Santacà, A Bisazza, C Agrillo
Biology Letters 18 (2), 20210548, 2022
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