The first shall be last? Entrepreneurship and communist cadres in the transition from socialism A Rona-Tas American journal of Sociology 100 (1), 40-69, 1994 | 906 | 1994 |
Uncertainty, risk, and trust: Russian and American credit card markets compared A Guseva, A Rona-Tas American sociological review 66 (5), 623-646, 2001 | 428 | 2001 |
Elites after state socialism: Theories and analysis J Higley, G Lengyel Rowman & Littlefield, 2000 | 269 | 2000 |
The great surprise of the small transformation: The demise of communism and the rise of the private sector in Hungary Á Róna-Tas University of Michigan Press, 1997 | 200 | 1997 |
Small leap forward: Emergence of new economic elites J Böröcz, Á Róna-Tas Theory and Society 24 (5), 751-781, 1995 | 176 | 1995 |
Path dependence and capital theory: Sociology of the post-communist economic transformation Á Róna-Tas East European Politics and Societies 12 (01), 107-131, 1998 | 151 | 1998 |
Märkte als soziale Strukturen D Beunza, C Deutschmann, FC Godart, O Godechot, I Hardie, ... Campus Verlag, 2007 | 149 | 2007 |
The role of ratings in the subprime mortgage crisis: The art of corporate and the science of consumer credit rating A Rona-Tas, S Hiss Markets on trial: The economic sociology of the US Financial Crisis: Part A …, 2010 | 131 | 2010 |
Plastic money: Constructing markets for credit cards in eight postcommunist countries A Guseva, A Rona-Tas Stanford University Press, 2020 | 105 | 2020 |
The off-label use of consumer credit ratings A Rona-Tas Historical Social Research/Historische Sozialforschung, 52-76, 2017 | 95 | 2017 |
Consumer credit in comparative perspective A Rona-Tas, A Guseva Annual Review of Sociology 44 (1), 55-75, 2018 | 71 | 2018 |
Brexit: understanding the socio-economic origins and consequences J O'Reilly, J Froud, S Johal, K Williams, C Warhurst, G Morgan, C Grey, ... Socio-Economic Review 14 (4), 807-854, 2016 | 58 | 2016 |
The privileges of past communist party membership in Russia and endogenous switching regression A Rona-Tas, A Guseva Social Science Research 30 (4), 641-652, 2001 | 55 | 2001 |
The selected and the elected: the making of the new parliamentary elite in Hungary Á Róna-Tas East European Politics and Societies 5 (03), 357-393, 1991 | 48 | 1991 |
Forecasting as valuation: The role of ratings and predictions in the subprime mortgage crisis in the United States A Rona-Tas, S Hiss The worth of goods: Valuation and pricing in the economy, 223-46, 2011 | 44 | 2011 |
Predicting the future: Art and algorithms A Rona-Tas Socio-Economic Review 18 (3), 893-911, 2020 | 35 | 2020 |
Az utolsókból lesznek az elsõk? A rendszerváltás társadalmi hatásai Magyarországon KTRT Ákos Szociológiai Szemle 2, 3-26, 1992 | 33 | 1992 |
The second economy in Hungary: The social origins of the end of state socialism A Rona-Tas University of Michigan, 1990 | 32 | 1990 |
The worm and the caterpillar: the small private sector in the Czech Republic, Hungary, and Slovakia Á Róna-Tas The new entrepreneurs of Europe and Asia, 39-65, 2015 | 31 | 2015 |
Information and consumer credit in Central and Eastern Europe A Rona-Tas, A Guseva Journal of Comparative Economics 41 (2), 420-435, 2013 | 30 | 2013 |