A General Formal Framework for Pathfinding Problems with Multiple Agents E Erdem, DG Kisa, U Oztok, P Schüller AAAI Conference on Artificial Intelligence, 2013 | 205 | 2013 |
Finding explanations of inconsistency in multi-context systems T Eiter, M Fink, P Schüller, A Weinzierl Artificial Intelligence 216, 233-274, 2014 | 122 | 2014 |
Tackling winograd schemas by formalizing relevance theory in knowledge graphs P Schüller Principles of Knowledge Representation and Reasoning (KR), 2014 | 61 | 2014 |
A model building framework for Answer Set Programming with external computations T Eiter, M Fink, G Ianni, T Krennwallner, C Redl, P Schüller Theory and Practice of Logic Programming 16 (04), 418-464, 2016 | 60 | 2016 |
TUWienKBS at Germeval 2018: German Abusive Tweet Detection JP Montani, P Schüller 14th Conference on Natural Language Processing KONVENS 2018, 45, 2018 | 40 | 2018 |
The MCS-IE system for explaining inconsistency in multi-context systems M Bögl, T Eiter, M Fink, P Schüller European Conference on Logics in Artificial Intelligence (JELIA), 356-359, 2010 | 37 | 2010 |
A systematic analysis of levels of integration between high-level task planning and low-level feasibility checks E Erdem, V Patoglu, P Schüller AI Communications, 2016 | 36 | 2016 |
Efficient HEX-Program Evaluation Based on Unfounded Sets T Eiter, M Fink, T Krennwallner, C Redl, P Schüller Journal of Artificial Intelligence Research 49, 269-321, 2014 | 34 | 2014 |
Best-effort inductive logic programming via fine-grained cost-based hypothesis generation P Schüller, M Benz Machine Learning 107 (7), 1141-1169, 2018 | 31 | 2018 |
Abstraction for non-ground answer set programs ZG Saribatur, T Eiter, P Schüller Artificial Intelligence 300, 103563, 2021 | 29 | 2021 |
The DLVHEX system T Eiter, S Germano, G Ianni, T Kaminski, C Redl, P Schüller, A Weinzierl KI-Künstliche Intelligenz 32 (2), 187-189, 2018 | 29 | 2018 |
Modeling Variations of First-Order Horn Abduction in Answer Set Programming P Schüller Fundamenta Informaticae 149 (1-2), 159-207, 2016 | 29 | 2016 |
Constraints, lazy constraints, or propagators in ASP solving: An empirical analysis B Cuteri, C Dodaro, F Ricca, P Schüller Theory and Practice of Logic Programming 17 (5-6), 780-799, 2017 | 26 | 2017 |
Finding optimal plans for multiple teams of robots through a mediator: A logic-based approach E Erdem, V Patoglu, ZG Saribatur, P Schüller, T Uras Theory and Practice of Logic Programming, 831-846, 2013 | 26 | 2013 |
Combining Task and Motion Planning: Challenges and Guidelines M Mansouri, F Pecora, P Schüller Frontiers in Robotics and AI, 133, 2021 | 24 | 2021 |
Parsing Combinatory Categorial Grammar via Planning in Answer Set Programming. Y Lierler, P Schüller Correct Reasoning 7265, 436-453, 2012 | 23 | 2012 |
Defining and validating similarity measures for industrial alarm flood analysis M Fullen, P Schüller, O Niggemann 2017 IEEE 15th International Conference on Industrial Informatics (INDIN …, 2017 | 22 | 2017 |
Pushing efficient evaluation of HEX programs by modular decomposition T Eiter, M Fink, G Ianni, T Krennwallner, P Schüller International Conference on Logic Programming and Nonmonotonic Reasoning, 93-106, 2011 | 22 | 2011 |
Improving scalability of inductive logic programming via pruning and best-effort optimisation M Kazmi, P Schüller, Y Saygın Expert Systems with Applications 87, 291-303, 2017 | 21 | 2017 |
Answer Set Programming with External Source Access T Eiter, T Kaminski, C Redl, P Schüller, A Weinzierl Reasoning Web International Summer School, 204-275, 2017 | 21 | 2017 |