P.M. Slegers
Techno-economic evaluation of microalgae harvesting and dewatering systems
F Fasaei, JH Bitter, PM Slegers, AJB van Boxtel
Algal Research 31, 347-362, 2018
Food commodities from microalgae
RB Draaisma, RH Wijffels, PM Slegers, LB Brentner, A Roy, MJ Barbosa
Current opinion in biotechnology 24 (2), 169-177, 2013
The potential of future foods for sustainable and healthy diets
A Parodi, A Leip, IJM De Boer, PM Slegers, F Ziegler, EHM Temme, ...
Nature Sustainability 1 (12), 782-789, 2018
Design scenarios for flat panel photobioreactors
PM Slegers, RH Wijffels, G Van Straten, AJB Van Boxtel
Applied Energy 88 (10), 3342-3353, 2011
Scenario analysis of large scale algae production in tubular photobioreactors
PM Slegers, PJM van Beveren, RH Wijffels, G Van Straten, ...
Applied Energy 105, 395-406, 2013
Scenario evaluation of open pond microalgae production
PM Slegers, MB Lösing, RH Wijffels, G van Straten, AJB van Boxtel
Algal Research 2 (4), 358-368, 2013
Design and construction of the microalgal pilot facility AlgaePARC
R Bosma, JH de Vree, PM Slegers, M Janssen, RH Wijffels, MJ Barbosa
Algal Research 6, 160-169, 2014
Design of value chains for microalgal biorefinery at industrial scale: process integration and techno-economic analysis
PM Slegers, G Olivieri, E Breitmayer, L Sijtsma, MHM Eppink, RH Wijffels, ...
Frontiers in bioengineering and biotechnology 8, 550758, 2020
Effect of biomass concentration on the productivity of Tetraselmis suecica in a pilot-scale tubular photobioreactor using natural sunlight
MHA Michels, PM Slegers, MH Vermuë, RH Wijffels
Algal Research 4, 12-18, 2014
Techno-economic evaluation of microalgae harvesting and dewatering systems. Algal Res 31: 347–362
F Fasaei, JH Bitter, PM Slegers, AJB van Boxtel
The potential of optimized process design to advance LCA performance of algae production systems
AJB Van Boxtel, P Perez-Lopez, E Breitmayer, PM Slegers
Applied Energy 154, 1122-1127, 2015
Logistic analysis of algae cultivation
PM Slegers, S Leduc, RH Wijffels, G van Straten, AJB van Boxtel
Bioresource technology 179, 314-322, 2015
A bottom-up approach to model the environmental impact of the last-mile in an urban food-system
RE Stelwagen, PM Slegers, L de Schutter, ES van Leeuwen
Sustainable Production and Consumption 26, 958-970, 2021
Scenario studies for algae production.
PM Slegers
Scenario studies for algae production, 2014
Environmental impact and nutritional value of food products using the seaweed Saccharina latissima
PM Slegers, RJK Helmes, M Draisma, R Broekema, M Vlottes, ...
Journal of Cleaner Production 319, 128689, 2021
Maize feedstocks with improved digestibility reduce the costs and environmental impacts of biomass pretreatment and saccharification
AF Torres, PM Slegers, CMM Noordam-Boot, O Dolstra, L Vlaswinkel, ...
Biotechnology for biofuels 9 (1), 63, 2016
A model-based combinatorial optimisation approach for energy-efficient processing of microalgae
PM Slegers, BJ Koetzier, F Fasaei, RH Wijffels, G van Straten, ...
Algal Research 5, 140-157, 2014
Techno-economic evaluation of microalgae harvesting and dewatering systems, Algal Res. 31 (2018) 347–362
F Fasaei, JH Bitter, PM Slegers, AJB Van Boxtel
Polyhydroxyalkanoates and biochar from green macroalgal Ulva sp. biomass subcritical hydrolysates: Process optimization and a priori economic and greenhouse emissions break …
S Ghosh, S Greiserman, A Chemodanov, PM Slegers, B Belgorodsky, ...
Science of the Total Environment 770, 145281, 2021
The potential of future foods for sustainable and healthy diets. Nat. Sustain. 1, 782–789
A Parodi, A Leip, IJM De Boer, PM Slegers, F Ziegler, EHM Temme, ...
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