Interest group politics AJ Cigler, BA Loomis, AJ Nownes cq Press, 2015 | 789 | 2015 |
The new American politician: ambition, entrepreneurship, and the changing face of political life BA Loomis (No Title), 1988 | 272 | 1988 |
Introduction: The changing nature of interest group politics BA Loomis, AJ Cigler Interest group politics 4, 1-31, 1995 | 245 | 1995 |
The Christian right in American politics: Marching to the millennium CD Vinson, JL Guth, J Lamare, JL Polinard, RD Wrinkle, KD Wald, ... Georgetown University Press, 2003 | 197 | 2003 |
The sound of money: How political interests get what they want DM West, BA Loomis (No Title), 1998 | 158 | 1998 |
The contemporary congress BA Loomis, WJ Schiller Rowman & Littlefield, 2018 | 121 | 2018 |
Congressional careers and party leadership in the contemporary House of Representatives BA Loomis American Journal of Political Science, 180-202, 1984 | 74 | 1984 |
Interest group politics BA Loomis, AJ Cigler CQ Press, 1986 | 67 | 1986 |
God at the Grass Roots, 1996: The Christian Right in the American Elections MJ Rozell, C Wilcox Rowman & Littlefield, 1997 | 58* | 1997 |
Time, politics, and policies: A legislative year BA Loomis Studies in Government & Public, 1994 | 58 | 1994 |
A new era: Groups and the grass roots BA Loomis Interest group politics, 169-90, 1983 | 53 | 1983 |
The congressional office as a small (?) business: new members set up shop BA Loomis Publius 9 (3), 35-55, 1979 | 51 | 1979 |
Republic on trial: The case for representative democracy A Rosenthal (No Title), 2003 | 49 | 2003 |
Congressional caucuses and the politics of representation BA Loomis Congress reconsidered 2, 1981 | 45 | 1981 |
Esteemed colleagues: Civility and deliberation in the US Senate BA Loomis Rowman & Littlefield, 2004 | 43 | 2004 |
Contemporary Interest Group Politics: More than ‘More of the Same’ AJ Cigler, BA Loomis Interest group politics, 393-406, 1995 | 40 | 1995 |
The never ending story: campaigns without elections BA Loomis The Permanent Campaign and its Future, Washington DC, American Enterprise …, 2000 | 39 | 2000 |
Characterising the Italian parliament: Legislative change in longitudinal perspective JL Newell The Journal of Legislative Studies 12 (3-4), 386-403, 2006 | 27 | 2006 |
Choosing a president PD Schumaker, BA Loomis New York: Chatham House 184, 16, 2002 | 26 | 2002 |
Choosing to advertise: How interests decide BA Loomis, E Sexton, AJ Cigler, BA Loomis Interest group politics, 193-214, 1995 | 19 | 1995 |