Educational transformation: An evaluation of online learning due to COVID-19 R Firmansyah, D Putri, M Wicaksono, S Putri, A Widianto, M Palil International Journal of Emerging Technologies in Learning (iJET) 16 (7), 61-76, 2021 | 114 | 2021 |
Developing smart tourism using virtual reality as a tourism promotion strategy in Indonesia I Idris, KR Adi, R Firmansyah, A Nadhianty, MH Mobaroq, PG Putri, ... Geo Journal of Tourism and Geosites 35 (2), 332-337, 2021 | 39 | 2021 |
Pembuatan dan penyemprotan disinfektan: kegiatan kkn edisi covid-19 di Desa Bringin, Malang FI Churaez, R Ramadani, R Firmansyah, SN Mahmudah, SW Ramli Sinergi: Jurnal Pengabdian 2 (2), 50-55, 2020 | 29 | 2020 |
The University students’ perspectives on the advantages and disadvantages of online learning due to COVID-19 R Firmansyah, DM Putri, MGS Wicaksono, SF Putri, AA Widianto 2nd Annual Management, Business and Economic Conference (AMBEC 2020), 120-124, 2021 | 17 | 2021 |
Contribution of teacher competence (pedagogy and personality) in teaching practice during the Covid-19 pandemic and 4.0 era C Wardoyo, R Firmansyah Technium Soc. Sci. J. 14, 66, 2020 | 15 | 2020 |
The Meaning of Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR): A Phenomenological Study in PT. Sejahtera Usaha Bersama Jombang D Amrulloh, S Sulastri, R Firmansyah International Journal of Accounting & Finance in Asia Pasific (IJAFAP) 3 (2 …, 2020 | 7 | 2020 |
Kajian Tentang Kemungkinan Pemakaian Kayu Kelapa (Cocos nucifera L.) untuk Bahan Baku Gitar Akustik R Firmansyah IPB (Bogor Agricultural University), 2006 | 7 | 2006 |
Pengaruh Motivasi Individual dan Gaya Kepemimpinan Terhadap Kinerja Pegawai di Kementerian Pendayagunaan Aparatur Negara Dan Reformasi Birokrasi F Rizky, BD Hartono, BP Yusuf Jurnal Manajemen Bisnis Dan Publik 1 (1), 12-19, 2021 | 6 | 2021 |
Pendampingan Penyiapan Cafe Pinggir Kali Sebagai Wujud Pemanfaatan Sungai Untuk Daya Tarik Wisata Alam Bumi Perkemahan Bedengan Desa Selorejo, Kabupaten Malang, Jawa Timur S Fauzan, R Firmansyah, DM Putri, SF Putri, M Jannah Sinergi: Jurnal Pengabdian 3 (1), 8-13, 2021 | 5 | 2021 |
Pelatihan Komputer Akutansi Desa dengan Aplikasi Keuangan Desa (Siskuedes) untuk Meningkatkan Profesionalitas Guru C Wardoyo, S Fauzan, R Firmansyah, NF Putra Jurnal Pengabdian Masyarakat Indonesia 1 (5), 227-232, 2021 | 3 | 2021 |
Pengaruh Transformational Leadership Terhadap Kinerja Karyawan di Instansi Pemerintahan R Firmansyah, DT Kurniawan Jurnal Istiqro 7 (1), 65-77, 2021 | 2 | 2021 |
Upaya Peningkatan Profesionalisme Guru Dengan Pelatihan Akuntansi Desa Bagi Guru SMK Akuntansi Kota Malang C Wardoyo, S Fauzan, R Firmansyah, NF Putra, YT Setiaji Jurnal Abdi Masyarakat Indonesia 1 (1), 45-50, 2021 | 1 | 2021 |
Madep Manteb Manetep Value-Based Village Budgeting in Malang Regency MGS Wicaksono, MR Laily, R Firmansyah, F Purnamasari 7th Regional Accounting Conference (KRA 2020), 270-276, 2021 | 1 | 2021 |
Reporting biological assets on SAK-ETAP perspective (A case study on dairy cattle farming in dairy farming in Oro-Oro Ombo Village, Batu City) MIYH Wahid, P Handayati, R Firmansyah International Journal of Accounting & Finance in Asia Pasific (IJAFAP) 3 (3 …, 2020 | 1 | 2020 |
The Effect of Free Cash Flow (FCF) On Agency Cost and Financial Performance in Financial Sector Companies Registered in Indonesia Stock Exchange (BEI) 2015-2016 A Purnawarman, P Handayati, R Firmansyah International Journal of Accounting & Finance in Asia Pasific (IJAFAP) 3 (3 …, 2020 | 1 | 2020 |
Ukuran Tubuh dan Profil Darah Burung Merpati Lokal Yang dilatih Terbang jarak 200 Meter S Darwati, R Afnan, M Ulfah, R Firmansyah, WT Setiawan Jurnal Ilmu Produksi dan Teknologi Hasil Peternakan 1 (2), 110-14, 2013 | 1 | 2013 |
The Meaning of Village Fund Management for Empowerment of Persons with Disabilities SF Aziz, P Handayati, R Firmansyah 7th Regional Accounting Conference (KRA 2020), 231-238, 2021 | | 2021 |
The Influence of Psychological Character, Entrepreneurial Managerial Competence, Communication and Network Competencies, and Self-Management Competencies on the Entrepreneurial … S Fauzan, R Firmansyah, DT Kurniawan, K Rozana, A Muzaqi 1st International Conference on Information Technology and Education (ICITE …, 2020 | | 2020 |
PENENTUAN RUTE DISTRIBUSI UNTUK MEMINIMASI JARAK TEMPUH (Studi kasus di CV Twin Setia, Yogyakarta) R Firmansyah Universitas Pembangunan Nasional Veteran Yogyakarta, 2019 | | 2019 |