Nonlinear and adaptive control of complex systems AL Fradkov, IV Miroshnik, VO Nikiforov Kluwer Academic Pub, 1999 | 1002* | 1999 |
Нелинейное и адаптивное управление сложными динамическими системами ИВ Мирошник, ВО Никифоров, АЛ Фрадков Наука, 2000 | 935 | 2000 |
Introduction to Control of Oscillations and Chaos AL Fradkov, AY Pogromsky World Scientific, Singapore, 1998 | 679 | 1998 |
Introduction to control of oscillations and chaos AL Fradkov, AY Pogromsky World Scientific Pub Co Inc, 1998 | 679 | 1998 |
Адаптивное управление динамическими объектами ВН Фомин, АЛ Фрадков, ВА Якубович ФМЛ, 1981 | 655 | 1981 |
Controlling chaos and bifurcations in engineering systems G Chen CRC press, 1999 | 609 | 1999 |
Control of chaos: Methods and applications in engineering AL Fradkov, RJ Evans Annual reviews in control 29 (1), 33-56, 2005 | 505 | 2005 |
Избранные главы теории автоматического управления БР Андриевский, АЛ Фрадков С-Пб.:“Наука, 2000 | 458 | 2000 |
Адаптивное управление в сложных системах АЛ Фрадков Наука. Гл. ред. физ.-мат. лит., 1990 | 446 | 1990 |
Cybernetical physics: from control of chaos to quantum control AL Fradkov Springer-Verlag, 2007 | 410* | 2007 |
Adaptive control of dynamical systems V Fomin, A Fradkov, V Yakubovich Eds. Nauka, Moscow, 1981 | 410 | 1981 |
On self-synchronization and controlled synchronization II Blekhman, AL Fradkov, H Nijmeijer, AY Pogromsky Systems & Control Letters 31 (5), 299-305, 1997 | 393 | 1997 |
Control of Chaos: Methods and Applications. I. Methods BR Andrievsky, AL Fradkov Avtomatika i Telemekhanika, 3-45, 2003 | 367 | 2003 |
Nelineinoe i adaptivnoe upravlenie slozhnymi dinamicheskimi sistemami (Nonlinear and Adaptive Control of Complex Dynamic Systems) IV Miroshnik, VO Nikiforov, AL Fradkov Petersburg: Nauka, 2000 | 344 | 2000 |
Control of chaos: Methods and applications. i. methods BR Andrievskii, AL Fradkov Automation and remote control 64 (5), 673-713, 2003 | 294 | 2003 |
Control of Chaos: Methods and Applications. II. Applications BR Andrievsky, AL Fradkov Avtomatika i Telemekhanika, 3-34, 2004 | 275* | 2004 |
Кибернетическая физика: принципы и примеры АЛ Фрадков СПб.: Наука, 2003 | 274 | 2003 |
Adaptivnoe upravlenie v slozhnykh sistemakh (Adaptive Control in Complex Systems) AL Fradkov Moscow: Nauka, 1990 | 242* | 1990 |
Прикладная теория дискретных адаптивных систем управления ФАЛ Деревицкий ДП | 240 | 1981 |
Passification of non-square linear systems and feedback Yakubovich-Kalman-Popov lemma A Fradkov European journal of control 9 (6), 577-586, 2003 | 231 | 2003 |