Stadt-Raum-Ökonomie: Einführung in aktuelle Problemfelder der Stadtökonomie und Wirtschaftsgeographie S Krätke Birkhäuser, 1996 | 413* | 1996 |
‘Creative cities’ and the rise of the dealer class: a critique of Richard Florida's approach to urban theory S Krätke International journal of urban and regional research 34 (4), 835-853, 2010 | 356 | 2010 |
The creative capital of cities: Interactive knowledge creation and the urbanization economies of innovation S Krätke John Wiley & Sons, 2012 | 353 | 2012 |
Medienstadt S Krätke Urbane Cluster und globale Zentren der Kulturproduktion. Opladen, 2002 | 264 | 2002 |
City of talents? Berlin's regional economy, socio‐spatial fabric and ‘worst practice’urban governance S Krätke International Journal of Urban and Regional Research 28 (3), 511-529, 2004 | 246 | 2004 |
Regional integration or fragmentation? The German‐Polish border region in a new Europe S Krätke Regional Studies 33 (7), 631-641, 1999 | 245 | 1999 |
Metropolisation of the European economic territory as a consequence of increasing specialisation of urban agglomerations in the knowledge economy S Krätke European planning studies 15 (1), 1-27, 2007 | 235 | 2007 |
Global media cities in a world-wide urban network S Krätke European Planning Studies 11 (6), 605-628, 2003 | 229 | 2003 |
Berlin: Metropole zwischen Boom und Krise S Krätke, R Borst Springer-Verlag, 2000 | 216* | 2000 |
A world geography of global media cities S Krätke, PJ Taylor European Planning Studies 12 (4), 459-477, 2004 | 209 | 2004 |
Network analysis of production clusters: the Potsdam/Babelsberg film industry as an example S Krätke European Planning Studies 10 (1), 27-54, 2002 | 200 | 2002 |
Strukturwandel der Städte: Städtesystem und Grundstücksmarkt in der" post-fordistischen" Ära S Krätke (No Title), 1991 | 178 | 1991 |
Produktionscluster in Ostdeutschland: Methoden der identifizierung und analyse S Krätke, C Scheuplein (No Title), 2001 | 163 | 2001 |
How manufacturing industries connect cities across the world: extending research on ‘multiple globalizations’ S Krätke Global networks 14 (2), 121-147, 2014 | 153 | 2014 |
Regional knowledge networks: a network analysis approach to the interlinking of knowledge resources S Krätke European Urban and Regional Studies 17 (1), 83-97, 2010 | 148 | 2010 |
Regionen im Umbruch: Probleme der Regionalentwicklung an den Grenzen zwischen" Ost" und" West" S Krätke, S Heeg, R Stein Campus Verlag, 1997 | 144* | 1997 |
Globalisierung und Regionalisierung S Krätke Geographische Zeitschrift, 207-221, 1995 | 105 | 1995 |
Berlin: towards a global city? S Kratke Urban Studies 38 (10), 1777-1799, 2001 | 102 | 2001 |
A regulationist approach to regional studies S Krätke Environment and Planning A 31 (4), 683-704, 1999 | 98 | 1999 |
Cities in contemporary capitalism S Krätke International Journal of Urban and Regional Research, Vol. 38, No. 5, pp …, 2014 | 97 | 2014 |