Infrastructure development and economic growth: an explanation for regional disparities in China? S Démurger Journal of Comparative economics 29 (1), 95-117, 2001 | 1752 | 2001 |
Geography, economic policy, and regional development in China S Démurger, JD Sachs, WT Woo, S Bao, G Chang, A Mellinger Asian Economic Papers 1 (1), 146-197, 2002 | 879 | 2002 |
Foreign direct investment and economic growth: theory and application to China JC Berthélemy, S Demurger Review of development economics 4 (2), 140-155, 2000 | 436 | 2000 |
Return migrants: The rise of new entrepreneurs in rural China S Démurger, H Xu World Development 39 (10), 1847-1861, 2011 | 426 | 2011 |
Migrants as second-class workers in urban China? A decomposition analysis S Démurger, M Gurgand, S Li, X Yue Journal of Comparative Economics 37 (4), 610-628, 2009 | 395 | 2009 |
The relative contributions of location and preferential policies in China's regional development: being in the right place and having the right incentives S Démurger, J D SACHS, WT Woo, BAO Shuming, G Chang China Economic Review 13 (4), 444-465, 2002 | 274 | 2002 |
Poverty and firewood consumption: A case study of rural households in northern China S Démurger, M Fournier China economic review 22 (4), 512-523, 2011 | 243 | 2011 |
Rural households' decisions towards income diversification: Evidence from a township in northern China S Démurger, M Fournier, W Yang China Economic Review 21, S32-S44, 2010 | 204 | 2010 |
Earnings differentials and ownership structure in Chinese enterprises Y Chen, S Démurger, M Fournier Economic Development and cultural change 53 (4), 933-958, 2005 | 191 | 2005 |
Earnings differentials between the public and private sectors in China: Exploring changes for urban local residents in the 2000s S Démurger, S Li, J Yang China Economic Review 23 (1), 138-153, 2012 | 175 | 2012 |
Development Centre Studies Economic Opening and Growth in China D Sylvie OECD Publishing, 2000 | 165 | 2000 |
Migration externalities in Chinese cities PP Combes, S Démurger, S Li European Economic Review 76, 152-167, 2015 | 154* | 2015 |
Migration and families left behind S Démurger IZA World of Labor, 2015 | 146 | 2015 |
Economic liberalization with rising segmentation in China's urban labor market S Démurger, M Fournier, L Shi, W Zhong Asian Economic Papers 5 (3), 58-101, 2006 | 119 | 2006 |
Remittances and expenditure patterns of the left behinds in rural China S Démurger, X Wang China Economic Review 37, 177-190, 2016 | 103 | 2016 |
Left-behind children and return migration in China S Démurger, H Xu IZA Journal of Migration 4, 1-21, 2015 | 99* | 2015 |
Unequal migration and urbanisation gains in China PP Combes, S Démurger, S Li, J Wang Journal of Development Economics 142, 102328, 2020 | 83 | 2020 |
The evolution of gender earnings gaps and discrimination in urban China, 1988–95 S Démurger, M Fournier, Y Chen The Developing Economies 45 (1), 97-121, 2007 | 80 | 2007 |
Forest management policies and resource balance in China: an assessment of the current situation S Démurger, H Yuanzhao, Y Weiyong The Journal of Environment & Development 18 (1), 17-41, 2009 | 78 | 2009 |
Migration, remittances, and rural employment patterns: evidence from China S Démurger, S Li Labor market issues in China, 31-63, 2013 | 60 | 2013 |