Umut Hasgul
Flexural behavior of ultra‐high‐performance fiber reinforced concrete beams with low and high reinforcement ratios
U Hasgul, K Turker, T Birol, A Yavas
Structural Concrete 19 (6), 1577-1590, 2018
Hybrid fiber use on flexural behavior of ultra high performance fiber reinforced concrete beams
K Turker, U Hasgul, T Birol, A Yavas, H Yazici
Composite structures 229, 111400, 2019
Effective fiber type investigation on the shear behavior of ultrahigh-performance fiber-reinforced concrete beams
A Yavaş, U Hasgul, K Turker, T Birol
Advances in Structural Engineering 22 (7), 1591-1605, 2019
Causes of collapse and damage to low-rise RC buildings in recent Turkish earthquakes
E Irtem, K Turker, U Hasgul
Journal of Performance of Constructed Facilities 21 (5), 351-360, 2007
Steel fiber use as shear reinforcement on I-shaped UHP-FRC beams
U Hasgul, A Yavas, T Birol, K Turker
Applied Sciences 9 (24), 5526, 2019
Dolgu duvarlarının betonarme bina davranışına etkisi
E İrtem, K Türker, U Hasgül
Türk deprem yönetmeliğine göre tasarlanmış betonarme yapıların performansının değerlendirilmesi
E İrtem, K Türker, U Hasgül
6. Uluslararası İnşaat Mühendisliğinde Gelişmeler Kongresi, 6-8, 2004
Investigation of effects of nonlinear static analysis procedures to performance evaluation on low-rise RC buildings
E Irtem, U Hasgul
Journal of Performance of Constructed Facilities 23 (6), 456-466, 2009
Türk deprem yönetmeliğinin performans hedeflerinin lineer olmayan statik analiz yöntemleri ile değerlendirilmesi
E İrtem, K Türker, U Hasgül
Balıkesir Üniversitesi Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü Dergisi 4 (4), 3-13, 2004
Flexural behavior of beams with ultra high performance fiber reinforced concrete
K Türker, T Birol, A Yavaş, U Hasgül
Turkish Chamber Civil Engineers, 2019
Ultra yüksek performanslı lifli beton içeren kirişlerde etkin çelik lif tipi incelemesi
K Türker, T Birol, A Yavaş, U Hasgül
Afyon Kocatepe Üniversitesi Fen ve Mühendislik Bilimleri Dergisi 16 (3), 776-785, 2016
Türk deprem yönetmeliğine göre boyutlandırılan betonarme binaların performanslarının irdelenmesi
U Hasgül
PQDT-Global, 2004
Improvement on flexural performance of UHPFRC with hybrid steel fiber
A Yavaş, T Birol, K Türker, U Hasgül
Teknik Dergi 31 (6), 10379-10397, 2020
Betonarme binaların şekil değiştirme esaslı doğrusal olmayan analizinde deprem doğrultusu etkisinin incelenmesi
U Hasgül
Balıkesir Üniversitesi Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü, 2011
Ultra Yüksek Performanslı Lifli Beton İçeren Kirişlerin Eğilme Davranışı
K Türker, T Birol, A Yavaş, U Hasgül
Teknik Dergi 30 (1), 8777-8801, 2019
Replacement of stirrups by steel fibers in shear dominant UHPFRC beams
U Hasgül, A Yavaş, T Birol
Turkish Journal of Civil Engineering 34 (2), 103-124, 2023
Effective steel fiber type investigation on ultra high performance fiber reinforced concrete beams
K Turker, T Birol, A Yavas, U Hasgul
Afyon Kocatepe University Journal of Science and Engineering 16, 776-785, 2016
Effect of Different Steel Fiber Type and Content in Flexural Behavior of Ultra High Performance Fiber Reinforced Concrete
T Birol, U Hasgul, M Terzi, A Yavas, K Turker, H Yazici
Investigation of parameters affecting the equivalent yield curvature of reinforced concrete columns
U Hasgul
Materials 13 (7), 1594, 2020
DBYBHY-2007’de tanimlanan hasar kriterlerinin betonarme kolon elemanlar için incelenmesi
U Hasgül, A Yavaş, K Türker, M Terzi, T Birol
Uludağ Üniversitesi Mühendislik Fakültesi Dergisi 21 (2), 499-514, 2016
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