Olga Belonovich
Olga Belonovich
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Biological Earth observation with animal sensors
W Jetz, G Tertitski, R Kays, U Mueller, M Wikelski, S Åkesson, Y Anisimov, ...
Trends in ecology & evolution 37 (4), 293-298, 2022
How effective are posted signs to regulate tourism? An example with New Zealand fur seals
A Acevedo-Gutiérrez, L Acevedo, O Belonovich, L Boren
Tourism in Marine Environments 7 (1), 39-41, 2011
Opportunistic sightings of the endangered North Pacific right whales (Eubalaena japonica) in Russian waters in 2003-2014.
E Ovsyanikova, I Fedutin, O Belonovich, A Burdin, V Burkanov, E Dolgova, ...
Marine mammal science 31 (4), 2015
Northern fur seals (Callorhinus ursinus) of the Commander Islands: summer feeding trips, winter migrations and interactions with killer whales (Orcinus orca)
OA Belonovich
Dissertation Abstracts International 73 (03), 2011
Killer whale (Orcinus orca) depredation on the Greenland halibut (Reinhardtius hippoglossoides) long-line fishery in the Sea of Okhotsk
O Belonovich, V Burkanov
Marine Mammals of the Holarctic, 86-91, 2012
Killer whales (Orcinus orca) and Greenland halibut (Reinhardtius hippoglossoides) fishery in the Sea of Okhotsk
SI Kornev, OA Belonovich, SV Nikulin
Res Water Biol Resour Kamchatka N West Part Pac Ocean 34, 35-50, 2014
Tran sient killer whales off the Commander Islands
OA Belonovich, SV Fomin, SD Ryazanov
Materialy Kruglogo stola po kosatke, VII Mezhd. konf.“Morskie mleko …, 2012
Elders’ voices: examples of contemporary Indigenous knowledge of marine mammals
H Marsh, L Ahuanari, V del Aguila, B Haami, M Laureano, F Loban, ...
Marine mammals: the evolving human factor, 337-374, 2022
Does hot iron branding affect Steller sea lion (Eumetopias jubatus) pup behavior
SV Fomin, OA Belonovich, MN Ososkova, EG Mamaev, VN Burkanov, ...
Nineteenth Biennial Conference on the Biology of Marine Mammals, Tampa …, 2011
Killer whale (Orcinus orca) depredation on longline groundfish fisheries in the northwestern Pacific
OA Belonovich, SV Agafonov, AA Matveev, AA Kalugin
Polar Biology 44 (12), 2235-2242, 2021
Prey diversity of transient killer whales (Orcinus orca) off the Commander Islands, Russia
SV Fomin, OA Belonovich, SD Ryazanov, VN Burkanov
27th Conference of the European Cetacean Society (Setubal, Portugal, 8–10 …, 2013
Differences in the Diet of Reproductively Isolated Ecotypes of Killer Whales (Orcinus orca Linnaeus, 1758) in the Seas of the Russian Far East
OA Filatova, ID Fedutin, OA Belonovich, EA Borisova, EV Volkova, ...
Russian Journal of Marine Biology 49 (6), 477-487, 2023
A survey of cetaceans in New Britain, Papua New Guinea
WB Mavea, O Belonovich, E Nagombi, T Boslogo, L Gwynn, R Russ, ...
Australian Mammalogy 44 (2), 291-294, 2021
Establishing of local population, population dynamics and current abundance of Steller sea lion (Eumetopias jubatus) in the Commander Islands
SD Ryazanov, OA Belonovich, EG Mamaev, VS Nikulin, SV Fomin, ...
A Study of Uncinariasis in Northern Fur Seal Pups, Callorhinus ursinus, on the Rookeries of Bering Island, 2011–2012
SV Fomin, LI Konovalova, OA Belonovich, RL DeLong, TR Spraker
Russian Journal of Marine Biology 45, 393-396, 2019
Foraging behavior of lactating northern fur seals (Callorhinus ursinus) in the Commander Islands, Russia
OA Belonovich, SV Fomin, VN Burkanov, RD Andrews, RW Davis
Polar Biology 39, 357-363, 2016
Biological Earth observation with animal sensors (Trends in ecology and evolution 37, 293-298; 2022): correction
W Jetz, G Tertitski, R Kays, U Mueller, M Wikelski, S Åkesson, Y Anisimov, ...
Trends in ecology and evolution. 2022. Vol. 37,№ 8. P. 719-724, 2022
Biological Earth observation with animal sensors: correction (Trends in ecology and evolution 37, 293-298; 2022)
W Jetz, G Tertitski, O Baltà, D Baum, M Beck, O Belonovich, M Belyaev, ...
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