Felix YP Why
Anger, stress, coping, social support and health: Modelling the relationships
S Maan Diong, GD Bishop, HC Enkelmann, EMW Tong, YP Why, ...
Psychology & Health 20 (4), 467-495, 2005
The relationship between coping and personality among police officers in Singapore
GD Bishop, EMW Tong, SM Diong, HC Enkelmann, YP Why, M Khader, ...
Journal of Research in Personality 35 (3), 353-374, 2001
The effects of neuroticism and extraversion on cardiovascular reactivity during a mental and an emotional stress task
CR Jonassaint, YP Why, GD Bishop, EM Tong, SM Diong, HC Enkelmann, ...
International Journal of Psychophysiology 74 (3), 274-279, 2009
Job demands, decisional control, and cardiovascular responses.
GD Bishop, HC Enkelmann, EMW Tong, YP Why, SM Diong, J Ang, ...
Journal of Occupational Health Psychology 8 (2), 146, 2003
Emotion and appraisal: A study using ecological momentary assessment
EMW Tong, GD Bishop, HC Enkelmann, YP Why, SM Diong, M Khader, ...
Cognition and Emotion 21 (7), 1361-1381, 2007
Social support and personality among male police officers in Singapore
EMW Tong, GD Bishop, SM Diong, HC Enkelmann, YP Why, J Ang, ...
Personality and individual differences 36 (1), 109-123, 2004
The role of the Big Five in appraisals
EMW Tong, GD Bishop, HC Enkelmann, YP Why, SM Diong, J Ang, ...
Personality and Individual Differences 41 (3), 513-523, 2006
Cardiovascular reactivity of Singaporean male police officers as a function of task, ethnicity and hostility
YP Why, GD Bishop, EMW Tong, SM Diong, HC Enkelmann, M Khader, ...
International Journal of Psychophysiology 49 (2), 99-110, 2003
Emotion and appraisal profiles of the needs for competence and relatedness
EMW Tong, GD Bishop, HC Enkelmann, SM Diong, YP Why, M Khader, ...
Basic and Applied Social Psychology 31 (3), 218-225, 2009
The relationship of hostility, negative affect and ethnicity to cardiovascular responses: An ambulatory study in Singapore
HC Enkelmann, GD Bishop, EMW Tong, SM Diong, YP Why, M Khader, ...
International Journal of Psychophysiology 56 (2), 185-197, 2005
The Use of Ecological Momentary Assessment to Test Appraisal Theories of Emotion.
EMW Tong, GD Bishop, HC Enkelmann, YP Why, SM Diong, M Khader, ...
Emotion 5 (4), 508, 2005
Cynicism, anger and cardiovascular reactivity during anger recall and human–computer interaction
YP Why, DW Johnston
International Journal of Psychophysiology 68 (3), 219-227, 2008
Shape stylized face caricatures
NKH Le, YP Why, G Ashraf
Advances in Multimedia Modeling: 17th International Multimedia Modeling …, 2011
When the dark shines: The role of dark personality traits in leadership role occupancy and hiring decisions in a collectivistic culture
S Nuzulia, FYP Why
Social Psychological and Personality Science 11 (8), 1089-1100, 2020
Appraisal underpinnings of affective chronometry: The role of appraisals in emotion habituation
EMW Tong, GD Bishop, HC Enkelmann, YP Why, SM Diong, M Khader, ...
Journal of Personality 77 (4), 1103-1136, 2009
Affective messages increase leisure walking only among conscientious individuals
YP Why, RZ Huang, PK Sandhu
Personality and individual differences 48 (6), 752-756, 2010
Learning character design from experts and laymen
MT Islam, KM Nahiduzzaman, YP Why, G Ashraf
2010 International Conference on Cyberworlds, 134-141, 2010
Positive illusions and its association with cardiovascular functions
YP Why, RZ Huang
International Journal of Psychophysiology 81 (3), 305-311, 2011
Informed character pose and proportion design
MT Islam, KM Nahiduzzaman, YP Why, G Ashraf
The Visual Computer 27, 251-261, 2011
Mining human shapes perception with role playing games
G Ashraf, YP Why, MT Islam
3rd Annual International Conference on Computer Games, Multimedia and Allied …, 2010
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