Aigul Nukusheva
Aigul Nukusheva
Department of Civil and Labour Law, Karaganda State University Named After Academician E.A. Buketov
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Global warming problem faced by the international community: international legal aspect
A Nukusheva, G Ilyassova, D Rustembekova, R Zhamiyeva, L Arenova
International Environmental Agreements: Politics, Law and Economics 21, 219-233, 2021
Transnational corporations in private international law: do Kazakhstan and Russia have the potential to take the lead?
A Nukusheva, G Ilyassova, L Kudryavtseva, Z Shayakhmetova, ...
Entrepreneurship and Sustainability Issues 8 (1), 496, 2020
Prospects of legal regulation in the field of electronic waste management in the context of a circular economy
G Ilyassova, A Nukusheva, L Arenova, G Karzhassova, M Akimzhanova
International Environmental Agreements: Politics, Law and Economics 21, 367-388, 2021
RETRACTED ARTICLE: Formation of a legislative framework in the field of combating cybercrime and strategic directions of its development
A Nukusheva, R Zhamiyeva, V Shestak, D Rustembekova
Security Journal 35 (3), 893-912, 2022
Extending legislation of the Republic of Kazakhstan by anchoring international child rights
M Akimzhanova, G Ilyassova, A Nukusheva, D Rustembekova
J. Legal Ethical & Regul. Isses 21, 1, 2018
Regulatory obstacles in municipal solid waste management in Kazakhstan in comparison with the EU
A Nukusheva, D Rustembekova, A Abdizhami, T Au, Z Kozhantayeva
Sustainability 15 (2), 1034, 2023
Some questions of improvement of electoral legislation in the Republic of Kazakhstan
M Bilyalova, S Amandykova, K Musilimova, G Ilyassova, A Nukusheva
J. Legal Ethical & Regul. Isses 22, 1, 2019
Confession and Carrying into Execution of Foreign Arbitration Courts' Decisions: Reciprocity and Public Policy.
SA Sarina, AA Nukusheva, KS Kalmagambetov, ZT Kumysbekova, ...
International Journal of Environmental and Science Education 11 (11), 4760-4767, 2016
International nuclear energy legal regulation: comparing the experience of the EU and the CIS countries
A Nukusheva, G Karzhassova, D Rustembekova, T Au, K Baikenzhina
International Environmental Agreements: Politics, Law and Economics 21 (4 …, 2021
Regulation of biomedical waste management in Kazakhstan during the pandemic in the context of best practices
A Nukusheva, A Abdizhami, D Rustembekova, F Zhaxybekova, ...
Environmental Monitoring and Assessment 195 (10), 1179, 2023
Correction to: Prospects of legal regulation in the field of electronic waste management in the context of a circular economy
G Ilyassova, A Nukusheva, L Arenova, G Karzhassova, M Akimzhanova
Int'l Env't Agreements: Pol. L. & Econs. 21, 389, 2021
Formation of a legislative framework in the field of combating cybercrime and strategic directions of its development (Retraction of Vol 35, Pg 893, 2021)
A Nukusheva, R Zhamiyeva, V Shestak, D Rustembekova
Retraction Note: Formation of a legislative framework in the field of combating cybercrime and strategic directions of its development
A Nukusheva, R Zhamiyeva, V Shestak, D Rustembekova
Security Journal, 1-2, 2023
The United Nations Convention on Genocide and How It Can Be Implemented in Criminal Codes of State Parties
Z Amanzholov, A Nukusheva, A Satbayeva, G Baisalova, B Taitorina
Public Integrity, 1-18, 2023
Retraction Note to: Prospects of legal regulation in the field of electronic waste management in the context of a circular economy
G Ilyassova, A Nukusheva, L Arenova, G Karzhassova, M Akimzhanova
International Environmental Agreements: Politics, Law and Economics 23 (1 …, 2023
The age of terror: how to combine efforts for counteraction at the level of international and national law?
B Zhetpisbaeva, B Taitorina, A Nukusheva, G Baisalova, Z Ayupova
Security Journal 35 (4), 1006-1022, 2022
The legal status of the subjects of inheritance under the law in the Republic of Kazakhstan and the Republic of Turkey: a comparative legal analysis
AA Nukusheva, AN Aktay, Y Erdogan
Bulletin of the Karaganda University “Law Series” 107 (3), 79-90, 2022
Опыт законотворчества зарубежных стран в обеспечении качества законов
AA Nukusheva
Bulletin of the Karaganda University “Law Series” 105 (1), 130-139, 2022
Шет тілінен енгізілген заңдық терминологияларды азаматтық заңнамада қолдану туралы
AA Nukusheva, DK Rustembekova
Bulletin of the Karaganda University “Law Series” 103 (3), 142-154, 2021
К вопросу о форме завещания по законодательству Республики Казахстан и зарубежных стран: сравнительно-правовой анализ
AA Nukusheva
Bulletin of the Karaganda University “Law Series” 102 (2), 85-96, 2021
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