Professor of Mathematic Education, Universitas Negeri Medan
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Improving Students' Mathematical Problem Solving Ability and Self-Efficacy through Guided Discovery Learning in Local Culture Context.
RE Simamora, S Saragih
International Electronic Journal of Mathematics Education 14 (1), 61-72, 2019
Development of Learning Materials Oriented on Problem-Based Learning Model to Improve Students' Mathematical Problem Solving Ability and Metacognition Ability.
MV Siagan, S Saragih, B Sinaga
International electronic journal of mathematics education 14 (2), 331-340, 2019
The Development of Learning Devices Based Guided Discovery Model to Improve Understanding Concept and Critical Thinking Mathematically Ability of Students at Islamic Junior …
K Yuliani, S Saragih
Journal of education and practice 6 (24), 116-128, 2015
Development of Learning Materials Based on Realistic Mathematics Education to Improve Problem Solving Ability and Student Learning Independence.
AM Hasibuan, S Saragih, Z Amry
International electronic journal of mathematics education 14 (1), 243-252, 2019
Development of Learning Materials Based on Realistic Mathematics Education Approach to Improve Students' Mathematical Problem Solving Ability and Self-Efficacy.
L Ulandari, Z Amry, S Saragih
International Electronic Journal of Mathematics Education 14 (2), 375-383, 2019
Mengembangkan kemampuan berpikir logis dan komunikasi matematik siswa sekolah menengah pertama melalui pendekatan matematika realistik
S Saragih
Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia, 2007
Development of learning materials through PBL with Karo culture context to improve students’ problem solving ability and self-efficacy
SA Peranginangin, S Saragih, P Siagian
International Electronic Journal of Mathematics Education 14 (2), 265-274, 2019
Developing student-centered learning model to improve high order mathematical thinking ability
S Saragih, EE Napitupulu
International Education Studies 8 (06), 104-112, 2015
Menumbuh kembangkan berpikir logis dan sikap positif terhadap matematika melalui pendekatan matematika realistik
EE Subekti
Malih Peddas (Majalah Ilmiah Pendidikan Dasar) 1 (1), 2011
The improving of problem solving ability and students’ creativity mathematical by using problem based learning in SMP Negeri 2 Siantar
S Saragih, WL Habeahan
Journal of Education and Practice 5 (35), 123-133, 2014
Hubungan Antara Penyesuaian Diri dalam Kelompok Kerja dengan Semangat Kerja (Doctoral dissertation, Universitas Medan Area)
SM Saragih
Development of Learning Devices through Problem Based Learning Model Based on the Context of Aceh Cultural to Improve Mathematical Communication Skills and Social Skills of …
M Aufa, S Saragih, A Minarni
Journal of Education and Practice 7 (24), 232-248, 2016
Developing Learning Model Based on Local Culture and Instrument for Mathematical Higher Order Thinking Ability.
S Saragih, EE Napitupulu, A Fauzi
International Education Studies 10 (6), 114-122, 2017
Peningkatan kemampuan komunikasi matematis siswa SMA/MA di kecamatan simpang ulim melalui model pembelajaran kooperatif tipe STAD
S Saragih
Jurnal Pendidikan dan Kebudayaan 19 (2), 174-188, 2013
Hubungan self-esteem dan kesepian dengan kecenderungan gangguan kepribadian narsistik pada remaja pengguna sosial media instagram
J Hardika, I Noviekayati, S Saragih
Psikosains: Jurnal Penelitian dan Pemikiran Psikologi 14 (1), 1-13, 2019
The Profile of Communication Mathematics and Students’ Motivation by Joyful Learning-based Learning Context Malay Culture
D Yusra, S Saragih
British Journal of Education, Society & Behavioural Science, 2016
Consumption of bangun-bangun leaves (Coleus amboinicus Lour) to increase breast milk production among Bataknese women in North Sumatera Island, Indonesia
R Damanik, N Damanik, Z Daulay, S Saragih, R Premier, ...
Asia Pac J Clin Nutr 10 (4), S67, 2001
Pengaruh kegiatan ekstrakurikuler kepramukaan terhadap perilaku prososial Remaja di SMP Santa Ursula Jakarta
NK Dewi, S Saragih
Persona: Jurnal Psikologi Indonesia 3 (03), 2014
Peningkatan pemahaman konsep grafik fungsi trigonometri siswa SMK melalui penemuan terbimbing berbantuan software Autograph
S Saragih, V Afriati
Jurnal Pendidikan dan Kebudayaan 18 (4), 368-381, 2012
Peningkatan kemampuan pemecahan masalah dan komunikasi matematik melalui pendekatan matematika realistik pada siswa SMP kelas VII LANGSA
R Husna, S Saragih
Jurnal Paradikma 6 (2), 175-186, 2013
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