J.P. Chardon
J.P. Chardon
在 hetnet.nl 的电子邮件经过验证
The application of ‘least-cost’modelling as a functional landscape model
F Adriaensen, JP Chardon, G De Blust, E Swinnen, S Villalba, H Gulinck, ...
Landscape and urban planning 64 (4), 233-247, 2003
Effects of habitat fragmentation and road density on the distribution pattern of the moor frog Rana arvalis
CC Vos, JP Chardon
Journal of applied Ecology 35 (1), 44-56, 1998
Incorporating landscape elements into a connectivity measure: a case study for the Speckled wood butterfly (Pararge aegeria L.)
JP Chardon, F Adriaensen, E Matthysen
Landscape Ecology 18, 561-573, 2003
Introducing the key patch approach for habitat networks with persistent populations: an example for marshland birds
J Verboom, R Foppen, P Chardon, P Opdam, P Luttikhuizen
Biological conservation 100 (1), 89-101, 2001
Understanding the role of sink patches in source‐sink metapopulations: Reed Warbler in an agricultural landscape
RPB Foppen, JP Chardon, W Liefveld
Conservation Biology 14 (6), 1881-1892, 2000
The synergistic effect of combining woodlands and green veining for biodiversity
CJ Grashof-Bokdam, JP Chardon, CC Vos, RPB Foppen, ...
Landscape ecology 24, 1105-1121, 2009
LARCH-RIVER: a method to assess the functioning of rivers as ecological networks
JP Chardon, RPB Foppen, N Geilen
European water management: official publication of the European Water …, 2000
Pedotransfer functions for denitrification
A Breeuwsma, JP Chardon, JF Kragt, W De Vries
Soil and groundwater research report II:‘Nitrate in soils’. Directorate …, 1991
Herpetofauna en verkeerswegen; een literatuurstudie
CC Vos, JP Chardon
Project versnippering deel 24, 1994
Survival of the Black bog ant (Formica transkaucasica Nasanov) in relation to the fragmentation of its habitat
AA Mabelis, JP Chardon
Journal of Insect Conservation 9, 95-108, 2005
Standards for persistent habitat networks for vertebrate populations: the key patch approach. An example for marshland bird populations
J Verboom, R Foppen, P Chardon, P Opdam, P Luttikhuizen
Biological Conservation 100, 89-101, 2001
Survival of the trunk ant (Formica truncorum Fabricius, 1804; Hymenoptera: Formicidae) in a fragmented habitat
AA Mabelis, JP Chardon
Myrmecol. News 9, 1-11, 2006
De potenties voor een duurzame roerdomppopulatie in het Vijvercomplex van Midden-Limburg (België) en het effect op aangrenzende leefgebieden in België en Nederland …
JP Chardon
Alterra, 2001
Kwantitatieve evaluatie van de verbindingsfunctie van landschappelijke elementen aan de hand van connectiviteitsmodellen
F Adriaensen, JP Chardon, H Gulinck, G De Blust, R Verhagen, ...
LARCH: An ecological application of GIS in river studies
R Jochem, BJH Koolstra, JP Chardon
Landscape resistance and dispersal in fragmented populations: a case study of the tree frog (Hyla arborea) in an agricultural landscape.
CC Vos, JP Chardon
Species dispersal and land use processess. Proc. of the sixth annual IALE …, 1997
Het gebruik van amfibieëntunnels bij wegen
JP Chardon, CC Vos, JG de Vries
De Levende Natuur 97 (3), 110-115, 1996
Graadmeter natuurwaarde terrestrisch: verslaglegging van de uitgevoerde werkzaamheden
BJH Koolstra, R Alkemade, RJF Bugter, JP Chardon, CJ Grashof, ...
Instituut voor Bos-en Natuuronderzoek (IBN-DLO), 1999
Larch-Europe: a Model to Assess the Biodiversity Potential in Fragmented European Ecosystems: An Expert System Under the MIRABEL Umbrella
RPB Foppen, JP Chardon
Institute for Forestry and Nature Research (ibn-dlo), 1998
Op weg naar een landsdekkend databestand: LKN fase 3 Nederland: interimrapport
ECA Bolsius, JP Chardon, CLG Groen
Rijksplanologische Dienst, 1992
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