Dr P K Panigrahi
Dr P K Panigrahi
GIET University, Odisha
在 giet.edu 的电子邮件经过验证
Analysis of FPA and BA meta‐heuristic controllers for optimal path planning of mobile robot in cluttered environment
S Ghosh, PK Panigrahi, DR Parhi
IET Science, Measurement & Technology 11 (7), 817-828, 2017
Navigation of autonomous mobile robot using different activation functions of wavelet neural network
GSPDR Panigrahi Pratap Kumar
Archives of Control Sciences 25 (1), 21-34, 2015
Power quality improvement in a photovoltaic based microgrid integrated network using multilevel inverter
B Das, PK Panigrahi, SR Das, DP Mishra, SR Salkuti
International Journal of Emerging Electric Power Systems 23 (2), 197-209, 2022
A novel intelligent mobile robot navigation technique for avoiding obstacles using RBF neural network
PK Panigrahi, S Ghosh, DR Parhi
Proceedings of the 2014 International Conference on Control, Instrumentation …, 2014
Performance Comparison of Novel WNN Approach with RBFNN in Navigation of Autonomous Mobile Robotic Agent
DRP Saradindu Ghosh, Pratap Kumar Panigrahi
Serbian Journal of Electrical Engineering 13 (2), 239-263, 2016
Introduction of Mechanical Gear Type Steering Mechanism to Rocker Bogie
P Panigrahi, A Barik, R Rajneesh, RK Sahu
Imperial Journal of Interdisciplinary Research (IJIR) Vol-2, Issue-5, ISSN …, 2016
Hydrodynamic performance enhancement using stern wedges, stern flaps and interceptors
S John, MD Kareem Khan, PC Praveen, K Manu, PK Panigrahi
Naval Science & Technological Laboratory, India, 2011
Intelligent Leaning and Control of Autonomous Mobile Robot using MLP and RBF based Neural Network in Clustered Environment
PK Panigrahi, S Ghosh, DR Parhi
International Journal of Scientific and Engineering Research 5 (6), 313-316, 2014
Comparison of GSA, SA and PSO Based Intelligent Controllers for Path Planning of Mobile Robot in Unknown Environment. World Academy of Science, Engineering and Technology
PK Panigrahi, S Ghosh, DR Parhi
International Journal of Electrical, Computer, Energetic, Electronic and …, 2014
A novel metaheuristic approach to scale the economic impact of grid participation on a microgrid system
B Dey, FPG Márquez, PK Panigrahi, B Bhattacharyya
Sustainable Energy Technologies and Assessments 53, 102417, 2022
Stability analysis of a positively buoyant underwater vehicle in vertical plane for a level flight at varying buoyancy, BG and speeds
VBS Ayyangar, P Krishnankutty, M Korulla, PK Panigrahi
Ocean Engineering 148, 331-348, 2018
Comparison of GSA, SA and PSO based intelligent controllers for path planning of mobile robot in unknown environment
PK Panigrahi, S Ghosh, DR Parhi
International Journal of Electrical and Computer Engineering 8 (10), 1633-1642, 2014
Impact analysis of plug-in hybrid electric vehicle on integration with micro grid-A review
B Das, PK Panigrahi, CK Samant
2020 IEEE International Symposium on Sustainable Energy, Signal Processing …, 2020
Integrated aquaculture within irrigation options-an economic analysis in indian context
LIP Ray, PK Panigrahi, S Moulick, BC Mai
Agricultural Engineering Today 35 (3), 3-9, 2011
Detection and diagnosis of islanding using artificial intelligence in distributed generation systems
RC Mohapatra, S.S., Maharana, M.K., Pradhan, A., Panigrahi, P.K., Prusty
Sustainable Energy, Grids and Networks 29, 12, 2021
Intelligent vehicle to grid based plug-in electric vehicle with cloud computing
S Misra, PK Panigrahi, S Ghosh
2020 International Conference on Computer Science, Engineering and …, 2020
Trimaran Hull Form Optimization, Using Shipflow
S Verna, K Khan, PC Praveen
International Journal of Innovative Research and Development 1 (10), 5-15, 2012
Ship hull appendages: a case study
S John, K Khan, PC Praveen, M Korulla, PK Panigrahi
Int. J. Innov. Res. Dev 1, 74-89, 2012
Path planning and control of autonomous robotic agent using mamdani based fuzzy logic controller and arduino uno micro controller
PK Panigrahi, S Sahoo
Proceedings of the 3rd International Conference on Frontiers of Intelligent …, 2015
Temporal variation of water quality parameters in intensively IMC cultured lined pond
LIP Ray, PK Panigrahi, BC Mal
Univ. de Stiinte Agricole si Medicină Veterinară Iasi Lucrări Stiintifice …, 2009
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