Maha Krayem
Maha Krayem
Associate professor of Biology, Lebanese International University
在 liu.edu.lb 的电子邮件经过验证
A focused insight into thyme: Biological, chemical, and therapeutic properties of an indigenous Mediterranean herb
D Hammoudi Halat, M Krayem, S Khaled, S Younes
Nutrients 14 (10), 2104, 2022
Quince fruit Cydonia oblonga Mill nutritional composition, antioxidative properties, health benefits and consumers preferences towards some industrial quince products: A review
I Al-Zughbi, M Krayem
Food Chemistry 393, 133362, 2022
Enzymatic antioxidant responses and mineral status in roots and leaves of olive plants subjected to fluoride stress
M Zouari, N Elloumi, K Bellassoued, CB Ahmed, M Krayem, D Delmail, ...
South African Journal of Botany 111, 44-49, 2017
Absorption and translocation of copper and arsenic in an aquatic macrophyte Myriophyllum alterniflorum DC. in oligotrophic and eutrophic conditions
M Krayem, M Baydoun, V Deluchat, JF Lenain, V Kazpard, P Labrousse
Environmental Science and Pollution Research 23, 11129-11136, 2016
In search for potential biomarkers of copper stress in aquatic plants
M Krayem, S El Khatib, Y Hassan, V Deluchat, P Labrousse
Aquatic Toxicology 239, 105952, 2021
Effect of arsenate As (V) on the biomarkers of Myriophyllum alterniflorum in oligotrophic and eutrophic conditions
M Krayem, V Deluchat, M Rabiet, K Cleries, JF Lenain, Z Saad, V Kazpard, ...
Chemosphere 147, 131-137, 2016
Combined effect of copper and hydrodynamic conditions on Myriophyllum alterniflorum biomarkers
M Krayem, V Deluchat, P Hourdin, P Fondanèche, FL Des Etangs, ...
Chemosphere 199, 427-434, 2018
Nutritional, biochemical and health properties of Locust beans and its applications in the food industry: a review
K Nasrallah, S Khaled, S El Khatib, M Krayem
Journal of Food Science and Technology 61 (4), 621-630, 2024
Exploring the effects of health behaviors and mental health on students’ academic achievement: a cross-sectional study on lebanese university students
D Hammoudi Halat, S Hallit, S Younes, M AlFikany, S Khaled, M Krayem, ...
BMC public health 23 (1), 1228, 2023
Are Myriophyllum alterniflorum biomarker responses to arsenic stress differentially affected by hydrodynamic conditions?
M Krayem, V Deluchat, P Hourdin, P Labrousse
Chemosphere 225, 497-506, 2019
Update on vitamin D deficiency and its impact on human health major challenges & technical approaches of food fortification
K El Hoss, M Salla, S Khaled, M Krayem, H Hassan, S El Khatib
Journal of Agriculture and Food Research 12, 100616, 2023
A focused insight into sumac: biological, chemical, health benefits and its applications in food industry
F El Ghizzawi, S Khaled, S El Khatib, M Krayem
Food Science and Engineering, 191-203, 2023
A comparison between wheat and sorghum flour in biscuits application: a review
R Al Majzoub, S Khaled, S El Khatib, M Krayem
Food Science and Engineering, 89-102, 2023
Aquatic macrophytes and trace elements: Deleterious effects, biomarkers, adaptation mechanisms, and potential new wave of phytoremediation processes
M Krayem, S El Khatib, P Labrousse
Plants and Their Interaction to Environmental Pollution, 333-377, 2023
Are cysteine, glutathione and phytochelatins responses of Myriophyllum alterniflorum to copper and arsenic stress affected by trophic conditions?
M Krayem, E Pinault, V Deluchat, P Labrousse
BioMetals 35 (4), 729-739, 2022
Assessment of metal/metalloid occurrence in rivers with their accumulation in macrophyte case study with Myriophyllum alterniflorum
M Baydoun, A Da Silva, R Decou, M Krayem, P Hourdin, K Cleries, ...
Environmental Monitoring and Assessment 192, 1-21, 2020
Etude des effets de l'arsenic et du cuivre sur un macrophyte aquatique, Myriophyllum alterniflorum DC: évaluation des biomarqueurs pour la détection précoce de pollution
M Krayem
Limoges, 2015
Antibiotic residues in milk and milk products: A momentous challenge for the pharmaceutical industry and medicine
R Omairi, M Krayem, S Khaled, M Salla, S El Khatib
World Journal of Pharmacology 11 (4), 48-55, 2022
A Review on the Versatile Applications of Plant-Based Essential Oils in Food Flavoring, Culinary Uses and Health Benefits
A Hassid, M Salla, M Krayem, S Khaled, H Hassan, S El Khatib
Preprints, 2024
Food Industry and Pharmaceutics, a Substantial Challenge by Antibiotic Residues
SE Khatib, R Omairi, M Krayem, S Khaled, H Rahal, H Hassan, M Salla
BP International, 2023
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