Byunghoon Kim
Byunghoon Kim
在 hanyang.ac.kr 的电子邮件经过验证
New multi-stage similarity measure for calculation of pairwise patent similarity in a patent citation network
A Rodriguez, B Kim, M Turkoz, JM Lee, BY Coh, MK Jeong
Scientometrics 103, 565-581, 2015
Integrating machine learning, radio frequency identification, and consignment policy for reducing unreliability in smart supply chain management
SK Sardar, B Sarkar, B Kim
Processes 9 (2), 247, 2021
Patent clustering and outlier ranking methodologies for attributed patent citation networks for technology opportunity discovery
A Rodriguez, A Tosyali, B Kim, J Choi, JM Lee, BY Coh, MK Jeong
IEEE Transactions on Engineering Management 63 (4), 426-437, 2016
A regularized singular value decomposition-based approach for failure pattern classification on fail bit map in a DRAM wafer
B Kim, YS Jeong, SH Tong, IK Chang, MK Jeongyoung
IEEE Transactions on Semiconductor Manufacturing 28 (1), 41-49, 2015
Inter-cluster connectivity analysis for technology opportunity discovery
B Kim, G Gazzola, JM Lee, D Kim, K Kim, MK Jeong
Scientometrics 98, 1811-1825, 2014
Graph kernel based measure for evaluating the influence of patents in a patent citation network
A Rodriguez, B Kim, JM Lee, BY Coh, MK Jeong
Expert systems with applications 42 (3), 1479-1486, 2015
Step-down spatial randomness test for detecting abnormalities in DRAM wafers with multiple spatial maps
B Kim, YS Jeong, SH Tong, IK Chang, MK Jeong
IEEE Transactions on Semiconductor Manufacturing 29 (1), 57-65, 2015
A generalised uncertain decision tree for defect classification of multiple wafer maps
B Kim, YS Jeong, SH Tong, MK Jeong
International Journal of Production Research 58 (9), 2805-2821, 2020
Two-phase edge outlier detection method for technology opportunity discovery
B Kim, G Gazzola, J Yang, JM Lee, BY Coh, MK Jeong, YS Jeong
Scientometrics 113, 1-16, 2017
Methodology for assessing the contribution of knowledge services during the new product development process to business performance
J Choi, B Kim, CH Han, H Hahn, H Park, J Yoo, MK Jeong
Expert Systems with Applications 167, 113860, 2021
A novel method for identifying competitors using a financial transaction network
J Choi, A Tosyali, B Kim, H Lee, MK Jeong
IEEE Transactions on Engineering Management 69 (4), 845-860, 2022
Maintenance optimization for repairable deteriorating systems under imperfect preventive maintenance
J Lee, B Kim, S Ahn
Mathematics 7 (716), 1-17, 2019
System informatics: from methodology to applications
K Zhao, Y Xie, KL Tsui, Q Wei, W Huang, W Jiang, Y Li, S Cho, SB Kim, ...
IEEE Intelligent Systems 30 (6), 12-29, 2015
Data mining-based variable assessment methodology for evaluating the contribution of knowledge services of a public research institute to business performance of firms
J Choi, B Kim, H Hahn, H Park, Y Jeong, J Yoo, MK Jeong
Expert Systems with Applications 84, 37-48, 2017
Regularizing activations in neural networks via distribution matching with the wasserstein metric
T Joo, D Kang, B Kim
arXiv preprint arXiv:2002.05366, 2020
A Group Feature Ranking and Selection Method based on Dimension Reduction Technique in High-Dimensional Data
IM Zubair, B Kim
IEEE Access 10, 125136-125147, 2022
New multivariate kernel density estimator for uncertain data classification
B Kim, YS Jeong, MK Jeong
Annals of Operations Research 303 (1), 413-431, 2021
Modelling of technology lifetime based on patent citation data and segmentation
SH Yoo, B Kim, MK Jeong
Journal of the Operational Research Society 66 (3), 450-462, 2015
A dynamic graph-based approach to ranking firms for identifying key players using inter-firm transactions
A Tosyali, J Choi, B Kim, H Lee, MK Jeong
Annals of Operations Research 303 (1), 5-27, 2021
실물옵션 기반 기술가치 평가모델 정교화와 변동성 유효구간에 관한 연구
성태응, 이종택, 김병훈, 전승표, 박현우
기술혁신학회지 20 (3), 732-753, 2017
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