Khiroda Chandra Nayak
Khiroda Chandra Nayak
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Effect of restricted feeding and refeeding on compensatory growth, nutrient utilization and gain, production performance and whole body composition of carp cultured in earthen pond
KN Mohanta, SC Rath, KC Nayak, C Pradhan, TK Mohanty, SS Giri
Aquaculture Nutrition 23 (3), 460-469, 2017
Nutritional evaluation of rain tree (Samanea saman) pod and its incorporation in the diet of rohu (Labeo rohita Hamilton) larvae as a non-conventional feed ingredient
SC Rath, KC Nayak, KN Mohanta, C Pradhan, PV Rangacharyulu, ...
Indian J. Fish 61 (4), 105-111, 2014
Protein requirement of IR-Jayanti (Labeo rohita) fingerlings
S Sarkar, SN Mohanty, KC Nayak, C Pradhan, KN Mohanta, C Devaraj
International Journal of fisheries and Aquatic studies 3 (2), 324-330, 2015
Evaluation of processed rain tree (Samanea saman) pod meal as a non-conventional ingredient in the diet of Catla catla Fry
SC Rath, KC Nayak, C Pradhan, TK Mohanty, S Sarkar, KN Mohanta, ...
Animal Nutrition and Feed Technology 17 (2), 323-332, 2017
Evaluation of mahua oil cake (Bassia latifolia Roxb.) as a non-conventional feed ingredient for Labeo rohita (Ham.) fingerlings
SC Rath, KC Nayak, TK Mohanty, C Devaraj, NK Chandan, KN Mohanta, ...
Indian Journal of Fisheries 64 (2), 33-39, 2017
Karyotypic studies in two species of Baril/us (Cyprinidae: pisces)
AR Khuda Bukhsh, K Nayak
Chromosome Inf. Serv 30, 15-16, 1981
Influence of fishmeal-replaced diet on nutrient digestibility, digestive enzyme activity, and whole-body fatty acid profile of Indian major carp, Cirrhinus mrigala
C Pradhan, SS Giri, SN Mohanty, KC Nayak
The Journal of Basic and Applied Zoology 82, 1-10, 2021
Evaluation of polanga (Calophyllum inophyllum) oil cake as a non-conventional ingredient in Labeo rohita (Hamilton, 1822) fingerling feed
SC Rath, KC Nayak, C Pradhan, TK Mohanty, S Sarkar, S Toppo, ...
Indian Journal of Fisheries 64, 2017
Carp Polyculture by farm feed intervention in farmers pond in Odisha
SNM S. C. Rath, K.C. Nayak, Kedar Nath Mohanta
Indian Farming 64 (7), 51-55, 2014
Evaluation of Dhaincha seed (Sesbania aculeate) as a non-conventional feed ingredient for Labeo rohita (Ham.) fry
KC Nayak, SC Rath, SS Giri, KN Mohanta
International Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic studies 6 (2), 272-279, 2018
Impacts of COVID-19 on Aquatic Food Supply Chains in Odisha, India
BB Jacqueline Shieh, Satish Das,Bikram Baliyarsingh, Binmaya Mohanty,Khiroda ...
CGIAR Research Program on Fish Agri-food systems, WorldFish,Penag,Malaysia, 2020
Incorporation of mahua oil cake as a non- conventional feed ingredient in the diet of amur carp larvae
KNM S.C. Rath, K.C. Das, N.K. Chandan, K.C. Nayak
Paper presented in 4th PAF Congress on “Increasing Aquaculture Production in …, 2019
Evaluation of dhaincha (Sesbania aculeata) seed as non-conventional feed ingredient in rohu, Labeo rohita fry.
SSG K.C Nayak.,S.C.Ratha., K.N.Mohanta and
Paper presented in the 11th Indian Fisheries and Aquaculture Forum organized …, 2017
Demonstration of carp culture using farm made feed incorporating rain tree pod in farmer’s pond
SSG S.C. Rath, K.C. Nayak, K.C. Das, K.N. Mohanta
Paper presented in the 11th Indian Fisheries and Aquaculture Forum organized …, 2017
Determination of optimum protein and carbohydrate requirement in improved rohu, (Jyanti), Labeo rohita fry
KR K.N. Mohanta, K.C. Das, K.C. Nayak
Paper Presented in the National Seminar on “Opportunities and Challenges of …, 2017
Growth performance of rohu, Labeo rohita fingerlings fed with feeds containing water soaked and sprouted dhaincha (Sesbania aculeata) seed as non-conventional feed ingredients
SSG K.C. Nayak, S.C. Rath, K.N. Mohanta
Paper Presented in the National Seminar on “Opportunities and Challenges of …, 2017
Feed utilization and growth performance of improved rohu Jayanti (Labeo rohita) fingerlings fed on diets containing varying lipid levels
KN Sarkar, S., Nayak, K.C., Devraj, C. and Mohanta
Paper presented in the National Seminar on Aquaculture Diversification held …, 2016
Incorporation of rain tree pod (Samanea saman) as non-cnventional ingredients in grow-out feed for Indian major carp
KNM S.C. Rath, K.C. Nayak, S.S. Giri
Paper presented in the National Seminar on Aquaculture Diversification held …, 2016
Fish feed production technology
CPPVR T.K. Mohanty., K.C. Nayak.
Training Mannual for entrepreneurs on Fish feed production technology, P-64, 2014
Farm made feed for carp culture.Training Mannual on “Sustainable fish feeds and Nutraceuticals to grow health promoting fish”
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