Megan N. Imundo
Compared to Facebook, Instagram use causes more appearance comparison and lower body satisfaction in college women
R Engeln, R Loach, MN Imundo, A Zola
Body image 34, 38-45, 2020
When fairness is flawed: Effects of false balance reporting and weight-of-evidence statements on beliefs and perceptions of climate change.
MN Imundo, DN Rapp
Journal of Applied Research in Memory and Cognition 11 (2), 258, 2022
How do college students use digital flashcards during self-regulated learning?
I Zung, MN Imundo, SC Pan
Memory 30 (8), 923-941, 2022
Where and how to learn: The interactive benefits of contextual variation, restudying, and retrieval practice for learning
MN Imundo, SC Pan, EL Bjork, RA Bjork
Quarterly Journal of Experimental Psychology 74 (3), 413-424, 2021
User-generated digital flashcards yield better learning than premade flashcards.
SC Pan, I Zung, MN Imundo, X Zhang, Y Qiu
Journal of Applied Research in Memory and Cognition 12 (4), 574, 2023
I (don't) love my body: Counter-intuitive effects of a body-affirming statement on college women's body satisfaction
R Engeln, MN Imundo
Journal of Social and Clinical Psychology 39 (7), 617-639, 2020
Viewing oneself during synchronous online learning increases appearance anxiety and decreases memory for lecture content
IS Tien, MN Imundo, EL Bjork
Applied Cognitive Psychology 37 (2), 443-451, 2023
Do individual differences in conspiratorial and political leanings influence the use of inaccurate information
DN Rapp, MN Imundo, RM Adler
Misinformation and fake news in education, 103-22, 2019
Weight-of-evidence reporting may protect against the harmful effects of false balance
MN Imundo, DN Rapp
Poster presented at the 61st Annual Meeting of the Psychonomic Society …, 2020
Compared to Facebook
R Engeln, R Loach, MN Imundo, A Zola
Instagram use, 2020
Registered replication report: Johns, Schmader, & Martens (2005)
AH Stoevenbelt, P Flore, J Wicherts, R Bergers, R Calin-Jageman, ...
OSF, 0
Story stimuli for instantiating true and false beliefs about the world
NA Salovich, MN Imundo, DN Rapp
Behavior Research Methods 55 (4), 1907-1923, 2023
Encouraging retrieval practice.
M Paquette-Smith, M Imundo, C Clark
Society for the Teaching of Psychology, 2023
Testing Together: Collaborative and Individual Practice Testing Can Yield Different Patterns of Learning Following Practice Testing with Varied Test Formats
M Imundo
University of California, Los Angeles, 2023
Building Reading Comprehension and Knowledge with iSTART: An ITS to Provide Formative Feedback in Reading Instruction at Scale
M Watanabe, M Imundo, K Christhilf, T Arner, DS McNamara
Proceedings of the Eleventh ACM Conference on Learning@ Scale, 510-513, 2024
Is There a Main Effect? Improving Data Literacy Using Practice Examples and Peer Collaboration
VL Cross, MN Imundo, CM Clark, M Paquette-Smith
Psychology Learning & Teaching 23 (2), 172-188, 2024
Pan, Zung, Imundo, et al.(2022) User-generated versus pre-made digital flashcards
SC Pan, I Zung, MN Imundo
PsyArXiv, 2022
Zung, Imundo, and Pan (2022) How do college students use digital flashcards during self-regulated learning?
I Zung, MN Imundo, SC Pan
PsyArXiv, 2022
Journal of Applied Research in Memory and Cognition
SC Pan, I Zung, MN Imundo, X Zhang, Y Qiu, SC Pan, I Zung, MN Imundo, ...
Journal of Applied Research in Memory and Cognition
MN Imundo, DN Rapp
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