Evaluation of user experience in human–robot interaction: a systematic literature review A Apraiz, G Lasa, M Mazmela International Journal of Social Robotics 15 (2), 187-210, 2023 | 20 | 2023 |
Evaluating User Experience with Physiological Monitoring: A Systematic Literature Review AA Iriarte, GL Erle, MM Etxabe DYNA New Technologies, 2021 | 14* | 2021 |
Questionnaires for the Evaluation of User Experience and Usability in industrial environments: A Bibliographic Review A Apraiz Iriarte, G Lasa Erle DYNA New Technologies, 2020 | 8 | 2020 |
An Experimental Protocol for Human Stress Investigation in Manufacturing Contexts: Its Application in the NO-STRESS Project A Apraiz, G Lasa, F Montagna, G Blandino, E Triviño-Tonato, ... Systems 11 (9), 448, 2023 | 3 | 2023 |
Development of a new set of Heuristics for the evaluation of Human-Robot Interaction in industrial settings: Heuristics Robots Experience (HEUROBOX) A Apraiz, JA Mulet Alberola, G Lasa, M Mazmela, HN Nguyen Frontiers in Robotics and AI 10, 1227082, 2023 | 3 | 2023 |
User Preferences and Associations with Light or Dark Interfaces A Apraiz Iriarte, G Lasa Erle, M Mazmela Etxabe International Congress on Project Management and Engineering, 2021 | 2 | 2021 |
Aproximación multimétodo para medir el impacto de los factores de diseño en la apropiación de un software de inteligencia competitiva MM Echave, GL Erle, AA Iriarte DYNA new technologies 7 (1), 8, 2020 | 1* | 2020 |
Evaluación heurística de la interacción persona-robot en entornos industriales AA Iriarte, GL Erle, MM Etxabe | 1 | |
Development and validation of Human-Robot Experience (HUROX) questionnaire for industrial collaborative contexts A Apraiz Iriarte, G Lasa, M Mazmela Etxabe, O Escallada Lopez, ... AEIPRO, 2023 | | 2023 |
Desarrollo y validación del cuestionario Human-Robot eXperience (HUROX) para contextos colaborativos industriales A Apraiz, G Lasa, M Mazmela, O Escallada, A González de Heredia | | 2023 |
Evaluation of the User Experience of an industrial robotic environment in Virtual Reality A Apraiz Iriarte, G Lasa Erle, A Serrano Muñoz, Í Elguea Aguinaco, ... International Congress on Project Management and Engineering 7, 003, 2022 | | 2022 |
Present and future of physiological monitoring to evaluate user experience AA IRIARTE, GL ERLE, MM ETXABE DYNA 96 (4), 342-342, 2021 | | 2021 |
Application of questionnaires for evaluation of user experience in industrial environments AA IRIARTE, GL ERLE, MM ETXABE DYNA 96 (3), 235-235, 2021 | | 2021 |
Robot-aren itxura estetikoak eta erabiltzaileen preferentziak AA Iriarte, AA Mendizabal, GL Erle Ingeniaritza eta arkitektura: IV. Ikergazte Nazioarteko Ikerteta Euskaraz …, 2021 | | 2021 |
Interface design and its impact on software appropriation M Mazmela, G Lasa, A Apraiz DYNA 96 (1), 17-17, 2021 | | 2021 |
Robot-aren itxura estetikoak eta erabiltzaileen preferentziak A Apraiz Iriarte, A Aztiria Mendizabal, G Lasa Udako Euskal Unibertsitatea (UEU), 2021 | | 2021 |
Aplicación de cuestionarios para la evaluación de la experiencia de usuario en entornos industriales A Apraiz Iriarte, G Lasa Erle, M Mazmela Echave Revista DYNA 96 (3), 235-235, 2021 | | 2021 |