Jason R Gasper
Jason R Gasper
National Marine Fisheries Service
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Catch sampling and estimation in the federal groundfish fisheries off Alaska, 2015 edition.
J Cahalan, J Gasper, J Mondragon
NOAA Tech Mem, 46 p., 2015
Deployment Performance Review of the 2016 North Pacific Groundfish and Halibut Observer Program
CH Faunce, JY Sullivan, SJ Barbeaux, JA Cahalan, JR Gasper, SA Lowe, ...
Shark interactions with directed and incidental fisheries in the Northeast Pacific Ocean: historic and current encounters, and challenges for shark conservation
J King, GA McFarlane, V Gertseva, J Gasper, S Matson, CA Tribuzio
Advances in Marine Biology 78, 9-44, 2017
Modeling of the spatial distribution of Pacific spiny dogfish (Squalus suckleyi) in the Gulf of Alaska using generalized additive and generalized linear models
JR Gasper, GH Kruse
Canadian journal of fisheries and aquatic sciences 70 (9), 1372-1385, 2013
Methods for the estimation of non-target species catch in the unobserved halibut IFQ fleet
CA Tribuzio, S Gaichas, J Gasper, H Gilroy, T Kong, O Ormseth, ...
August Plan Team document. Presented to the Joint Plan Teams of the North …, 2011
Deployment performance review of the 2017 North Pacific Observer Program. US Dep. Commer
P Ganz, S Barbeaux, J Cahalan, J Gasper, S Lowe, R Webster, C Faunce
NOAA Tech. Memo. NMFS-AFSC 379, 68, 2018
National standard 1 technical guidance for designing, evaluating, and implementing carry-over and phase-in provisions
D Holland, D Lambert, E Schnettler, R Methot, M Karp, K Brewster-Geisz, ...
US Department of Commerce, National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration …, 2020
Catch estimation in the Federal trawl fisheries off Alaska: A simulation approach to compare the statistical properties of three trip-specific catch estimators.
JMM Jennifer A. Cahalan, Jason R Gasper
Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences, 2015
Estimation of Bycatch in the Unobserved Pacific Halibut Fishery off Alaska
SKG Cindy A Tribuzio, Jason R Gasper
NOAA Technical Memorandum NMFS-AFSC, 2014
Policy and market analysis of world dogfish fisheries and an evaluation of the feasibility of a dogfish fishery in waters of Alaska, USA
JR Gasper
University of Alaska Fairbanks, 2011
Report of the 2010 halibut bycatch work group
Halibut Bycatch Work Group, T Karim, GH Williams, RD Mecum
International Pacific Halibut Commission, 2012
Deployment Performance Review of the 2019 North Pacific Observer Program
P Ganz, C Faunce, G Mayhew, S Barbeaux, J Gasper, S Lowe, R Webster
The spatial distribution of spiny dogfish (Squalus acanthias) in the Gulf of Alaska: the use of fishery-dependent data, fishery-independent data, and generalized modelling for …
JR Gasper, GH Kruse
ASC 2010-Theme session E, 2010
Supplement to the environmental assessment for restructuring the program for observer procurement and deployment in the North Pacific
J Gasper, C Tide, G Harrington, J Mondragon, J Cahalan, S Bibb, ...
Evaluation of design-based estimators in federal groundfish fisheries off Alaska
J Cahalan, J Gasper, J Mondragon
Fisheries bycatch: global issues and creative solutions. Alaska Sea Grant …, 2015
Catch estimation in the federal trawl fisheries off Alaska: A simulation approach to compare the statistical properties of the simple mean estimator, a deterministic imputation …
J Cahalan, J Gasper, J Mondragon
ASC 2013-Theme session J, 2013
Catch sampling and estimation in the federal groundfish fisheries off Alaska
J Calahan, J Mondragon, J Gasper
NOAA Technical Memorandum- National Marine Fisheries Service(NMFS)- Alaska …, 2010
Sportfishing Catch and Harvest of Pacific Halibut (Hippoglossus stenolepis) in Glacier Bay National Park
JR Gasper, VF Gallucci, ML Miller, J Swanson, C Soiseth, DR Johnson
Fisheries Assessment and Management in Data-limited Situations: Proceedings …, 2005
The commercial size limit for the Pacific halibut fishery off Alaska and its relationship to observer-derived estimates of at-sea discard
J Cahalan, J Gasper
The Tale of Tails: The Commercial Size Limit for the Pacific Halibut Fishery Off Alaska and Its Relationship to Observer-Derived Estimates of at-Sea Discard
J Cahalan, J Gasper
American Fisheries Society & The Wildlife Society 2019 Joint Annual Conference, 2019
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