Wei Jia
Wei Jia
在 hfut.edu.cn 的电子邮件经过验证 - 首页
Palmprint verification based on robust line orientation code
W Jia, DS Huang, D Zhang
Pattern Recognition 41 (5), 1504-1513, 2008
Palmprint verification based on principal lines
DS Huang, W Jia, D Zhang
Pattern Recognition 41 (4), 1316-1328, 2008
Completed local binary count for rotation invariant texture classification
Y Zhao, DS Huang, W Jia
IEEE transactions on image processing 21 (10), 4492-4497, 2012
Discriminant sparse neighborhood preserving embedding for face recognition
J Gui, Z Sun, W Jia, R Hu, Y Lei, S Ji
Pattern Recognition 45 (8), 2884-2893, 2012
Multiscale distance matrix for fast plant leaf recognition
R Hu, W Jia, H Ling, D Huang
IEEE transactions on image processing 21 (11), 4667-4672, 2012
Local line directional pattern for palmprint recognition
YT Luo, LY Zhao, B Zhang, W Jia, F Xue, JT Lu, YH Zhu, BQ Xu
Pattern Recognition 50, 26-44, 2016
Feature extraction methods for palmprint recognition: A survey and evaluation
L Fei, G Lu, W Jia, S Teng, D Zhang
IEEE Transactions on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics: Systems 49 (2), 346-363, 2018
Completed robust local binary pattern for texture classification
Y Zhao, W Jia, RX Hu, H Min
Neurocomputing 106, 68-76, 2013
Histogram of oriented lines for palmprint recognition
W Jia, RX Hu, YK Lei, Y Zhao, J Gui
IEEE Transactions on systems, man, and cybernetics: systems 44 (3), 385-395, 2013
Palmprint recognition based on complete direction representation
W Jia, B Zhang, J Lu, Y Zhu, Y Zhao, W Zuo, H Ling
IEEE Transactions on Image Processing 26 (9), 4483-4498, 2017
Locality preserving discriminant projections for face and palmprint recognition
J Gui, W Jia, L Zhu, SL Wang, DS Huang
Neurocomputing 73 (13-15), 2696-2707, 2010
Real‐time automatic helmet detection of motorcyclists in urban traffic using improved YOLOv5 detector
W Jia, S Xu, Z Liang, Y Zhao, H Min, S Li, Y Yu
IET Image Processing 15 (14), 3623-3637, 2021
F-SVM: Combination of feature transformation and SVM learning via convex relaxation
X Wu, W Zuo, L Lin, W Jia, D Zhang
IEEE transactions on neural networks and learning systems 29 (11), 5185-5199, 2018
An intensity-texture model based level set method for image segmentation
H Min, W Jia, XF Wang, Y Zhao, RX Hu, YT Luo, F Xue, JT Lu
Pattern Recognition 48 (4), 1547-1562, 2015
Learning discriminant direction binary palmprint descriptor
L Fei, B Zhang, Y Xu, Z Guo, J Wen, W Jia
IEEE Transactions on Image Processing 28 (8), 3808-3820, 2019
Local discriminant direction binary pattern for palmprint representation and recognition
L Fei, B Zhang, Y Xu, D Huang, W Jia, J Wen
IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems for Video Technology 30 (2), 468-481, 2019
Bilateral grid learning for stereo matching networks
B Xu, Y Xu, X Yang, W Jia, Y Guo
Proceedings of the IEEE/CVF Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern …, 2021
Palmprint recognition with 2DPCA+ PCA based on modular neural networks
ZQ Zhao, DS Huang, W Jia
Neurocomputing 71 (1-3), 448-454, 2007
Angular pattern and binary angular pattern for shape retrieval
RX Hu, W Jia, H Ling, Y Zhao, J Gui
IEEE Transactions on Image Processing 23 (3), 1118-1127, 2013
AdvKin: Adversarial convolutional network for kinship verification
L Zhang, Q Duan, D Zhang, W Jia, X Wang
IEEE transactions on cybernetics 51 (12), 5883-5896, 2020
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