Dr. Pranti Sayekti, S.Sn, M.Si
Dr. Pranti Sayekti, S.Sn, M.Si
Malang State University
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Identifikasi ilustrasi-tipografi graphic vernacular sebagai sistem tanda & identitas warung tenda di Kota Malang
YAL Hermanto, AS Pahlevi, AA Sutrisno
JADECS (Jurnal of Art, Design, Art Education & Cultural Studies) 3 (2), 74, 2019
Visual storytelling in folklore children book illustration
YAL Hermanto
Asian Journal of Research in Education and Social Sciences 1 (1), 62-70, 2019
Pasar desa digital berbasis web sebagai media promosi bagi umkm
J Samodra, AS Pahlevi, YAL Hermanto
Jurnal Karinov 2 (3), 177, 2019
Perancangan media interaktif pengenalan alphabet berbasis alat permainan edukatif untuk anak usia 2-4 tahun
JM Mintorogo, A Adib, AW Suhartono
Jurnal DKV Adiwarna 1 (4), 13, 2014
Design of a virtual tour as a solution for promoting the tourism sector in the pandemic period
AS Pahlevi, J Sayono, YAL Hermanto
KnE Social Sciences, 368-374, 2021
Causes and solution to reduce unemployment vocational school graduate in Indonesia
NA Yunikawati, PH Prayitno, MP Purboyo, N Istiqomah, EY Puspasari
UNEJ e-Proceeding, 200-206, 2018
The moderating role of personal innovativeness in tourists’ intention to use web 3.0 based on updated information systems success model
MA Albaom, F Sidi, MA Jabar, R Abdullah, I Ishak, NA Yunikawati, ...
Sustainability 14 (21), 13935, 2022
Paradigma budaya islam-jawa dalam gerebeg maulud kraton surakarta
A Adib, K Saddhono
Al Qalam 35 (2), 271-296, 2018
Malang mask puppet presentation structure arrangement of the story Rabine Panji as cultural tourism commodity in Malang regency East Java
EWSD Pratamawati
Harmonia: Journal of Arts Research and Education 16 (1), 66-74, 2016
M-Learning teori musik dalam aplikasi smartphone Android
AP Rahmawati, E Pratamawati, RA Zandra
Journal of Art, Design, Art Education And Culture Studies (JADECS) 2 (2 …, 2017
Perancangan logo dan desain kemasan untuk Dhisti Cookies sebagai camilan di Kota Solo
E Tandio, A Adib, AW Suhartono
Jurnal DKV Adiwarna 1 (2), 10, 2013
Pengaruh status sosial ekonomi orang tua, pendidikan ekonomi keluarga terhadap financial literacy dan gaya hidup serta dampaknya pada rasionalitas konsumsi (Survei pada …
NA Yunikawati
Universitas Negeri Malang, 2012
Can Community Based Tourism (CBT) support Sustainable Tourism in the Osing Traditional Village?
NA Yunikawati, N Istiqomah, MP Priambodo, F Sidi
E3S Web of Conferences 232, 02023, 2021
Online marketplace characteristics for freelance designers
YAL Hermanto
KnE Social Sciences, 2020
Perancangan Iklan Layanan Masyarakat Program Green Jihad untuk Remaja di Kota Solo
GA Sudibyo, A Adib, AW Suhartono
Jurnal DKV Adiwarna 1 (2), 8, 2013
Perancangan Corporate Identity Dan Kemasan Kopi Surya Kintamani Bali
SM Darmanto, A Adib, AW Suhartono
Jurnal DKV Adiwarna 1 (2), 12, 2013
Perancangan T-shirt Untuk Memperkenalkan Kekayaan Alam Dan Kebudayaan Lokal Kota Banjarmasin
BS Andreas, A Adib, AT Wahyudi
Jurnal DKV Adiwarna 1 (8), 9, 2016
Buku Ajar Desain Komunikasi Visual (DKV)
IMM Yusa, D Priyono, IGAS Anggara, INAF Setiawan, IWAP Yasa, ...
PT. Sonpedia Publishing Indonesia, 2023
Cultural events: local sustainable tourism development and entrepreneurship
NA Yunikawati, MP Priambodo, F Sidi
E3s web of conferences 361, 03017, 2022
Community Based Rural Tourism (CBRT): The Impact on Local Residents Quality of Life in Indonesia
NA Yunikawati, N Istiqomah, MP Priambodo, EY Puspasari, F Sidi, ...
E3S Web of Conferences 228, 02012, 2021
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