Xishan Sun
Xishan Sun
United Imaging North America, INC.
在 united-imaging.com 的电子邮件经过验证
Development of an eight-channel time-based readout ASIC for PET applications
Z Deng, AK Lan, X Sun, C Bircher, Y Liu, Y Shao
IEEE Transactions on Nuclear Science 58 (6), 3212-3218, 2011
In-beam PET imaging for on-line adaptive proton therapy: an initial phantom study
Y Shao, X Sun, K Lou, XR Zhu, D Mirkovic, F Poenisch, D Grosshans
Physics in Medicine & Biology 59 (13), 3373, 2014
Development of a prototype PET scanner with depth-of-interaction measurement using solid-state photomultiplier arrays and parallel readout electronics
Y Shao, X Sun, KA Lan, C Bircher, K Lou, Z Deng
Physics in Medicine & Biology 59 (5), 1223, 2014
Design, development and evaluation of a resistor-based multiplexing circuit for a 20× 20 SiPM array
Z Wang, X Sun, K Lou, J Meier, R Zhou, C Yang, X Zhu, Y Shao
Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research Section A: Accelerators …, 2016
A fast accuracy crystal identification method based on Fuzzy C-Means (FCM) Clustering Algorithm for MicroPET
X Kang, X Sun, S Wang, Y Liu, Y Xia, R Zhou, Z Wu, Y Jin
2008 International Conference on BioMedical Engineering and Informatics 1 …, 2008
A simple smart time-to-digital convertor based on vernier method for a high resolution LYSO MicroPET
X Kang, S Wang, Y Liu, X Sun, R Zhou, T Ma, Z Wu, Y Jin
2007 IEEE Nuclear Science Symposium Conference Record 4, 2892-2896, 2007
TIMPIC-II: The second version time-based-readout ASIC for SSPM based PET applications
X Zhu, Z Deng, KA Lan, X Sun, Y Liu, Y Shao
2012 Ieee nuclear science symposium and medical imaging conference record …, 2012
Energy and timing measurement with time-based detector readout for PET applications: Principle and validation with discrete circuit components
X Sun, AK Lan, C Bircher, Z Deng, Y Liu, Y Shao
Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research Section A: Accelerators …, 2011
Comparing crystal identification algorithms for PET block detectors
X Kang, Z Gu, X Sun, Y Liu, S Wang, Z Wu, J Wang, Y Jin
2008 IEEE Nuclear Science Symposium Conference Record, 4562-4566, 2008
Capacitor based multiplexing circuit for silicon photomultiplier array readout
X Sun, K Lou, Y Shao
2014 IEEE Nuclear Science Symposium and Medical Imaging Conference (NSS/MIC …, 2014
SVD reconstruction algorithm in 3D SPECT imaging
X Sun, T Ma, Y Jin
IEEE Symposium Conference Record Nuclear Science 2004. 6, 3527-3530, 2004
Development of an 8-channel time based readout ASIC for PET applications
Z Deng, AK Lan, X Sun, C Bircher, Y Liu, Y Shao
IEEE Nuclear Science Symposuim & Medical Imaging Conference, 1684-1689, 2010
Energy and timing measurement of a PET detector with time-based readout electronics
Y Shao, X Sun, KA Lan, C Bircher, Z Deng, Y Liu
IEEE Nuclear Science Symposuim & Medical Imaging Conference, 2504-2509, 2010
Front-end electronics design based on Vernier Method for a high resolution microPET
K Xiaowen, W Shi, L Yaqiang, S Xishan, Z Rong
International Conference on BioMedical Engineering and Informatics (BEMI …, 2008
Imaging performance evaluation in depth-of-interaction PET with a new method of sinogram generation: A Monte Carlo simulation study
Y Xia, T Ma, Y Liu, S Wang, X Sun, Y Shao
Nuclear Science and Techniques 22 (3), 144-150, 2011
A high resolution and high sensitivity small animal SPECT system based on H8500
X Sun, S Wang, T Ma, R Zhou, X Li, Z Zhang, Y Liu, Z Wu, Y Jin
2007 IEEE Nuclear Science Symposium Conference Record 4, 2941-2943, 2007
Calibration of pinhole microSPECT system using line sources
R Zhou, T Ma, Y Liu, X Sun, X Kang, Z Wu, S Wang, Y Jing, J Cheng
2007 IEEE Nuclear Science Symposium Conference Record 5, 3364-3367, 2007
Performance Characteristics of the NeuroEXPLORER, a Next-Generation Human Brain PET/CT Imager
H Li, RD Badawi, SR Cherry, K Fontaine, L He, S Henry, AT Hillmer, L Hu, ...
Journal of Nuclear Medicine, 2024
Performance evaluation of a next-generation human brain PET imager: the NeuroEXPLORER
H Li, R Badawi, S Cherry, K Fontaine, L He, L Hu, T Jones, E Leung, T Li, ...
Journal of Nuclear Medicine 64 (supplement 1), P801-P801, 2023
Exceptional PET Images from the First Human Scan on the NeuroEXPLORER, a next-generation ultra-high performance brain PET imager
R Carson, T Toyonaga, R Badawi, S Cherry, J Du, K Fontaine, ...
Journal of Nuclear Medicine 64 (supplement 1), P298-P298, 2023
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