Eleanor Setton
Eleanor Setton
University of Victoria
在 canue.ca 的电子邮件经过验证
Built environment influences on healthy transportation choices: bicycling versus driving
M Winters, M Brauer, EM Setton, K Teschke
Journal of urban health 87 (6), 969-993, 2010
Creating national air pollution models for population exposure assessment in Canada
P Hystad, E Setton, A Cervantes, K Poplawski, S Deschenes, M Brauer, ...
Environmental health perspectives 119 (8), 1123-1129, 2011
How far out of the way will we travel? Built environment influences on route selection for bicycle and car travel
M Winters, K Teschke, M Grant, EM Setton, M Brauer
Transportation Research Record 2190 (1), 1-10, 2010
The impact of daily mobility on exposure to traffic-related air pollution and health effect estimates
E Setton, JD Marshall, M Brauer, KR Lundquist, P Hystad, P Keller, ...
Journal of Exposure Science and Environmental Epidemiology 21 (1), 42, 2011
Mapping bikeability: a spatial tool to support sustainable travel
M Winters, M Brauer, EM Setton, K Teschke
Environment and Planning B: Planning and Design 40 (5), 865-883, 2013
A spatial model of urban winter woodsmoke concentrations
T Larson, J Su, AM Baribeau, M Buzzelli, E Setton, M Brauer
Environmental science & technology 41 (7), 2429-2436, 2007
Impact of cruise ship emissions in Victoria, BC, Canada
K Poplawski, E Setton, B McEwen, D Hrebenyk, M Graham, P Keller
Atmospheric Environment 45 (4), 824-833, 2011
Intercity transferability of land use regression models for estimating ambient concentrations of nitrogen dioxide
K Poplawski, T Gould, E Setton, R Allen, J Su, T Larson, S Henderson, ...
Journal of exposure science and environmental epidemiology 19 (1), 107, 2009
The Canadian Urban Environmental Health Research Consortium–a protocol for building a national environmental exposure data platform for integrated analyses of urban form and health
JR Brook, EM Setton, E Seed, M Shooshtari, D Doiron
BMC public health 18 (1), 114, 2018
Modeling residential fine particulate matter infiltration for exposure assessment
PU Hystad, EM Setton, RW Allen, PC Keller, M Brauer
Journal of Exposure Science and Environmental Epidemiology 19 (6), 570, 2009
Healthy built environment: Spatial patterns and relationships of multiple exposures and deprivation in Toronto, Montreal and Vancouver
D Doiron, EM Setton, K Shairsingh, M Brauer, P Hystad, NA Ross, ...
Environment International 143, 106003, 2020
Geographic variation in radon and associated lung cancer risk in Canada
P Hystad, M Brauer, PA Demers, KC Johnson, E Setton, ...
Canadian Journal of Public Health 105 (1), e4-e10, 2014
Spatial variations in estimated chronic exposure to traffic-related air pollution in working populations: a simulation
EM Setton, CP Keller, D Cloutier-Fisher, PW Hystad
International Journal of Health Geographics 7 (1), 39, 2008
Risk-based indicators of Canadians’ exposures to environmental carcinogens
E Setton, P Hystad, K Poplawski, R Cheasley, A Cervantes-Larios, ...
Environmental Health 12 (1), 15, 2013
Determining the spatial scale for analysing mobile measurements of air pollution
C Lightowlers, T Nelson, E Setton, CP Keller
Atmospheric Environment 42 (23), 5933-5937, 2008
Opportunities for using spatial property assessment data in air pollution exposure assessments
EM Setton, PW Hystad, CP Keller
International journal of health geographics 4 (1), 26, 2005
Multi-temporal LCZ maps for Canadian functional urban areas
M Demuzere, T Mihara, CP Redivo, J Feddema, E Setton
OSF Preprints, 2020
Identifying potential exposure reduction priorities using regional rankings based on emissions of known and suspected carcinogens to outdoor air in Canada
EM Setton, B Veerman, A Erickson, S Deschenes, R Cheasley, ...
Environmental Health 14 (1), 69, 2015
Lifetime excess cancer risk due to carcinogens in food and beverages: Urban versus rural differences in Canada
R Cheasley, CP Keller, E Setton
Canadian Journal of Public Health 108 (3), e288-e295, 2017
Gender differences in chronic exposure to traffic-related air pollution—A simulation study of working females and males
E Setton, CP Keller, D Cloutier-Fisher, PW Hystad
The Professional Geographer 62 (1), 66-83, 2010
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