Inger Beate Hovi
Inger Beate Hovi
Chief Research Economist, Institute of Transport Economics
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COVID-19 disruptions and Norwegian food and pharmaceutical supply chains: Insights into supply chain risk management, resilience, and reliability
E Bø, IB Hovi, DR Pinchasik
Sustainable Futures 5, 100102, 2023
Driving forces of road freight CO2 in 2030
H Liimatainen, IB Hovi, N Arvidsson, L Nykänen
International Journal of Physical Distribution & Logistics Management 45 (3 …, 2015
Energy efficiency of road freight hauliers—A Nordic comparison
H Liimatainen, L Nykänen, N Arvidsson, IB Hovi, TC Jensen, V Østli
Energy policy 67, 378-387, 2014
Facilitating adoption of electric buses through policy: Learnings from a trial in Norway
RJ Thorne, IB Hovi, E Figenbaum, DR Pinchasik, AH Amundsen, ...
Energy Policy 155, 112310, 2021
Experiences from battery-electric truck users in Norway
IB Hovi, DR Pinchasik, E Figenbaum, RJ Thorne
World Electric Vehicle Journal 11 (1), 5, 2019
Crossing borders and expanding modal shift measures: Effects on mode choice and emissions from freight transport in the Nordics
DR Pinchasik, IB Hovi, CS Mjøsund, SE Grønland, E Fridell, M Jerksjö
Sustainability 12 (3), 894, 2020
Road freight energy efficiency and CO2 emissions in the Nordic countries
H Liimatainen, N Arvidsson, IB Hovi, TC Jensen, L Nykänen
Research in Transportation Business & Management 12, 11-19, 2014
Internationalisation in road transport of goods in Norway: safety outcomes, risk factors and policy implications
TO Nævestad, RO Phillips, G Meyer Levlin, IB Hovi
Safety 3 (4), 22, 2017
Logistics costs in Norway: comparing industry survey results against calculations based on a freight transport model
W Hansen, IB Hovi, K Veisten
International Journal of Logistics Research and Applications 17 (6), 485-502, 2014
NEMO-Nettverksmodell for godstransport innen Norge og mellom Norge og utlandet. Versjon 2
A Vold, J Andersen, IB Hovi, O Ivanova, V Jean-Hansen, LE Lervåg, ...
TØI-rapport 581, 2002, 2002
Economic and environmental impacts of transport cost changes on timber and forest product markets in Norway
E Trømborg, H Sjølie, B Solberg, IB Hovi, A Madslien, K Veisten
Scandinavian Journal of Forest Research 24 (4), 354-366, 2009
Transportmidlenes marginale kostnadsansvar
KS Eriksen, IB Hovi
TØI notat 1019, 1995, 1995
Modelling the interaction between the energy system and road freight in Norway
E Rosenberg, K Espegren, J Danebergs, L Fridstrøm, IB Hovi, A Madslien
Transportation Research Part D: Transport and Environment 114, 103569, 2023
Varestrømmer i Norge–en komponent i Nasjonal godsmodell
IB Hovi
TØI rapport 1628, 2018, 2018
Can active follow-ups and carrots make eco-driving stick? Findings from a controlled experiment among truck drivers in Norway
DR Pinchasik, IB Hovi, E Bø, CS Mjøsund
Energy Research & Social Science 75, 102007, 2021
Konkurranseflater i godstransport
IB Hovi, SE Grønland
Transportøkonomisk institutt, 2011
A CO2-fund for the transport industry: The case of Norway
DR Pinchasik, IB Hovi
Transport Policy 53, 186-195, 2017
Grunnprognoser for godstransport 2006-2040
IB Hovi
Oslo, Transportøkonomisk Institutt rapport 907, 2007, 2007
Technological maturity level and market introduction timeline of zero-emission heavy-duty vehicles
GN Jordbakke, A Amundsen, I Sundvor, E Figenbaum, IB Hovi
TØI report, 2018
Logistikkostnader i norske vareleverende bedrifter
IB Hovi, W Hansen
TØI-rapport 1052, 2010, 2010
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