Piotr Wójcik
Piotr Wójcik
Kozminski University
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How Creating Shared Value Differs From Corporate Social Responsibility
P Wójcik
Journal of Management and Business Administration. Central Europe 24 (2), 32-55, 2016
Exploring Links Between Dynamic Capabilities Perspective and Resource-Based View: A Literature Overview
P Wójcik
International Journal of Management and Economics 45, 83-107, 2015
Znaczenie studium przypadku jako metody badawczej w naukach o zarządzaniu
P Wójcik
e-mentor, 17-22, 2013
Learning dynamics of rapidly internationalizing venture: Beyond the early stage of international growth in a CEE context
M Ciszewska-Mlinarič, P Wójcik, K Obłój
Journal of Business Research 108, 450-465, 2020
Paradoxical nature of dynamic capabilities research: a content analysis of literature
P Wójcik
Baltic Journal of Management 15 (5), 727-755, 2020
The impact of cognitive and behavioral factors on the export performance: a dynamic capabilities perspective
P Wójcik, M Ciszewska-Mlinarič
European Business Review 33 (3), 427-449, 2021
Addressing Social Concern through Business-Nonprofit Collaboration: Microfoundations of a Firm’s Dynamic Capability for Social Responsibility
P Wójcik, K Obłój, AF Buono
Journal of Business Research 143, 119-139, 2022
The business case for corporate social responsibility: A literature overview and integrative framework
P Wójcik
Journal of Management and Business Administration. Central Europe 26 (1 …, 2018
Corporate acceleration process: a systems psychodynamics perspective
P Wójcik, K Obłój, A Wąsowska, S Wierciński
Journal of Organizational Change Management 33 (6), 1163-1180, 2020
Explorative and exploitative choices in response to initiative failure: Study of entrepreneurs and managers
P Wójcik, M Ciszewska-Mlinarič
Entrepreneurial Business and Economics Review 8 (3), 83-99, 2020
Effects of corporate social responsibility initiatives and price premiums on Polish consumers’ responses: an experimental study
P Wójcik
International Journal of Management and Economics 38, 84-101, 2013
Intention to De-Internationalise: Foreign-Based Competition at Home and the Effect of Decision-Makers’ Role
P Wójcik, M Ciszewska-Mlinarič
Entrepreneurial Business and Economics Review 8 (2), 199-218, 2020
International dynamic marketing capabilities and international performance during the pandemic: a study of export manufacturers from Poland
M Ciszewska-Mlinarič, D Siemieniako, P Wójcik
International Marketing Review 41 (1), 162-198, 2024
Therapy and Trauma: Organizational Learning Process in Corporate and Startup Cooperation
K Obloj, P Wojcik, S Wiercinski
Academy of Management Proceedings 2017 (1), 13928, 2017
What do we talk about when we talk about strategic renewal: a systematic literature review of 40 years of research
M Ciszewska-Mlinarič, P Wójcik
Central European Management Journal 31 (3), 416-441, 2023
Trzy typowe ścieżki umiędzynarodowienia
K Obłój, M Ciszewska-Mlinarič, P Wójcik, P Trąpczyński
Internacjonalizacja polskich przedsiębiorstw. Historie opowiedziane z pasją …, 2020
Innowacje modeli biznesowych - Wyzwania strategiczne
M Ciszewska-Mlinarič, P Wójcik, K Obłój
Przyszłość jest dziś. Trendy kształtujące biznes, społeczeństwo i …, 2023
Taming discontinuity: evolution of managerial perceptions, emotions and actions in the pandemic environment. Evidence from Poland
K Obłój, M Ciszewska-Mlinaric, A Wąsowska, P Wójcik, T Milancej
Journal of East European Management Studies, 91-106, 2022
A Cross-Sector Study of Co-Creating Social Responsibility Capability
P Wojcik, K Obloj, AF Buono
Academy of Management Proceedings 2021 (1), 10704, 2021
Exploring the drivers of business model innovation and its significance for performance in high-tech sectors
M Ciszewska-Mlinarič, K Elleuch, P Wójcik
Journal of Management and Financial Sciences 16 (49), 95-119, 2023
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