Franziskus von Lucke
Franziskus von Lucke
Postdoctoral Researcher, University of Tuebingen
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What’s at stake in securitising climate change? Towards a differentiated approach
F Von Lucke, Z Wellmann, T Diez
Geopolitics 19 (4), 857-884, 2014
The securitisation of climate change: Actors, processes and consequences
F von Lucke, Z Wellmann, T Diez
Routledge, 2016
The Securitisation of Climate Change and the Governmentalisation of Security
F von Lucke
Palgrave Macmillan, 2020
Gescheiterte Versicherheitlichung oder Sicherheit im Wandel: Hilft uns die Kopenhagener Schule beim Thema Klimawandel?
A Oels, F von Lucke
Zeitschrift für Internationale Beziehungen, 43-70, 2015
Principled pragmatism in climate policy? The EU and changing practices of climate justice
F von Lucke
Political Geography 86, 2021
The EU and global climate justice: normative power caught in normative battles
F Von Lucke, T Diez, S Aamodt, B Ahrens
Routledge, 2021
Linking climate change and security in Mexico: explorations into an attempted securitisation in the Global South
F von Lucke
Journal of International Relations and Development 21, 415-441, 2018
O Justice, Where Art Thou? Developing a New Take on Climate Justice
F von Lucke
Developing a New Take on Climate Justice (April 4, 2017). GLOBUS Research …, 2017
Klimakämpfe: Eine komparative Studie der Versicherheitlichung von Klimawandel
F Von Lucke, T Diez, Z Wellmann
Zeitschrift für Internationale Beziehungen, 112-143, 2016
Climate Security in the Anthropocene: Exploring the Approaches of United Nations Security Council Member-States
JN Hardt, C Harrington, F von Lucke, A Estève, NP Simpson
Springer, 2023
The EU and China in the climate regime: exploring different pathways towards climate justice
F von Lucke
Asia Europe Journal 21 (3), 429-435, 2023
Climate Security Discourses in Germany: The Transformation of Climate Change Towards a Development and Foreign Policy Priority
F von Lucke
Climate Security in the Anthropocene: Exploring the Approaches of United …, 2023
Revisiting the Securitisation of Climate Change and the Governmentalisation of Security
F von Lucke, F von Lucke
The Securitisation of Climate Change and the Governmentalisation of Security …, 2020
Just Power Europe or Overpowering the South? Exploring the EU’s Relations with Developing Countries in the Climate Field
F von Lucke
Exploring the EU’s Relations with Developing Countries in the Climate Field …, 2020
The challenges of the increasing institutionalization of climate security
JN Hardt, D Jayaram, C Harrington, D McLaren, NP Simpson, ADB Cook, ...
PLoS Climate 3 (4), e0000402, 2024
United States: the dominance of national security and the climatisation of the security and defence sector
F von Lucke
Handbook on Climate Change and International Security, 111-126, 2023
Introduction: a framework for assessing climate security
JN Hardt, C Harrington, F von Lucke, A Estève, NP Simpson
Climate Security in the Anthropocene: Exploring the Approaches of United …, 2023
Climate security at a crossroads: the evolution and future of climate security in the United Nations Security Council and its member states
JN Hardt, C Harrington, F von Lucke, A Estève, NP Simpson
Climate Security in the Anthropocene: Exploring the Approaches of United …, 2023
La politique climatique allemande sous l’angle de la politique extérieure et de sécurité: une solution d’avenir?
F von Lucke, JN Hardt, L Windels
Allemagne d'aujourd'hui 239 (1), 111-123, 2022
United States: Climate Change, National Security and the Climatisation of the Defence Sector
F von Lucke, F von Lucke
The Securitisation of Climate Change and the Governmentalisation of Security …, 2020
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