Zhensong Chen
Zhensong Chen
Capital University of Economics and Business
在 cueb.edu.cn 的电子邮件经过验证
Automatic road crack detection using random structured forests
Y Shi, L Cui, Z Qi, F Meng, Z Chen
IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Transportation Systems 17 (12), 3434-3445, 2016
A novel graph convolutional feature based convolutional neural network for stock trend prediction
W Chen, M Jiang, WG Zhang, Z Chen
Information Sciences 556, 67-94, 2021
The two-stage machine learning ensemble models for stock price prediction by combining mode decomposition, extreme learning machine and improved harmony search algorithm
M Jiang, L Jia, Z Chen, W Chen
Annals of Operations Research, 1-33, 2022
Ensemble learning with label proportions for bankruptcy prediction
Z Chen, W Chen, Y Shi
Expert Systems with Applications 146, 113155, 2020
Pavement distress detection using random decision forests
L Cui, Z Qi, Z Chen, F Meng, Y Shi
Data Science: Second International Conference, ICDS 2015, Sydney, Australia …, 2015
A novel clustering-based image segmentation via density peaks algorithm with mid-level feature
Y Shi, Z Chen, Z Qi, F Meng, L Cui
Neural Computing and Applications 28, 29-39, 2017
A survey on semantic segmentation
B Li, Y Shi, Z Qi, Z Chen
2018 IEEE International Conference on Data Mining Workshops (ICDMW), 1233-1240, 2018
A novel method for time series prediction based on error decomposition and nonlinear combination of forecasters
W Chen, H Xu, Z Chen, M Jiang
Neurocomputing 426, 85-103, 2021
Image segmentation via improving clustering algorithms with density and distance
Z Chen, Z Qi, F Meng, L Cui, Y Shi
Procedia Computer Science 55, 1015-1022, 2015
Short-term stock trends prediction based on sentiment analysis and machine learning
Y Qiu, Z Song, Z Chen
Soft Computing 26 (5), 2209-2224, 2022
Learning with label proportions based on nonparallel support vector machines
Z Chen, Z Qi, B Wang, L Cui, F Meng, Y Shi
Knowledge-Based Systems 119, 126-141, 2017
Unsupervised feature selection by non-convex regularized self-representation
J Miao, Y Ping, Z Chen, XB Jin, P Li, L Niu
Expert Systems with Applications 173, 114643, 2021
Predicting stock market crisis via market indicators and mixed frequency investor sentiments
S Lu, C Liu, Z Chen
Expert Systems with Applications 186, 115844, 2021
Linear twin svm for learning from label proportions
B Wang, Z Chen, Z Qi
2015 IEEE/WIC/ACM International Conference on Web Intelligence and …, 2015
Learning from label proportions with pinball loss
Y Shi, L Cui, Z Chen, Z Qi
International Journal of Machine Learning and Cybernetics 10, 187-205, 2019
Constrained matrix factorization for semi-weakly learning with label proportions
Z Chen, Y Shi, Z Qi
Pattern Recognition 91, 13-24, 2019
Research on graph neural network in stock market
W Zhang, Z Chen, J Miao, X Liu
Procedia Computer Science 214, 786-792, 2022
Forecasting China's Service Outsourcing Development with an EMD-VAR-SVR Ensemble Method
S Yi, K Guo, Z Chen
Procedia computer science 91, 392-401, 2016
Review of graph construction and graph learning in stock price prediction
Y Wang, Y Qu, Z Chen
Procedia Computer Science 214, 771-778, 2022
Inverse extreme learning machine for learning with label proportions
L Cui, J Zhang, Z Chen, Y Shi, SY Philip
2017 IEEE International Conference on Big Data (Big Data), 576-585, 2017
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