Nemer E. Narchi
Nemer E. Narchi
其他姓名Nemer Eduardo Narchi Narchi
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Marine ethnobiology a rather neglected area, which can provide an important contribution to ocean and coastal management
NE Narchi, S Cornier, DM Canu, LE Aguilar-Rosas, MG Bender, ...
Ocean & Coastal Management 89, 117-123, 2014
Environmental Violence in Mexico. A conceptual Introduction
NE Narchi
Latin American Perspectives 42 (5), 1-14, 2015
Quantifying local ecological knowledge to model historical abundance of long-lived, heavily-exploited fauna
MM Early-Capistrán, E Solana-Arellano, FA Abreu-Grobois, NE Narchi, ...
PeerJ 8, e9494, 2020
Percepciones de la degradación ambiental entre vecinos y chinamperos del Lago de Xochimilco, México
NE Narchi, B Canabal-Cristiani
Sociedad y Ambiente, 5-29, 2017
Deterioro Ambiental en Xochimilco: Lecciones para el cambio climático global
NE Narchi
Veredas, Revista del pensamiento sociológico 27, 177-197, 2013
Subtle Tyranny Divergent Constructions of Nature and the Erosion of Traditional Ecological Knowledge in Xochimilco
NE Narchi, B Canabal-Cristiani
Latin American Perspectives 42 (5), 90-108, 2015
El CoLaboratorio de Oceanografía Social: espacio plural para la conservación integral de los mares y las sociedades costeras
NE Narchi, M Cariño, MA Mesa-Jurado, A Espinoza-Tenorio, ...
Sociedad y Ambiente 18, 283-299, 2018
An ethnomedicinal study of the Seri people; a group of hunter-gatherers and fishers native to the Sonoran Desert
NE Narchi, LE Aguilar-Rosas, JJ Sánchez-Escalante, ...
Journal of ethnobiology and ethnomedicine 11, 1-20, 2015
El ocaso de la abundancia: pescadores y pesquerías en Bahía Magdalena en el siglo XXI
NE Narchi, W Domínguez, DJ Rodríguez Armenta
Relaciones. Estudios de historia y sociedad 39 (153), 167-198, 2018
Despojo, riesgo y vulnerabilidad: Consecuencias (no) deseadas del desarrollo inmobiliario en Baja California Sur, México
C Valiente, M Cariño, N Corona, NE Narchi
Ecología Política | Cuadernos de debate internacional 51, 79-83, 2016
Between uncertainty and hope: Young leaders as agents of change in sustainable small-scale fisheries
A Espinoza-Tenorio, RG Ehuan-Noh, GA Cuevas-Gómez, NE Narchi, ...
Ambio 51 (5), 1287-1301, 2022
Social constructs, identity, and the ecological consequences of carne asada
NE Narchi, A Búrquez, S Trainer, RF Rentería-Valencia
Journal of the Southwest 57 (2-3), 305-336, 2015
Percepción y uso del agua de lluvia por usuarios en una comunidad del Caribe mexicano
A Sosa-Martínez, NE Narchi, RM Leal-Bautista, O Frausto-Martínez, ...
Sociedad y Ambiente, 1-27, 2020
Ethnobiology of Corallium rubrum: Protection, Healing, Medicine, and Magic
LL Price, NE Narchi
Ethnobiology of Corals and Coral Reefs, 73-86, 2015
Foods of Oppression
LL Price, GS Cruz-García, NE Narchi
Frontiers in Sustainable food Systems 5, 59, 2021
The seri traditional food system: cultural heritage, dietary change, and the (Re) awakening of dietary resilience among coastal hunter-gatherers in the Mexican Northwest
G Hernández-Santana, NE Narchi
Coastal Heritage and Cultural Resilience, 135-182, 2018
Ethnobiology of Corals and Coral Reefs
NE Narchi, LL Price
Springer, 2015
The need for a next generation of Sonoran Desert researchers
BT Wilder, C O'meara, N Narchi, AM Narváez, O Aburto-Oropeza
Conservation Biology 27 (2), 243-245, 2013
One knowledge, two conduits: The social, demographic, and toxicological factors that govern Seri ethnomedicine
NE Narchi
University of Georgia, 2011
Integrating local ecological knowledge, ecological monitoring, and computer simulation to evaluate conservation outcomes
MM Early‐Capistrán, E Solana‐Arellano, FA Abreu‐Grobois, ...
Conservation Letters 15 (6), e12921, 2022
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