Redy Gaswanto
Redy Gaswanto
在 pertanian.go.id 的电子邮件经过验证
Respons tanaman bawang merah asal biji true shallot seeds terhadap kerapatan tanaman pada musim hujan
N Sumarni, GA Sopha, R Gaswanto
Indonesian Agency for Agricultural Research and Development, 2012
Induced mutation by gamma rays irradiation to increase chilli resistance to Begomovirus
R Gaswanto, M Syukur, BS Purwoko, SH Hidayat
AGRIVITA Journal of Agricultural Science 38 (1), 24-32, 2016
Identifikasi Gejala dan Kisaran Inang Enam Isolat Begomovirus Cabai di Indonesia (Symptom and Host Range Identification of Six Chilli Begomovirus Isolate in Indonesia)
R Gaswanto, M Syukur, SH Hidayat, N Gunaeni
Jurnal Hortikultura 26 (2), 223-234, 2016
Kusmana. 2006
IM Hidayat, R Kirana, R Gaswanto
Petunjuk Teknis Budidaya dan Produksi Beberapa Sayuran Indigenous. Balitsa …, 0
Budidaya dan Produksi Benih Okra
R Kirana, R Gaswanto, IM Hidayat
Pusat Penelitian dan Pengembangan Hortikultura, 2015
Seleksi tanaman tomat berdasarkan ketahanan pasif dan aktif terhadap CMV
R Gaswanto, N Gunaeni, AS Duriat
Indonesian Agency for Agricultural Research and Development, 2009
Metode penularan massal untuk uji penapisan ketahanan cabai mutan terhadap Begomovirus
R Gaswanto, M Syukur, BS Purwoko, SH Hidayat
Jurnal Hortikultura 25 (3), 246-256, 2015
Petunjuk Teknis Budidaya dan Produksi Benih Beberapa Sayuran Indigenous
HIM Kusmana, R Kirana, R Gaswanto
Bandung (ID): PPPHBPPT Departemen Pertanian, 2008
Perbaikan Teknologi Produksi TSS Untuk Mempercepat Pemenuhan Kebutuhan Benih Bawang Merah Murah Pada Waktu Tanam Musim Hujan
N Sumarni, GA Sopha, R Gaswanto
Lap. Hasil Penel. Ristek, 2010
Pengaruh tumpangsari cabai dan tomat terhadap perkembangan hama utama dan hasil cabai (Capsicum annuum L.)
N Gunaeni, AW Wulandari, R Gaswanto
Jurnal Agro 9 (1), 37-47, 2022
Hubungan morfologi tanaman tomat dengan preferensi Bemisia tabaci sebagai bentuk ketahanan pasif terhadap virus kuning
N Gunaeni, R Gaswanto, AS Duriat
J. Fitomedika 7 (3), 145-149, 2011
The potential and the quality of several open pollinated chili varieties seed production
C Azmi, F Manik, A Rahayu, IR Saadah, RCB Hutabarat, S Barus, ...
IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science 1230 (1), 012186, 2023
Evaluation of effectiveness various seed processing combination technique to produce True Shallot Seed (TSS) with good quality
N Waluyo, A Rahayu, R Rosliani, T Wikan, R Gaswanto
IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science 883 (1), 012058, 2021
Tolerance response of ten chili genotypes under the limited watering condition
R Gaswanto, N Gunaeni
IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science 807 (3), 032028, 2021
Karakterisasi Dan Seleksi 139 Galur Kentang
R Gaswanto
Buletin Plasma Nutfah 14 (1), 1-7, 2008
Resistance validation of several chili peppers to anthracnose (Colletrothicum acutatum) isolate Sukabumi
N Gunaeni, E Korlina, H Hamdayanty, R Gaswanto
IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science 807 (2), 022111, 2021
Virulence of five anthracnose Colletotricum acutatum isolates from West Java against the resistance of hot pepper
N Gunaeni, E Korlina, AW Wulandari, I Sulastrini, R Gaswanto
IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science 653 (1), 012139, 2021
A promising breeding strategy for tomato resistance to Cucumber Mosaic Virus based on genetic analysis
R Gaswanto, N Gunaeni
E3S Web of Conferences 306, 01030, 2021
Effect of phytohormone and seed density toward growth, disease and bulb yield of true shallot seeds
N Gunaeni, R Rosliani, AK Karyadi, R Gaswanto
E3S Web of Conferences 306, 01037, 2021
Pengkayaan koleksi plasma nutfah cabai melalui iradiasi sinar gamma
R Gaswanto, N Gunaeni, AW Wulandari
Prosiding Seminar Nasional Agroteknologi 1, 367-377, 2019
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