Carolina Lourencetti
Carolina Lourencetti
Professora de Química, IFSP, Câmpus Matão
在 ifsp.edu.br 的电子邮件经过验证
What’s in the pool? A comprehensive identification of disinfection by-products and assessment of mutagenicity of chlorinated and brominated swimming pool water
SD Richardson, DM DeMarini, M Kogevinas, P Fernandez, E Marco, ...
Environmental health perspectives 118 (11), 1523-1530, 2010
Short-term changes in respiratory biomarkers after swimming in a chlorinated pool
L Font-Ribera, M Kogevinas, JP Zock, FP Gómez, E Barreiro, ...
Environmental health perspectives 118 (11), 1538-1544, 2010
Contaminação de águas subterrâneas por pesticidas: avaliação preliminar
ML Ribeiro, C Lourencetti, SY Pereira, MRR Marchi
Química Nova 30, 688-694, 2007
Trihalomethanes in chlorine and bromine disinfected swimming pools: Air-water distributions and human exposure
C Lourencetti, JO Grimalt, E Marco, P Fernandez, L Font-Ribera, ...
Environment international 45, 59-67, 2012
Determination of sugar cane herbicides in soil and soil treated with sugar cane vinasse by solid-phase extraction and HPLC-UV
C Lourencetti, MRR de Marchi, ML Ribeiro
Talanta 77 (2), 701-709, 2008
Currently used pesticides in water matrices in Central-Western Brazil
EN Nogueira, EFGC Dores, AA Pinto, RSS Amorim, ML Ribeiro, ...
Journal of the Brazilian Chemical Society 23, 1476-1487, 2012
Environmental dynamics of pesticides in the drainage area of the São Lourenço River headwaters, Mato Grosso State, Brazil
KP Casara, AB Vecchiato, C Lourencetti, AA Pinto, EFGC Dores
Journal of the Brazilian Chemical Society 23, 1719-1731, 2012
New method for determination of trihalomethanes in exhaled breath: applications to swimming pool and bath environments
C Lourencetti, C Ballester, P Fernández, E Marco, C Prado, JF Periago, ...
Analytica chimica acta 662 (1), 23-30, 2010
Agrotóxicos em leite humano de mães residentes em Lucas do Rio Verde–MT
DCA Palma, W Pignati, C Lourencetti, M Uecker
Universidade Federal de Mato Grosso, 2011
Resíduos de pesticidas em águas superficiais de área de nascente do rio São Lourenço-MT: Validação de método por extração em fase sólida e cromatografia líquida
ACA Ribeiro, EFGC Dores, RSS Amorim, C Lourencetti
Química Nova 36, 284-290, 2013
Simultaneous determination of different classes of pesticides in breast milk by solid-phase dispersion and GC/ECD
DCA Palma, C Lourencetti, ME Uecker, PRB Mello, WA Pignati, ...
Journal of the Brazilian Chemical Society 25, 1419-1430, 2014
Human health risk assessment of environmental exposure to organochlorine compounds in the Catalan stretch of the Ebro River, Spain
N Ferré-Huguet, C Bosch, C Lourencetti, M Nadal, M Schuhmacher, ...
Bulletin of Environmental contamination and Toxicology 83, 662-667, 2009
Influence of physical activity in the intake of trihalomethanes in indoor swimming pools
E Marco, C Lourencetti, JO Grimalt, M Gari, P Fernández, L Font-Ribera, ...
Environmental research 140, 292-299, 2015
Validation and application of an analytical method for determining pesticides in the gas phase of ambient air
LG Dos Santos, C Lourencetti, AA Pinto, WA Pignati, EFGC Dores
Journal of Environmental Science and Health, Part B 46 (2), 150-162, 2011
Pesticidas: usos e riscos para o meio ambiente
ML Ribeiro, C Lourencetti, L Polese, S Navickiene, LC de Oliveira
HOLOS environment 8 (1), 53-71, 2008
Agrotóxicos em água e alimentos: risco a saúde humana
DC de Andrade Palma, C Lourencetti
Revista Brasileira Multidisciplinar 14 (2), 7-21, 2011
Influence of sugar cane vinasse on the sorption and degradation of herbicides in soil under controlled conditions
C Lourencetti, MRR De Marchi, ML Ribeiro
Journal of Environmental Science and Health, Part B 47 (10), 949-958, 2012
Determination of Organochlorine Pesticides and Polychlorinated Biphenyls Residues in Municipal Solid Waste Compost by Gas Chromatography with Electron− Capture Detection
C Lourencetti, S Navickiene, ML Ribeiro, M Santiago− Silva
Chromatographia 59, 769-773, 2004
Influência da temperatura, umidade e profundidade do solo na persistência do diurom e sulfato de endossulfam em um solo tropical
FA Silva, C Lourencetti, EFGC Dores
Química Nova 33, 1457-1463, 2010
Impactos ambientais na produção do etanol brasileiro: uma breve discussão do campo à indústria
L Pugliese, C Lourencetti, ML Ribeiro
Revista Brasileira Multidisciplinar 20 (1), 142-165, 2017
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