Abdullah Al-Mamun
Abdullah Al-Mamun
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Corporate social responsibility and gender diversity: Insights from Asia Pacific
QR Yasser, A Al Mamun, I Ahmed
Corporate Social Responsibility and Environmental Management 24 (3), 210-221, 2017
Impact of board structure on firm performance: evidence from an emerging economy
QR Yasser, AA Mamun, M Rodrigs
Journal of Asia Business Studies 11 (2), 210-228, 2017
Relationship between audit committee characteristics, external auditors and economic value added (EVA) of public listed firms in Malaysia
A Al-Mamun, QR Yasser, MA Rahman, A Wickramasinghe, TM Nathan
Corporate Ownership & Control 12 (1), 899-910, 2014
A discussion of the suitability of only one vs more than one theory for depicting corporate governance
AA Mamun, QR Yasser, MA Rahman
The impact of demographic factors on tax compliance attitude and behavior in Malaysia
AA Mamun, H Entebang, SA Mansor, QR Yasser, TM Nathan
Effects of ownership concentration on firm performance: Pakistani evidence
QR Yasser, AA Mamun
Journal of Asia Business Studies 9 (2), 162-176, 2015
The impact of CEO duality attributes on earnings management in the East
QR Yasser, AA Mamun
Corporate Governance 15 (5), 706-718, 2015
The impact of ownership structure on financial reporting quality in the east
QR Yasser, AA Mamun, M Hook
International Journal of Organizational Analysis 25 (2), 178-197, 2017
EVA as superior performance measurement tool
AA Mamun, SA Mansor
CEO duality structure and firm performance in Pakistan
QR Yasser, A Al-Mamun, AR Suriya
Asian Journal of Accounting and Governance 5, 57-69, 2014
The impact of ownership concentration on firm performance: Evidence from an emerging market
QR Yasser, AA Mamun
Emerging Economy Studies 3 (1), 34-53, 2017
Board of director attributes and CSR engagement in emerging economy firms: Evidence from across Asia
A Al-Mamun, M Seamer
Emerging Markets Review 46, 100749, 2021
An overview of corporate fraud and its prevention approach
MA Rashid, A Al-Mamun, H Roudaki, QR Yasser
Australasian Accounting, Business and Finance Journal 16 (1), 101-118, 2022
Gender diversity and economic performance of firms: Evidences from emerging market
A Al-Mamun, QR Yasser, H Entebang, TM Nathan, MA Rahman
Journal of Economic Development, Management, IT, Finance, and Marketing 5 (2 …, 2013
The relationship between board leadership structure and earnings management in Asia-Pacific
QR Yasser, AA Mamun
Accounting Research Journal 29 (4), 413-428, 2016
Do corporate boards affect firm performance? New evidence from an emerging economy
QR Yasser, AA Mamun, M Seamer
International Journal of Productivity and Performance Management 66 (6), 724-741, 2017
Quality of financial reporting in the Asia-Pacific region: The influence of ownership composition
QR Yasser, AA Mamun, I Ahmed
Review of International Business and Strategy 26 (4), 543-560, 2016
Comparison between Islamic and conventional banking: Evidence from Malaysia
TMNSAM Abdullah Al Mamun, Qaiser Rafique, Harry Entebang
International Journal of Excellence Islamic Banking and Finance 4 (1), 1-14, 2014
Corporate failure prediction of public listed companies in Malaysia
QR Yasser, AA Mamun
European Researcher, 114-126, 2015
Transgender individuals in Asian Islamic countries: An overview of workplace diversity and inclusion issues in Pakistan, Bangladesh, and Malaysia
AA Mamun, MLM Heyden, QR Yasser
Sexual orientation and transgender issues in organizations: Global …, 2016
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