Danelle Marie Larson
Danelle Marie Larson
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Abiotic controls and temporal variability of river metabolism: multiyear analyses of Mississippi and Chattahoochee River data
WK Dodds, AM Veach, CM Ruffing, DM Larson, JL Fischer, KH Costigan
Freshwater Science 32 (4), 1073-1087, 2013
Ecotoxicological assessments show sucralose and fluoxetine affect the aquatic plant, Lemna minor
Cherisse Amy-Sagers, Keith Reinhardt, Danelle M. Larson
Aquatic Toxicology 185, 1-10, 2017
Grassland fire and cattle grazing regulate reptile and amphibian assembly among patches
DM Larson
Environmental management 54, 1434-1444, 2014
Removal of woody riparian vegetation substantially altered a stream ecosystem in an otherwise undisturbed grassland watershed
DM Larson, WK Dodds, AM Veach
Ecosystems 22, 64-76, 2019
Batrachochytrium dendrobatidis infection dynamics in the Columbia spotted frog Rana luteiventris in north Idaho, USA
DM Russell, CS Goldberg, LP Waits, EB Rosenblum
Diseases of Aquatic Organisms 92 (2-3), 223-230, 2010
Blazing and grazing: influences of fire and bison on tallgrass prairie stream water quality
DM Larson, BP Grudzinski, WK Dodds, MD Daniels, A Skibbe, A Joern
Freshwater Science 32 (3), 779-791, 2013
Land conservation can mitigate freshwater ecosystem services degradation due to climate change in a semiarid catchment: The case of the Portneuf River catchment, Idaho, USA
L Huang, FH Liao, KA Lohse, DM Larson, M Fragkias, DL Lybecker, ...
Science of the Total Environment 651, 1796-1809, 2019
Intraoperative perfusion assessment in mastectomy skin flaps: how close are we to preventing complications?
N Khavanin, C Qiu, H Darrach, F Kraenzlin, G Kokosis, T Han, JM Sacks
Journal of reconstructive microsurgery 35 (07), 471-478, 2019
Probing whole‐stream metabolism: Influence of spatial heterogeneity on rate estimates
AC Siders, DM Larson, J Rüegg, WK Dodds
Freshwater Biology 62 (4), 711-723, 2017
A mutualistic interaction between a fungivorous nematode and a fungus within the endophytic community of Bromus tectorum
MA Baynes, DM Russell, G Newcombe, LK Carta, AY Rossman, A Ismaiel
Fungal ecology 5 (5), 610-623, 2012
A comparative study of urban fragmentation patterns in small and mid-sized cities of Idaho
C Felt, M Fragkias, D Larson, H Liao, KA Lohse, D Lybecker
Urban ecosystems 21, 805-816, 2018
A portable, modular, self-contained recirculating chamber to measure benthic processes under controlled water velocity
J Rüegg, JD Brant, DM Larson, MT Trentman, WK Dodds
Freshwater Science 34 (3), 831-844, 2015
Ecosystem characteristics of remnant, headwater tallgrass prairie streams
DM Larson, WK Dodds, KE Jackson, MR Whiles, KR Winders
Journal of Environmental Quality 42 (1), 239-249, 2013
Shallow lake management enhanced habitat and attracted waterbirds during fall migration
DM Larson, SD Cordts, N Hansel-Welch
Hydrobiologia 847 (16), 3365-3379, 2020
High abundance of a single taxon (amphipods) predicts aquatic macrophyte biodiversity in prairie wetlands
DM Larson, D DeJong, MJ Anteau, MJ Fitzpatrick, B Keith, EG Schilling, ...
Biodiversity and Conservation 31 (3), 1073-1093, 2022
A before‐and‐after assessment of patch‐burn grazing and riparian fencing along headwater streams
DM Larson, WK Dodds, MR Whiles, JN Fulgoni, TR Thompson
Journal of Applied Ecology 53 (5), 1543-1553, 2016
Ecological status and trends of the Upper Mississippi and Illinois rivers
J Houser
U.S. Geological Survey Open-File Report 2022-1039, 218, 2022
Sediment excavation as a wetland restoration technique had early effects on the developing vegetation community
DM Larson, J Riens, S Myerchin, S Papon, MG Knutson, SC Vacek, ...
Wetlands Ecology and Management 28 (1), 1-18, 2020
Ranavirus outbreaks in amphibian populations of northern Idaho
DM Russell, CS Goldberg, L Sprague, LP Waits, DE Green, KL Schuler, ...
Herpetological Review 42 (2), 223, 2011
Aquatic vegetation dynamics in the Upper Mississippi River over 2 decades spanning vegetation recovery
KL Bouska, DM Larson, DC Drake, EM Lund, AM Carhart, KR Bales
Freshwater Science 41 (1), 33-44, 2022
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